Page 218 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 218

200                    1NSTRUCTION-EDUCATfON

                        34-Stlllltlatiquel des écolea d'lIIlrh et métiers
                        34-Stlllltiltlcll of Schoo!a of Arh IIIlnd Crafta

                 Nombre           Elèveo insorilB aux oour.  Blàvo. ayant obtenu  8ubvontlona
                 d'IMtiLu-  Pornocnol    -                  -             du
         ANNl!:ES  Lions  enBoi"nant  Pupllll onrolllld ln OOUr•••  Pupli. aWllrded  aouvcrnompnt
           -       -       -                                              -
         YBARS   NnmbPr  Teaohlng;  Jour      Bolr    Diplôme  Oertifioat  GOVQrnmeDL.
                of ill/ltitu-  'LAIr  -       -         -        -       arflDt,
                  tlona             Day      Nig;ht   Dlploma  Certlficate
        1941-42 ...  36    171      1,022     3,016      I~      '.lI    3l~,232
        1942-43....  42    \81      l,a71     a.aa~      4a      122     3~3,676
        \943-44. , ..  GO  362      \,367     3.701J     72      90      626,7ll-i
        194<1-46....  41'1  ,162   2,162      4,601      81      168     B64,M~
        104~-46. ...  43   324     2,802      4,205     lao      2~a     747,682
        1946-47.  41       3:17    3,270      <I.l79    (1)      (1)   1,11&6,11L7t
                                                                       1. 4CIO, 21:1 r2~
        1047-18....  :18   4()~    :1.070     4,412  ....... ....
        1948-49.. , .  41  42Q     3.009      6,441      8   ". "502'"  3,0411,468 2)
        1049-60....  ao   432      3,8011     6,406      12      502   2.0911,891 2)
        1U60-51. ...  38  417      3,840      6,682  ............  765  2.032,851 ~2)
        IUM-52....  37    4111     4,116     0,316  ....... .....  782  2.:l4'1.670 2l
        1952-053 ....  as  !i11    6,01;1    8.195       18    1.40\1  3,083,610 (2
        1053-54....  -1\  1104.    5,511      8,670      3     l,I6B   4,3H, 21 (2)
         (I) PM do rllPP<>l't.                (I) No roport.
         (2) y compris dM immobiHsa.tlo09 n.u muntant do  (2) {Iloludinl! fi.od M••ts to tho amonnt o[ Saa3,725
        133:3,725 en 1016-47,  de  15a~,[J95 on  10 17-48,  du  in 1016 7, $533 695 in 1047-48/ SI,410,893 in 111,18-10,
        Il,410,80a on 101-40, do 1560205 en 1949-50, ,10  S5fiO;2D5 in 10411-50, S180,363 'u 19.50-51,  59,075 in
        1480,363  Oll  10r,0-51, do 5859,075 on  1961-62, d'  1051-52, SI.300,396 in 1052-53 o.nd ,1 ,22et,21:'! in W53-
        Il.360,a95 on 1062-53 o~ do $1,220,213 On 11),53·64.  M.
        35-Enseill'nement professionnel spécialisél Sommaire des dépenses detl 'coles et
                           des contributions gouvernementales
        36-Specialized Profeniona[ Teachinlll Summary  of  School  Exponditure and
                                   Covernment  Cranta
                                                                   Contribution dOl
                         D~poll.e. d.. éoole.                      OouvoroBmentl
                               -                 ImmobUI-              -
        ANNÊES            Sohool exponditure     estions  Recette.  QoveTnmcnt OrAnta
           -                                       -       -
         YEARS          Hllutoment  Art. ot      C.pitoJ  Rooei,pte      Provî
                Teohniquel cpéoioli86el  Métior.  e.'J,."nùiture         do Québeo
                   -       -       -      ToLol                  Coenda    -
                Teohniaal  Hi8hly  Arte ond                              Prov!oae
                Crolts                              of Quohe.
                   1       1       1       1       1       1       1       •
        1948-49•.. _ 2,M2,I50  1,168,020  3.22'1,551  7.034,724  2,531.871  572,991  1,891.111  4,570,022
        10·1P-50., •.  2,627,200  1.668,662  2,271 .628  6,173,490  1,75<1,100  554,783  78(1,05,1  6,132,653
        1050-51.., . 3,070,971  1,036,688  2,283.008  6,340,673  1,128,735  622,195  08\l,214  4,720,264
        1051-52.... 2,681,0601  867,863  2,573"117  6,126,244  l ,a03 ,927  665,600  860,134  4,610,604
        1052-1,:1.... :),1<17,241  1,010,262  4,a02,llOa  8,400,1ll2  1. 870 ,366  7[.2·, laS  755,636  6, lJfl2 ,388
        1063-51.... S ,011 ,260  1.5l4,429  4,717,81-1  0,240,523  2,171,915  702,603  653,055  7 .SBIl ,OM
              3-tCOLES O'ACRICULTURE              3-SCHOOLS OF AGRICULTURE
         Vingt-cinq inst.itutions diBpenstlnL ]'OT1 sei-  SdrnWic methods of farming are Ul.ught
        ~nement agricole da.ns ln. ProvilJco.  Ce sont,  in t'wenty-tlve instihltiouH in the Province.
                                             Apa.rt from the inteITrllxliat.e and superior
        outre les éGoles moyounes et BUpéri(:Ul'ûS d'agri-
                                             8('hools of,  there are  regional
        crulturo, los écoles rogionn-!flR nt !I)S orphelinats
                                             sC.hools and orpll!mageB whore farmlng is
        agricoles.  Les écoles régionnles soot des 8t'.C-
                                             taught.  Regiona.l sohoole are esUl.bliehed ll8
        tions d'enaeignement agricole qu'on éta.ùlit
                                             agricultural sectiolls of variotis institutions of
        dana certaines institutious de 10. Province.  tho Province.  The statisticB pertaining ta
        LeB sUl.tistiqutls de oos écoles ont été colligée!!  these schools were compiled for the firet time
        pour la première fois en Hl37...J8.  in 1937-38.
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