Page 173 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 173
place of birth for fornis and
For every birth and death, an
official certificare should be on
instructions for filing a delayed
630A- 1.
certjdcate of birth because they
record in the place where the event
will probably be asked for copies
occurs. These certificates are pre-
of the record on many occasions
pared by physicians, funerai direc-
throughout Ise.
tors, other professional attendants, 2. Older people shouid ask the
or hospital authorities. They are
agency needing evidence of birth
permanently filed in the central vital
facts what records other than the
birth certificate will be accepted.
statistics office of the State. indepen-
dent city, or outlying area. Infor-
Persons nearing retirement may
mation contained in the certificates
save the by using records
js useful for many purposes and can
already in existence insread of
be obtained by requesting certhîed
filing a delayed record. Also,
some agencies need to see such
copies of these original records.
To obtain a certified copy of a
otlier records whether or not a
certificate, write to the vital statis-
delayed certificate has been filed.
tics office in the place where the
An officia1 certificate filed at or
birth or death occurred. Addresses
of these offices and fees charged are near the time of birth is the first
listed on the following pages.
In writing for a certified copy. it ever, if the birth was not recorded.
is suggested that a money order be two or more of the following
enclosed with the letter together records may be useful in establish-
with the cost of return postage. ing date of birth, place of birth, and
Fees listed are subject to change. parentage.
The Ietter should state the purpose
Records may be obtained as
for which the copy is needed.
The letter should give as much as
possible of the following facts:
Hospihi record of the birth -
Request a certified statement from
1. The full name of the person as
the person who has charge of the
given on the birth or death
official hosiptal records.
2. Sex and race.
Physician's record of the birîh - If
3. Parents' narnes, including maiden
the physician who delivered the
name of rnother,
baby lias a record of the birth,
4. Month, day and year of the buth and best proof of birth facts. How-
obtain a statement certified by hh.
or death.
5. Place of birth or death (city or Baptismal or other church records -
town. county, and State; and If the baby has been baptised, or
name of hospital, if any), has undergone some other church
rite. request an officia1 statement
When a birth was not recorded from the custodian of the church
with the vital statistics office either records.
of Iwo courses of action may be
taken by the individual to prove School records - It may be possible
birth facts: to obtain an officia1 statement from
the person in charge of the scbool
1. Younger persons should apply to records, giving age (or birth date)
the vital statistics office at the and parent's names.