Page 170 - Dictionary of Heraldry and Related Subjects
P. 170

A  most  important  Office in  con-
                               If  married, name of  spouse.
                                                               nection  with  Scottish  genealogy  is
                               Date  and  Place  of  marriage.
                               Place of  death (if  in Scotland).
                                                               the  Lyon  Office,  Edinburgh.
                               Was  the  person  the  owner  or
                                                                 Lord Lyon King of  Arms is a very
                                 tenant  of  any  land  or  house  powerful  Officer  of  State  in  Scot-
                                 property in Scotland. If  so give  land  and  has  the  last  word  wjth
                                                               regard  to everything which concerns
                               What was his profession or trade.  Scottish  heraldry.  The  bearer  of  a
                               Was  he  or  she  resident  in  Scot-  Coat  of  Arms  holds  his  Grant  for
                                 land  in  or  after  1841.  If  so,  himself  for  life  and  for  his  eldest
                                                               son,  but  the  younger  sons may  not
                                 where  and  when.
                                                               bear  Arms  unless  they  have  been
                                                               matriculated  at  Lyon  Office  and
                             There  is  also:
                                                               provided with the appropriate differ-
                                                               ence  marks  for  their  particuiar
                                The Society  of  Genealogists,
                                                               branch  of  the  family.  These  differ-
                                  37 Harrington  Gardens,
                                                               ences  are  decided  by  Lord  Lyon.
                                                               An  extrernely  useful  book  on  the
                                                               subject  of  Scottish  Heraldry  is  that
                             which  bas  a very excellent Scottish
                                                               written  by  Sir  Thomas  Innes  of
                             Library  and  it  is  frequently  worth  Learney,  the  late  Lord  Lyon
                             rnaking application to the Research
                                                               which  is called  ' Scots  Heraldry.'
                             Section of  the Society for assistance.
                                                                 Two other useful sources of  infor-
                               'T'here  are  a  number  of  printed
                                                               mation are the National  Library  of
                             works  which
                                                   assist  the
                                                               Scotland  and :
                                                                      21 Howard  Place,
                               ' A  Guide  to  the Public  Records
                                                               Seychelles - The Chief  Civil  Status
                                 of  Scotland ' deposited in H.M.
                                                               Oficer ho1ds  the  records  which  for
                                 Register  House,  Edinburgh.
                                                               births date from  1794 and rnarriages
                                                               and  deaths from  1808.
                               ' The Surnames of  Scotland, Their
                                 Origin,  Meaning  and  Estory.'
                                                               Sierra  Leone  -  The  Registrar
                                 (George Black).
                                                               General  holds  the  Marriage  Regis-
                               'Scottish  Farnily  History.  A   The  Scottish  Genealogical  Society,
                                 Guide to works of  reference on   ters  which  date  from  1796,  wtiich
                                 the  History  and  Genealogy  of   the  Chief  Registrar  of  Births  and
                                 Scottish  Families.'  (Margaret   Deaths, Medical  Department,  Free-
                                 Stuart).                      town,  Sierra  Leone  holds  records
                               ' Fasti hlesiae Scoticanse.'    of  births  and  deaths frorn  1854.
                               ' Register of  Deeds  1662 to  181 1 .'
                               Scots  Magazine  1739  to  1826.   Singapore  -  Civil  Registration  of
                               Kirks  Session  Records.        births  and  deatlis  commenced  in
                               The Register  of  Tailzies. In Eng-  1872,  the  records  are  held  by  the
                                 land  these are known as entails.  Registrar of  Births and  Deaths. The
                                 First formally legalised  in  1685  Registrar  of  Marriages  holds  the
                                 the  register  runs  through  to  records  of  marriages  which  com-
                                 1903.                         menced  on  the  following dates:
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