Page 245 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 245

which  evolved  from  the  crusades.  Laminsted Plates - Small  reinforc-
                               These  were  the  Knights  Templars  ing  plates  used  to  fil1  the  gaps  or
                               and  the  Knights  Hospitallers,  In  protect  vital  joints  in  plate  armour.
                               addition  to  these  almost  every  They  were  designed  to  overlap  the
                               country  possessed  their  own Orders  principal  pieces of  armour thus giv-
                                                                ing  movement  in  addition  to  pro-
                               of  Knighthood.
                               Knuckle Bow  - The curved  portion
                               round  the  grip  of  a sword  designed  Lance - The principal  weapon used
                               to  protect  the  knuckles.
                                                                by  the  Knightly  class  and  the  one
                                                                most  used  in the tournament. There
                                                                were many  types  and  sizes of  lance
                                                                and  tliey were of  various lengths.
                                                                  Generally  the  shaft  was  of  plain
                                                                wood  but  at  one  stage  jt  was  of
                                                                melal  splayed  out  towards  the
                                                                handle  to  give  protection.  Behind
                               Lambriquin  or Mantling - A  short  the harid  ho1d  it  was thickened  con-
                               shoulder  length  cape  designed  to  siderably to give balance. This type
                               hang from  the top of  the helmet  for  was considerably heavier and  neces-
                               the protection of  the head  and  neck.  sitaled  the  use  of  a  lance  rest.
                               This  was  brought  inlo  use  during
                               the  crusades as a protection  against  Lance  Rest  - With  the  increased
                               the sun.
                                                                weight of  the metal lance ir  becanie
                                                                necessary to introduce a rest in  con-
                                                                junction  with  the  armour.  Conse-
                                                                quently  two  hook
                                                                            Lance  rest
                                                                was  reversed,  were  fastened  on  the
                                                                side  of  the  breastplate.  The  lance
                                      Mantle  or  Larnbriquin   rested  on  top of  the front hook  and
                                                                was supported by the rear one, thus
                                                                the  weight  was taken  by  the  body
                               Lamelllar  Armour  -  Small  meral  instead  of  the arm and shoulder.
                               plates  laced  together  upon  a  leather
                               or fabric base.  Used  extensively  in  Leg  Lames  -  Articulated  plates
                               the east.                        used  particularly  in  the  leg  armour
                                                                and  in the sabetons.
                               Lames  - The  srnall  metal  plates
                               laced  to Ieather  or fabric in  certain  kgion - A  Roman  unit  consistitig
                               types or amour.                  of  between 4,500 and  6,000 men.
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