Page 87 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 87
24-Populatlon urbaine ot rurale de la province da Québec, p~r groupes d'ille, en 1951
24-Rural and Urban Population of the Province of Quobec, by Alle Groups, in 1951
Population rurllie - Rural Population Population urbaine - Urban Populatlun
Femmœ Hom_mM Femm...
Ho~m.. 1
AGE GROUPS Tot,,1 Total
1 Malo F'ernale 1 Male Fomsl.
0- 4 n.nS--YCBriL ••..•.••..•. 212.1l28 108.367 104,261 328.800 167."\)8 WI,298
6- 9....................... 189,l/01 97.173 92.728 ~73r:1'l3 139, Il'1 134,420
10-14 ....................... 153.760 78.9011 74.809 207,390 10'1.671 102,710
16-19.......•.....•......... 128.082 67,641 1l1.3011 208.519 100, 1~4 108.305
20-24 ..........•............ 102,760 54 .41l5 48.295 2:U:l.142 11O.0~4 128.108
26-29..•..............•..... 91,337 47.~ 13 43.924 241,blS 113.782 127.730
30-34.. ......... ............ 81.800 42,201 30.518 211,6-16 101,3201 113. 3~2
35-30..................... 71l.222 40.568 35,654 200,1,," 06.liolr> 103 .500
40-44 ..........•............ 00,3'13 35,377 30,006 17",571 85,23(; 110,335
4,,...49 ....................... 50.402 30,W7 2-6.825 146.036 72.:HO 74.2!10
47,800 25,458 22.3018 12·1.723 00.1181 63,7·12
50-.'\<1.• .................. '"
65-110....................... 30,847 21,57'1 18,273 01l,771 48.0010 oO,8:l2
00-64.........•......•...... 33.808 18.432 15.376 82,aOO 39.089 42.401
6ô..(j~...............••...•.. 20,300 10,184 13.110 63.8111 aO.51l0 33.271
70-7,1 ....................... 21,736 12,058 0,678 44.907 20,730 24.267
75-7U................ . ..... 14.234 7,818 6,416 26.5:18 Il ,n:15 L4,603
80-64 .................... " . 7 ,367 3,880 3,487 1:1,141 6.020 7.512
85-89...........•........... 2,002 1,528 1,464 5.276 2.074 3,220
0[\-94 .......... " .....•..... 854 oI()o\ 460 1,3U3 4n 891
95 .l< +..................... 190 83 112 243 82 Ill1
TOTAL .••.••••..••••.• 1,358,363 709,822 648,641- 2,&97,318 1,112,305 1,385,013
0- -1 a.nlt-"yul"8..•... ....... 1 15.65 15.27 10.0 12.19 12.77 11.65
5- O................. 1:1.!)8 13.n9 14.30 10.14 10.flO 0.71
10-14 ... .................. Il .32 11.12 11. 5~ 7.69 7.08 7.42
15-19.... ................... 0.50 O.M Il.0I!) 7.73 7.63 7. &:1
20-24 .... 7.57 7.67 7 Ar) S.83 8.:18 9.2[,
25-29...... " .... " ......... 6 73 6.68 G.77 8.1l5 8.67 0.22
30-a,\, ..........•........... 0.02 5.96 7.06 7.72 8. Hl
1)5-30..................... 5 61 5.70 0.50 7.42 7.36 7.47
40-44 .... ................... 4.88 '1.08 .\, 77 0.5L 6.49 fUi2
46-49.............. " ..... 4.16 4.25 4.0G 5.401 6.51 5.36
50-5~................•.... ~.52 3.59 3.44 4.112 .1. 6.1 4.60
55-fi!).....•................ 2.03 3.04 2.82 3.70 3.73 3.67
6O-M ...................•... 2049 2.60 2.37 3.05 3.05 3.00
65-09 ...........•........... 2.16 2.2 2.02 2 37 2.33 2.40
70-74 ......•.•.............. 1.60 1. 70 1.49 1.67 1.5 1. 75
76-7<;1....................... 1.0.1 1.10 0.90 0.98 0.91 1.06
80-&1.....•........•.•...... 0.54 0.65 0.5,[ 0.49 0.4:1 0.51
ll5-8lI................•....•. 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.20 0.10 0.23
9[\-901........................ 0.06 O.DO 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.07
06 &: +..................... 6.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01
TOTA.1••••.•••..•.••..• 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
DltnS le tublenll ci-dessus. la. population In tbe tubl R,iven below, tbe population of
rurale et urbaine do la province de Québec the Pro\rinc of QUt~bec is clas '<X1 as nU'nl
ost cla~si1iée d'lL)lrès la d6flnitiou de 1051. (L)Jd urban in !Leeor lance wilh the 1951 d llui-
telle qu'expliquée il. la page 52 du préFent Lion wbieh is explained on page 52 of the pl'I)-
Annuuire. Selon 10. 11 uvell définition, l'ex- sellt Yeu)' Rook. Accore!' g to the new defini-
c d nt de la populaLion uruair.(l sur la 10pu- tion. the urban population outnumbered the
lation rural e cJliffrc::. en 1901, à 1,338,955. rural hy ] ,33 ,0515 in 1051.
L s porsonn de moins de 20 ans consLitul'nt Persons of 1 ss t·ba.n 20 ycars of age OOlll-
50.45% de la. population d s cenLr s ruraux eL prised 50.45% of the popul:lotioll in rural a.reas
37.75 10 s ulem nt do celle de coutres urbai s, and onJy 37.75% f tlmt in urban centres,
cOlnparativomont à 49.73% et 38.72% n 1941. compuroo ta 49.73% und:3 .72% in 1941. On
Par contre. 1eR porsonnes Ilg6 s de 20 à .'JO anR the other hand, persons of 20 to 50 ycars or
représf'ntcnt 34.97 de lu. poplil tion I1lrnlo t :tg l'cpr 8()lltcd 34.H7% of tho DII'UI popula-
45.11% do colle dos vilks. DlLTlS les CllJ)'pa- !.ion and 45.11% of that of Lowns. lu tho
gnes, los gToupes quinqUClli.lllloUX 1 s plus nom- 11..11'0.1 arMS, th larg'est flV€l-Yllar age g-rollps
breux sont ceux d 0-1::; an ,et dans les viII li, are Lhos of 0-15 y ars and in the urban
coox de 0-10 lLDS. cent.rea 0-10 yeal's.