Page 486 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 486

466                         MANU/i'ACTURES

                 12-Prlncipalell industries de la province de Québec, 1950.
                   12-Leadinll' Industries of the Province of Quebec, 1950.

                                              Eta-              CotH dea
                                             bli8l!...  Em-  BlÙ8.!1'68  matières  Voleur bru 1.0
                                             men18  ploy~.  nt gagea  première. de. prodlli Ul
                     INDUSTRIEB               -    -      -       -       -
                                             F...tah-  Em·  Salariee  Co.t 01  Oro,," value
                                              IlAb·  ployee. Bod wagea  D'lAtarlal.  01 product.
                                              No.  No.    S       li
       Pulpe ot papier--Pulp Rnd paper.....•..••. , .....•.... , ..  54 22,000 72,660,996 105,934,108 421 ,720.206
       RéduoUon et affinage doc métaux non.lernlUx-Non·feTTou.
         motnl reflnilllt "nù omoIUng.••.......•..... ,  ,  .  7  7,139 20,474,071 183,426,318 263 , 606. 900
       Produi18 du pétrole-Petroleum produol<l.•..•• ,  ,  6  2,290  6,872,476 136,482.046 188,666,036
       Abatto!re ot ealaÙlo1\ll-8lauRbtering and meatpa.oklng  .  40  3 ,Sali  9,nO,877 149,637,1126 174,668,1188
       Filé••t t1B11u. de coton-Cotton yaTU aJld clotb.•.. , ••.....  18 17,1'147 36,493,952 108,714 ,600 171.168,377
       CoolootioD pourfommc&-Clothing, woman'! faotory..•..•..  660 18,6a3 34,330.460 60,312,710 129,308,609
       Confootion pour hommee-Clolhing, mell" Il\ot.<'>ry.....•...  341  17,627 31,888,076 70,741,186 127, i60,7-I3
       Tabac, eignre, dJ!;l\rettè8-Tohl\"co ci~relInd r.tgu.rottce,  .  37  7,782 18,024 ,801 118,624 ,IO~ lIB, 6'13 ,77'6
       Textile. 8YlltMtl'lu,," el oole-BYllthetlo tnxlilcaand ailk  , .  34 13,027 28,431,782 37,276,202 08,603 ,207
       MaMriel roulant de ohemin de fer--RlliJWIlY rolllnll-.teek . _..  10 13.49r, 3·1 ,236,778 64, 2i>3, 97-1 03,001,068
       Be\lTTB cllrom8lC&-Butler and cl""leo  , ,  _..  7RZ  n,oH)  0.821,178 74,022,701 02,706.7(17
       Appareils t\loclriq\les-Elcctrica. apparalue  _•..  32  10,52;) 27,8L6,361 31.406,131 83,574,246
       Boltriett-&wmilla   _    _  __      .  I.OU6 10,357 14.181,814 43.083,768 73,671,302
       Cbl\l1 urCll on cuir--Boota and ehoo•.......... _  .  184 12,017 20,472,607 35.292,064 6-i ,688,0211
       Produil<l alimentalreo, divera-FoodBJ. mi.cellaneou•........  72  2.012  4,196,613 411,377.010 64.263,12\
       Pain cl prooui18 deo boulangerlœ-t1""'ù aud otbor bakory
        prOfhu:t.l!J.•••.••.•••.•..•.•••••••• , ••.. " •••.•••• " ••  976  8.07(1 10,102.126 31,020,224 69,020,761
       Meuhl118-Ful'nilure..........................•.... _  .  377  8,844 17,416,374 24,613,201 53,&i8,476
       M~cbln"rle induotri..lIe-lndusttilll Mâ<lhhlUry  .  59  0,136 15,708,10Ii 17,634,731 47,4.07,168
       l'rovl.ncle J>r~pllrœ-l'mpllr<'d.t<",k ",,,1 pou1try feod•......  163  1.200  2.405,660 40,312,080 47.003,887
       Produits du bron.e et du culvr&-BMl88 and coppel' praduo....  38  2.782  6,627 ,846 31,157.1\4'1 44,020,716
       lmp  ion et étlition-P";nting and puhli.blng  .  8l  6.:l7U  10,1154,638 12,125,733 44,19!I.3R3
       BrB8Hori~Brc\,·criee.. ,  ,          .    8  2,ti28  7.225.189 14,079,680 4:1,108,uO'>
       Tôlerie0-8hcflt Olet.a1 pro<\ucte....•................. _  .  67  4.620 11,415,731 22.143,75u 43.005,671
       ArHelee eo eaouloholle-RuLI>er gOO<i8, inoludiog Inetwear  .  23  0.686 14,1158,889 18,400,998 41,646,1111
       Atollcra de rabotage, porle", ohllaeis, .w.-Bueb, daor and
         plauing mille  ,                  .   728  ii.018  0,831,755 23 ,409 ,30r, 40,0(;6.106
       Boites et 81\e8 en papier--Boxes and ball", pnper........•..  60  4.167  7,022,IIR 23,718,303 39,906,018
       Acides, al.,u1l8 1. l_Adda, alkalice and !;l'Its.......•.....  li  2,ô!'>1  8,138,11:1  12.836.:364 30.f>Q(l, 68'1
       lmpre ion el reliure-Printinllllnd bookLulllinR  .  600  fI.420 H, 781,9611 :1",131. 395
       Préparations ~édiclnnl  o~ plmrmaecutiqur&-Moùloioa\ nnd
         pharmnoculll,"1 pl'Oparo.llon•...........................  92  3.411  8, lû4 ,370 10 ,003 ,302 33.416.1Q.1
       Confiaeriœ, cncao. ohocolat.  etc.-ConrecUoncry,  ~(~oat
         ohocolale, etc                     .   62  2,83f>  4,640,Olfo 16,702,309 32,590.40S
       Trico ,lIutree QUO bao-Knitlecl Ronde................•..  66  4,88,~  7,660,040 17,718,506 32.482.694
       Bidérurl(ie--Prilllûry Iron and .l..el.  .  12  3,482  {} ,643,70:1 11.222.417 32.208,247
       Oi8Iilloru:8-Diotil1oriee............................•....  8  1,765  4.697.21l2 10,linS,a71 31,01:l!),608
       bl\ux gnoeu  l\rbOUllWcI walere      .  173  2.708  .",485,170 11,2.'i!l,1l34 al,.I:18,417
       R~rriJOOrn.tcllra. 8apirntcllr8 ct l\utTca nrtidc'I:J élcctriqucs-
         RefriRerntors. vnc\lUm oleone1'8, ltod nlJplil\ncc~e,  ,  .  22  2,467  6,429.74,'i 17,177,708 31,690.18;1
       C nrcetion d"" lourmrœ-Fur good•......................  281  3.107  0,969. 67·t 10,71:1:1, u37 31.4Ilol,405
       Tillllus de Illin_Wo lan olotb       .   a3  3,070  0,387,201  18,207,032  ~(),0'28,80\0
       Moulnngoe on fonto-CllStiulœ. iroo   .   69  3,762  9.73u,290 14,617,180 211,807,0'17
       P',?ùuite di\'ora ùl' Ptlpl~r-Miscelll\n!K!u.paper 1100<1•...•..  R.5  2,460  4,8'14.984  17,40\),8',1 k 778 ,Ou3
       Pcmtut"e8 ot vormA-Pnmtl and VRnluthes  , , ,  ,  82  2,613  0,070,008 16.883.188 2 ,970,M8
       TOTAl"  rnrN(:lPAl.t:8 lNnU81'Rlm8-
        TOTAL, U1ADtNO INDU8TW1!la•.• "  . .•  , •.•.  8,108 289,!l55 598,007,804 1,708,U4,3<19 3,U2,5ti9,n6
       TOTA l"  TOU"l'E6 IN"nOtITRlE8--
        TOTAL, ALI.. INOUf:I'l'tuI!l8....••...•••.•. , .. , •..••.  n,870 390,183 851,334,700 2,225,478,520 4,1A2,473,290
       % OEa fNOU8TnJEB PRJNClIlALEa A TOU'f!~R INDVWfRlJl:6-
        % 0 .... L})AUlNO INO\J1:1'rlllw:8 TO ALL INDUSTRtE8•••••• ".' .  &9.5  89.2  70.2  7&••  75.1
   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491