Page 255 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 255

Skull  Cap  -  The  strengthened  incursions  of  ~he Hun.  They  were
                              leather cap fitting close to the head  designed  to  allow  the  horseman  to
                              which  preceded  the  introduction  of
                                                               brace his feet and legs fonvard, thus
                              the  helmet.
                                                               securing  more  power  to strike with
                                                               his  weapons.
                              Soleret  - Flexible  armour  for  the
                              foot  generally  made  of  steel  plates  Stop Rib - Small  rnetal  projections
                              or cuir  boulli. They were frequently  added  to plate arrnour to prevent an
                              fastened  by  straps  which  could  be  attacking  lance  head  from  sliding
                              cut  if  it  was  necessary  for  the  between  joints.  Originally  used
                              wearer to fight on foot,  thus remov-  around the neck but later spreading
                              ing  the  projecting  point  to  permit  to othet vital joints.
                              easier walking.
                                                               Stodded  and  Splintered  Arrnour  -
                              Spauàier - A  series  of  small  over-  The  name  sometimes  givcn  to  the
                                              to  protect  the  type  of  armour  worn  during  the
                              lapping  plates
                                                               transitional  period  of  1330-1360. In
                                                               it  there  were  many  varieties  and
                             Spear  - A  general  term  erubracing  combinations  of  mail  and  plate.
                              weapons  with  a  pointed  head  on  a
                              long  shaft.  Used  both  by  foot  Surcoat - The light linen coat worn
                              soldiers and  cavalry  though  for  the  over  the  armour  adopted  during
                              latter it was generally  termed  lance.  crusades  for  protection  against  the
                                                               sun  and  rain.  Later  shortened  in
                              Speannen - Foot  soldiers  armed  size  and  emblazoncd  with  coats  of
                                                               arms and used to assist identification
                              with  a  spear,
                                                               on  the  battlefield  during  the  14th
                              Spontoone - A  half  pike  retained  and  15th ceni-ury.
                              until the beginning of  the  18th cen-
                              tury and carried by officers. primar-  Swingle  -  A  weapon  fitted  with
                              ily to denote rheir difference in  tank  sharp spikes which  was  attached  to
                                                               the  shaft  by  an  articulated  joint,
                              from  ordinary  soldiers.
                                                               thus enabling the bearer  to  strike a
                             Spws  - An  essential  part  of  the  two-handed  blow  to  the head  of  an
                              Knight's  equipment  when  on horse-  opponent.
                              back.  Tbere  were  many  different
                             designs  which  frequently  displayed  Sword  - The  types  of  sword  have
                                                               ben discussed  under  their  separate
                              superb  craftsmanship.
                                                               alphabetical  headings.
                                                               Sword Belt - Originating of  a  ban-
                                                               dolier  or  sling  type  worn  over  the
                                                               right  shoulder. Zt  has  also  included
                                                               the waist belt type and the combina-
                                   Kinght's  Spur  with  Rowel   tion  of  the  two  culminating  in  the
                                                               sam browne belt  of  today.
                              Süietto - A needle sharp dagger  of
                              ItaIian  origin.                 Sword  Breaker  - A  comb  shaped
                                                               bladed  weapon  designed  to  catch
                             Stirmp  - First  adopted  during  the  the  blade  of  an  adversary's  sword
                              8th  century  particularly  against  the  and  with  a  sharp twist  to break  it.
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