Page 487 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 487


                    13--Principales industries de la province de Québec, 1951.
                     13--Leadinlf Industries of the Province of Quebec, 1951.

                                          ttabil.-  Em-  S~luire.  rrULtièw~  VuJeur bruto
                                          86lnCnf..d  plo~'és  et gagee  pr~wi~res  des produit.
                                          E.t.ab-  Em-  Sn1llriea  Coot Df  OrDsa value
                                          liS!lIl1DDlIl ployec.  and W"II08  muterluJ.  Df produot.
                                           No.   No,      $        $        S
          Pulpe et. papler--Pulp and l'''PCI'' ...•....... , ..••  65  24,,140  &:J, 017, a07  213,576,2'17  G24, 164,25'1
          Ri>duDtioll et a!fmage de1l 111l~t.aUX non ferroux-Non-
           rerrçme filetai 8~elti~~ (uul rnfiuiilg..:  .  8  8,683  28,379,361  19G, 829.047  307,000,723
          Prodlllt.. du pétrolol-I 'tr"l"um l'rodu<J.•.........•  7  2,130  8, (;36 ,072  IBI ,887,987  247, 6ll2, 200
          Abuttoirs et 8Qlai.on.-,"lsu~htcrHlllund mc"t paok-
           ing                 ~         .   37  4,017  11.121.6ll0  167,626,238  191,029,062
          FiMe ct ti••u. ds ootoo-Cot.ton ynrn and oloth  .  21  18,161  37,3\)fl,M8  117,210,947  182,144,774
          Confootion. pour homm.H-Clothlng, men'., (sotory  317  17,838  aa ,2o\J ,007  7&,246,359  135,069,021
          Confcclioo'  pour  (cmme&-CJot)üng,  wDmon'.,
           f..etory                      .  6li~  18,800  a5 ,874., 004  60,916,157  134,331,430
          Matériel roulo·ot. do chemin de fe  Ra·iJwuy rolling
           .toek.........................•.............  10  16,1i72  H,&OO,1.20  73,088 .300  125,131,372
          Dourro et. fromag_B"tter ond eheoss  .  ?fi0  5,617  lL144.098  1  00,218,486  Il l ,500,081l
          Tub.le. ·igur•• ct eigurot\08-TobucCD, cigurs and
           oignrotlœ   '. ,  ,           .   33  7.200  IO,aOO,1lS1  611',241.46&  108,517,604
          Appareil. et fouroltures éJootdques n.a.é.-MI..,,,I-
           laucou. der.trieul o.pPlLmt"8 und Rupplioe  .  a2  Il ,005  34.414,100  44·,703,1"'"  107,983,637
          TextU.... eyllthétiqu  ctsoie-Synthetic l<:xtiles und
          ~ci~~~(~'.~~~,~-,il'I~:,','..,:~ ::~ ::::::::::::::: :::::  1,981  13,016  31,586,8011  44 ,298 ,!lfl3  105 ,86:1. 781'
                                                       10, lOS, 157
          Préparntinru; alime.otaire" dIYBrl108-Miec<lliunoou.
           rood propnrntiofll'l n.C.I;J  , .. ,  ,  .  84  2,463  0,527,46.3  51,810,623  76.&21,182
          Pain ct a·utres produits do boulnnj~t,ri(.."---r:ll'ftn,d (LÏld
           Dther bukery pr(,,1u""lI      .  062  0,'125  18.110,326  3fi, 772 ,063  70,4.28,821
          Chau8tlures en (luir  l i'()Otn,(·t.r, tCnlJwr  , . , . , . , •  182  12,188  20,775,03&  30,440,836  09,911,651
          Produil6 du cutyr' ct du Initon-Elrll.'" I.Uld ooppor
           produe!•.................. ,  .   37  a,IOI  8.?a5,203  60"i40,;~12  68,001,364
          Mnchinerio Indu.trieliu-lI'lo.chinery, iIldu"trinl  ,  fi7  7,452  22,388,100  30,828,602  00 ,048,890
          !Ii ublcs-Furniture        ,   .  436  9,047  18,721,860  29,134,816  60,053,817
          Proycudo prép'lréo, ot volaill  FoodII, stook
           ".nd roultry. l'ropl,,od.,,  ,  ,  .  200  1,375  2,8·11),120  4'7.203,218  M,OIO,GIlI
          Art.ieles (m ':aoutchouc-Rubbor goOOIl  , .. , .  24  7.184  17,42:1,541  21,938,363  l>4, 0ô4 ,987
          Avions ot. pièoeft-Aircrnft and I>lU"'  ,  .  o  S,950  27,12'1,074  2:3,4M,40~  &3,127,598
          I.\ott.ell et .'w" en papi r-[lox08 !Lnd bUlla, psper, ..  R3  4.383  9,000.798  ~O..(125,772  6l.li20,6'!6
          T6lario-Shect D.otul prodllcl6  ,  .  06  4,896  J3,435,054  26.668,427  40,847,845
          Addos, alcalis et selS-Acide, nlkulle" !Lnd ."Its  .  10  S,2f>8  11.095,188  17,803.312  40,062,2'W
          l'or et ùoicr primu,irce-Primary iron and etcr.'  .  13  4, J09  12,823,031  17,811,81i0  48,7'.8,8-W
          ImpJ'Ol!8iou ct &lit.ion-Priotin~nud pllblis!lLnIl  .  83  f.,483  IB.OflS,225  H ,IlM.:i61l  47,004,750
          Brn88erios-Breweries    , , , . , . ,  .  8  2,831  9.407,761  15,1f16,!lOR  4U,Olll,2HJ
          Distilierie_Di.tilled liquore. ,  , ,  ,  .  8  2,033  li. 032,718  17,677,70&  40.24),268
          At"liere de rnbotnge, l'orteil, cMs"ie, etc.-Slleh,
           dcu>r nnd plfLning mills.. , ...........• , ... , ....  763  10.372.192  26.8-19,768  44.M6,MO
          DjvCrN 11l"odnit6 ~hirniq\l  n,a.~.--M.iNecl)BnooU8
           chornical produd8 n.0.8  ,    .   M   5.005  12,754,866  10.376,107  41,874,01 i
          ])m11 do luin<l-WnoUcn oloth  ,  .  30  3,218  7.405,374  28,614,881'  41,405,301
          PI'ép(~l'8tion8  médicinales  et  phll.rmn.oouLiquBEt--
           1\-fodiûinl.1 uod ph"rllluc ntl",,1 prerarat,ions......  91  3,678  (J,'-.88,114  12.739.t20  11,37·1,4f';)
          Trirnts. nutrae que b&B-I\nittcd gonds, othor tho.n
           hoeicry                       .   BU  5. J 13  0,(),31 ,876  22.773.682  40,a48.049
          Pièces fOOUJ6CS, rer-Co.stin~, iron  , . _, , ...•...  &0  4.506  12,141,040  111,['28,620  ao. 838 ,027
          Produit.:~ de l'oJulllinium-Al1Ullinum protiuotB.....  22  2.172  6,407,074  24,200,124  38,r,(1:1,122
          Impreaeion ct roliure-Printinll und bookbindilllJ··  531  6.591  IIl,870,U47  12,843.tifiO  37.773.Mù
          Produll6 divers du pupier--1I1i" clluoceu" pupor
          AC~o~~~.~h~;.po~t;,:pà~'t~:~ic·.':':'B·ri(ig,;b;,iiding',;~d  67  2.1;27  ',.708.771l  21.302.145  37,151.153
           Rtructural eteel     , , , ,  .   10  2.843  9 ,340.70[,  17,O!l40,UI7  '(J,048.3IU
          Couutl'U .l,ion de nnvi,·clt-ShipbuildinJ! ..  ID  5.131  13.206,066  12.~··Lfl<!'1  33,018,030
          1.'0'rAlJ, r'fl(N'CII'ALge INOUSTR1FJ8-
           'rOTA'"" ,-,IDAO[N(I rNJHJ8TRl1ll8 ..  7,773  294,501  731,953,768 2.D8:l,628,5ao 3,718,148,9&1
          TCrrAL., 'rOllTX-S 1  OUATlUIU!-
           lOTAL, ALL 'NDU8TnrEi'l.....•.  U.~61 417,182 1.005,601,1;80 2,&98,63l1,648 4.918,157.419
          % DX8lNDUHTlUBH PRIN011 ' Al.E8 A'l'OU'l'1J8IN olJ8'l'nIJiJ8
           ~J Olo' I.Jo}ADI.NO INl>08TRU;1:\ 'fO AL(,. INDUSTRIEB.,.  65.5  70.6  72.8  77.2  75.6
   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491   492