Page 485 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 485

}rrANUFACTU RES                          466

          Il-Statistique manufacturière par cités, villes et villages de la province de Québec,
                         ayant au moins trois établissements, 1950 (Fin).
           I1-Manufacturing Industries by Cities, .Towns and Villages in the Province of
                  Quebec, having Three or More EstablIshments, 1950 (Concluded),

                                                    CoOt du com-  CoOt cl..
                              (-anblis-  Em-  Salaires  hualibl. ot do  u.Hif..i~rcB  Valeur bruw
            CI'n~8, VILLHa~, vrLLAoea  sement..;  ployés  e~ gage.  l'élootricilé  prQnliÔl~8  cloa produit.
           ClTIU, TOW'Œ Al'ln VILLAGE8  Estab-  Em·  Aalnrip.s  Cost of  Cost or  Cr"", VBlue
                              lishl""nl.s ployees  and WageB  Fuel and  Mnterio.!s  of ProduoUl

                                No.   No.     $                    s         li
          St-Primo.....  .  .     10   27      28,004    4.331    183.567   249,047
          St-ftaph!l<ll. , ....• , ........•.  B  12  H.On  1.497  I1B,202  122,010
          S ItaynLood.. , ............•.  \8  1711  11"\7.747  16.380  4511.592  931,051
          St-Rcmi. .............•.. , ...  \\  1120  ·171\.7!/H  61,055  2,685,962  4,22B,389
          Sto-Roso   , ..•......  9    148    217. ~7·1  Il.787   4:10,041  7fiR,104
          St-Scholnotique  , ..   7    28      41.131    r,.713    4",.ORO  101,507
          St.-Séb".ticn . . . . . . . . .. .  ,  7  27  33,641  '\,178  t 1.'),630  184 ,473
          St-8ylvère         .    4     10     Il,761     J ,1.50  142.!l<I5  109,403
          Sto-l'Molo         .    10   4\1     00,272     7,107   J95,005   325,005
          Sto-Th~rèso-tl  Blain'·llie  .  112  920  1.618.070  8·1.176  2.312.8011  5,570,897
          St-TimotMe       , , ..  3    0      4.·Hl7     1.031    46,7fl5   50,415
          St-Tiw          ,  .   24    345    439.308    1B.000  1,002,170  1,752,410
          St- bnlù   ,....... .,.  5   10      \0.2ll4   2.390    10:1,0:12  HO 322
          St-Ulric..............• , .. .,  Il  I!)  16,103  620    na,G04   139:518
          SI-Vi"tor-dc~Tring,... ' •......  o  2:1  20,349  4,325  7B,328   135.320
          S .C.-dC-,Jf:SIlB  , . . . .• . ....  li  10  !l.060  796  61.170  80,895
          SawycrYillo  .          5    76      96,710    1.284    2lli.243  354 ,303
          Sennotmro.... ..  .  .  10   Illn   213.243    13.079   4111.800  866,766
          ~ 'hllwinigll.n PnH9  ,  Hl  4.8(i3  L3,279.301  7,210,012  34,200. \)2  81,011,0ll4
          ;\n-  .     7    ~O      21,0<1-1  2,718     41l,420   01,232
          , hl"vville,       .   10    116    13 ,(11'1  1l1,8115  Bfll .402  1.138,400
          8hprbroolc ..          100  8.107  10.17 ,HW  1,158,394  34.077,844  7CJ, O.'R, 807
          Rillo,·y....  . ....•........  4.  28  36.607   1,:tJl   25,020    70,\)02
           orul.     ,.,  """    34.  l ,(Hl!  3 ,1l44 .310  257,805  1,302.'100  5,04B.708
          Sul[(.n  .              Il   174.   237,073    19,897   [.OB,132  1,022,'105
          Terrobonne        .     17   5l:!~  1.144.179  lil.OH  1,892.218  4,077 ,60B
          Thet!on..i Mine. .  .  28    :Hli   fl03,381   &1,888   833.551  2,120,210
          Thurao   .              10   412    949.303    15.43'1  1.035,400  3,15Il.111
          Tring-Jonetion..        4    122    172.M4     11,11\3  230.805   010.017
          Trois·Pild.olf'oS, .    17   2.i4   411n .20<1  16,740  2.122,05B  3,380,018
          Trl)ÎH-flivjjjrca. . . . . . ..  o ••••  80  0.979  19,839,4:l1  0,20'1,590  38,886.570  02,901.507
          Upton....               12   li4     50,003    J2.930   531,107   659,910
          V"I-D'H'icl...........•....  4  12   12,846      887     21.800    48.340
          Vol d·Or  ,    .        19   200    37:l.925   32.714   4 0,322  1.123,488
          Vnll ·yfio!(I.  .      42  4.072   8.797,933  684 ,.107  15,871,501  34, ·181 .8-18
          Varennes  , .•.. , .•.  4    12      16.814-   1,049     20,892    67.255
          VOTl'hères        , .  15    1\:1   187.206    42.775  1.101.740  1,570.562
          Verdun  .              681,260     2,:11l5.!lllS  7B,1701  r. ,017.086  0,743.811
          Vic:toria vi1le.       56  2.580   4,625,356  17-I,BO!!  8,:387,77f>  15.802,243
          VllIc-l\'lnrlo......•....  3  14     16,032    :1.382   160,902   215,295
          W ..kofiold .............•  1;  17   22,IPo7    2,!H4    80.31B   313,214
          \\'lLrwick .....•...    17   4·07   690,776    71, n:l  2,122.834  3.721,48[,
          '·Vu.torloo  .         20    00    1,047.9611  74. O~  2.347,1118  li ,350,0(13
          W..u,rvil.1      .      (';  [,2     80.01l     1,1111l  114,370  230.302
          Woool)n  .              Il   172    2114,411   12,3ll3  408.71:1  687.082
          "'of'ltmount...  .      14  1,040  1,703.100  2~7 .003  5,825,45l  H, 233,2>17
          Wickharn-O.-W  ,  .     4     JO     fl.035     I,OZll   93,B71   J08,497
          ' ...·C1ttOIl ..        7    28      31,503     3, lUI  22'1.448  281.3'12
          Yaroflchiche. ,  .      10   47      40.090    4,392    21.5,645  283 ,067
   480   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490