Page 200 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 200
ll-Contributlon. du Il'ouvernement d. 1. Province aulC 'cole. normale.
II-Provincial Covernm.n t Contri butlon. to Normal Schooh
f<:COLE8-SC[-IOOLS 1947-48 1948-49 1949-60 1061).61 IU51-1i2 1053-501
1 $ 1 1 Il S S
.rncquC8-ClLrt.l«;:r. . • . . . • .. ..•.... .. 127,761 126,828 103,281 98,127 1)31:1,683 Il 633, U26 1) IIiI ,851
LLLvnl , •..... 90,728 108,777 U7,814 07,443 108,(1-10 J 12,513 1:!',1.267
Rimo\lliki .. , , ' \1,447 10,868 22,697 19.127 23, III', 20,780 '.'7,464
Cbil:olll.imi (Boil Poatour) __ . . . . . 22,830 16,660 20,017 17,120 20,1,18 L81~57 :!i),n:W
Nioolr:t......... _.' l~,~M 16,110 19,227 1~.655 18,40:3 10,:135 21,:.100
Trtlls~nivière9. ... ..• .. , .. 16.837 17,096 20;640 18,274 :lO,S02 lU,W7 :.l2,2U3
V"UoyfH,ld. . . . . . . .. 1~,212 16,738 10,435 HJ.82{j lI1. 375 18.000 21,920
Hull....... . ..... .. .. 16,039 16,108 19.340 18,:t~1l lU ,SfIO 13.HO lU,707
.1oIiMto... .'." . 16,777 16,4H 18,897 Hi,32U I~, 115 17.1176 2U.172
8t-lly"oi.utho (Mllrle·Riviur) , 16,716 16,863 19,676 16,855 J1I,043 10,521 21. lFiO
t-Pwll,"I , , . 14,632 14.8018 18,926 1fi,71l2 Hl,287 J7 ,.;fl7 20.102
Slll:Throo!<o (1\·to.nj;. BCllli't!:,I',nis) •.. U.6~0 1~,993 19,070 lü,810 IU.280 17 ,Gill} 21. 545
lIelnll)ovilio. . . , .. , . 1~,822 18.963 19,236 10,5100 19.002 20,017 21,508
f'>t-.JérOlllo ,. . .. , . . . . . . .. _. 16,077 15,808 10,696 10,5:10 19,235 17.ti. IO 21.6115
Gl\8pé., .. . . ....• .,.,. 12,670 13.003 13.370 12,n:lS IG,3411 'IR '~'I"J 20,781
Rnbcr"'l.LI .........•........•.. 15,237 18,2.17 18,080 1ü,\J40 18.47:3 iÛl7ii n.717
l'\'tont-l..aul'ier. . . . . .. .. Il,806 12,820 12,7801 15,410 2) 17,li92 14.060 H.I, III
Villc-Mnrio........ .., . 1~,33{) 16.977 18,801 16.515 17.510 IV,HI 17 ,.~GU
Ste-Ur.ulo....... .. " . 14 ,862 1.5.818 18.125 20,019 22,44~ 21,700 10.\)36
Boic-Bt-Pllnl. . . .. . .... ,.. . . I~ .007 10,044 10,860 17.310 18,320 17.:WO 21.208
,.t-.J an.... ....... .." . 16.000 13,893 16,422 15,()()5 11l,482 15,510 18,\12:.i
Fh.\'Towflux..Jt.iaisonR. . .. . .. . •.. 6,32~ 0,200 7,700 8.200 8,817 O,GOO u ':1'",•.,
Havre-St.-Pierro. .. .. . .. l' •..• ' . 11.007 Il,116 10,865 Il,n06 13,U02 11 ,.~IH7 î5:f:l20
..o\nIQ3..•........... ' .,. '., 16.48~ 16.481 13,700 18,356 2~ ,4?~ :.W,ll!i5 31,-18U
Ch"lXlall......... ........ 11,872 14,273 13,266 12,8(;6 Jo),Dd., 1:l,!l30 1·1.:12.';
:-;!<'-R08O-dll-Dé~oli..... , .. ., .. 14,067 10,490 17,890 16,372 Hi,HI2 18,410 IR.281
Lévi•.......... ,. . . 14,9M Ill, M6 19,103 16.MI lU ,C140 18,:l-2 :.l0.G:l2
S~~Ou.IJli(m... ... .. .. . . 14 ,027 16,678 17,086 10.566 16,076 IU.070 1\1,'104
St-f..eOIU'lT1.I·d·Aston.. . "" 13.802 14,333 17. SOIl 15,732 17.702 16.592 20.3!i6
, t-ITYl\ intb (SS. ,10 S.-J,.,,,.) _.. 14,630 16,170 19.0M 16,520 18,301; 17.010 19,001
• bcrbwoke (Fille, du 10 .h.). . . . . 12,169 14,200 16,916 14 .8;'2 t6,H52 17.7UO l{),66G
MulIt-Joli..... . ... ., .. 18,207 15.785 18,707 10,310 18.172 10,:302 21.,100
'l'hotford Mino•......... ' . 13,007 16,003 17,053 15,704 17.:iüO IIl,HM 20.1:12
Cllp-do-hL-Mllrloleill" . 1J. 747 14,264 17.302 16,28:1 20.0Q:", W.~22 ~1 ,180
Sto-Allou-<.lcs-Monl.8.. _..• , , . 10,207 8,682 14,402 13.580 lli,146 15,434 li;, 7:;6
L·blot . IJ ,367 16,960 18,163 18,&l:J 17.037 lB.9-17 20,347
Pont.-rtoulo!:"n... .,..... '. 0,197 la, 20~ 11l,2AO 11,52!1 Ifi.71l7 Ifi,690 l~13fla
f-;r...Alldro-Avt1IJin.. . . . . .. 9,~37 11.810 13,832 13,01i2 11,637 15,201 16,677
(;urlc.ton . 8,027 13,1117 21,734 17,2M 20,552 20,,;0'1 20,110
St,·J.n.ulhort. , .. , ." . . . 6,343 11 .0116 1~,7M 16,{}2{1 18,300 1(I,08U 22.0ril
Ch.iuolltimi ( S. du Don-·CQn~eil).... 12,876 17.826 16,011; 18.41G 17,O(\() ~ 1. ·121
3,016 10.990 12,80;, 1J. 877 17 ,:-,~7
AHltl 11i .. .•.• '" .•.....•. 16,700
Mf\'t.nHC .. ,...... . . . 3,000 11,600 11 ,072 1-I,(l!lU 14.8uO 17 .517
Hiu:1ud . 10.364 17.200 15,405 17,t,].i 1[1.'J)jn 20.11.';
Ih..le~C(lJlHJau ,. . . 7.160 8,160 12.075 Il.ono \J ,000
DollJcûu , .. ' . , ,. ..' ... 8,071 13.214
"luotrCl" (8 du St ··Croix). 10,3:10 17,534
COMMlTN AU'1'fa-CoM:'.1 UNITle~:
d'hommcR-Mcn'15 ...... , .. ...... ao ,060 41 ,32~ 46.226 &1,600 48,47r> 53.350 59.3M
d(~ (ommos-'VoJlwn' 6.336 6,720 6,830 7,505 U,5GB HL522 17,656
." 0"0' --------
On.\....'1o TOTAL .. ........... 712.:171t n6,701 117,417 925,526 1,739,541 1,61&,111 l,240,SIl
0) y Ctnnpri'J les H0l11IHW1 pnyoos pour lu. con:;;trruct.lon (1) lnel!.ll,,"' ~UlOHnl.. ,,~id for tho huildin~ of a
d'Iluo ~colc normalll 11 ~l(lI\tTéal: S7111,080 on 11)111-52; nurlOI1180hooi in Montreui: $710,08U in 1\J/i1-52; $·152,:173
$-1&2.1173 cn 1062-6:1 ct $0,773 cn 1953..,IH. in liJfi2-63 IlOct ~1J.77:J in 1963-54.
(2) Coml' lIct 1'60010 kmlco Bourget. (2) [nelnd,'. ["nneo Bourliat .chool.
Le gouvernellH'nt de lit province de Qué- The l'wl'illûf' of Qllebec goVel'nnlellt.
bec avait sou~"rit" ~'11 1934, 1I1le somm' de gmnted normal ~cho(lIH t.he sUIn of 51,240,-
$1,240,381 aux p,:nles IlOl'lnllle~, au regard ;i81 ill ID.54 in cOUlpari,;on wit,h :'I7R2,279 in
de $782,279 en 1948. H)48,
Ll~g diplf>rnes l,cl)ordo~ pal' Il'~ l\colns nor- In 1954, Quebec nOrlTlll.l sehool~ ItwlI,rded
mn.lcs du qllébc:.: Iltt.cÎl!:naiellt le nornhrr! dû 3,542 diplolUaH, that is, 1,723 elemon\.l\ry,
;{,542 en W54 et étaient llinsi L'épartis: 1,723
954 complcmenlal'Y :~ncl 587 8uperior di-
diplônws ûlémOlJt.airc~. 9f,4 diplùl\wR com-
ploml\~, A.S wcll as 178 cerli(lpaletl (A, il
l'léml'ntLLjl'('~ el n87 diplônwA supérieurs,
;l.insi que 178 brovet.: (A, B, ou C) c1'après le or C) in Itccordance with the new progruro
11011 V~lllU pl'ograrnmo dos écoles llormu,les. inst,itutod in normal 8chools.