Page 168 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
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for  the  basic  record  of  service of  a  births £rom 1924 and Asiatic deaths
                              particular  person  or  for  the  record  Erom  1925. The Marriage  Registrar
                              providing  a  specilic piece  of infor-  in  each  district  holds  details  of  al1
                              mation  about  him  and,  if  this  is  church  and  civil  marriages  back  to
                              successful,  to  supply  a  copy  of  the  1931. Al1 Sarawak records have  un-
                              record  or  particulars  of  the  infor-  fortunately  been  subject  to  the
                              mation  therein  contained. Estimates  Iapanese  occupation  and  for  this
                              of  the  cost  of  officially  certified  reason some gaps exist. Applications
                                                               to the Directory, Kuching, Sarawak.
                              copies  will  be  given  on  request.
                                Applications  For  searches  should
                              be  made  on  the  appropriate  forrn.  Scotland - There  are quite a  lot  of
                              Payments  shouId  be  made  in  ster-  differences  between  English  and
                              ling, and for the exact sum specified,  Scottish  Genealogy  which  must  be
                              by postal  order, or by cheque drawn  understood  by  the  inquirer  of  Scot-
                              on  an English  account  or  by  Inter-  tish  origin if  he is not to be beset by
                              national  Money  Order  payable  to  pitfalls.  Apart  Erom  anything  else,
                              the  Public  Record  Office. Up  to  most  Scottish  records  began  later
                              three  applications may  be  made  on  than  those  in  England.  primarily
                              any  one  fom;  further  forms  wjll  due  to  the  turmoil  in  Scottish  His-
                              be  sent on  request. There may be a  tory.
                              delay of  sorne weeks before searches
                                                                 It is  as well  to  understand  some-
                              can  be  undertaken  and  the  results  thing  of  Scottish  History  before
                              notified  to  the enquirer.
                                                               attempting  research  into  Scottish
                                                               genealogy.  First  of  al1  one  must
                              Recossant  Rob - Give  the  names  realise  that  the  Highlanders  and
                              and residence of  people found guilty  Lowlanders  belong  to  a  completely
                              of  nonconformity  either  Roman  different group of  people. The High-
                              Catholics  or  Protestant  dissenters  landers  were  of  Celric  orjgin  while
                              and  there  is  a  useful  return  of  all  the  Lowlanders  were  of  Germanic
                              convicted  recussants  giving  their  origin;  in  fact  similar  in  every
                             status and place of  abode in  August  respect  to  those  who  overran  the
                              1677 in  the British  Museum  Manu-  Roman
                              scripts  Department.  (Add  M.S.  Britain.
                                                                 Another  faIlacy  believed  by  most
                                                               name  of  a  clan  is  descended  from
                                                               the same stock. This is broughc out
                                                               very  clearly  by  the  fact  that  many
                                            s                  people  is  that everyone  bearing  the
                                                               people who  took  refuge  in  Scotland
                                                               and  in  some  cases  the  survivors  of
                                                               Scoltish  family  feuds  invariabIy
                             St. Helena - Civil  registration  com-  placed  thernselves under  the  protec-
                             rnenced in  1852 and applications for  tion  of  another  family  or  clan  and
                             information  must  be  sent  Co  the  adopted  the  same  nanie  as  their
                             Registrar.  There  are  no  earlier  protectors.
                             records.                            It is a good idea for the researcher
                                                               into  Scottish  genealogy  to  obtain
                             Sarawak - Records are held  by  the  a copy  of  a  Scottish Clan Map and
                             Director  of  Health  and  Medical  study  this in  conjunction  with  such
                             Services. Those for European births  a  book  as ' Scottish  Clans and their
                             date  from  1910  and  for  Asiatic  Tartans'  or  'The  Clans,  Septs and
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