Page 217 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 217

                             41-Statiatiquea dea écolea techniques.
                               41-Statlatica or Technical Schoola.

                                 ltMvr.8 Inscrits                    Bubvon-
                   Année           [lU.I OQUri        J1:l/lvos ayant obloou  tiollJ'i riu  Volumes
                  do fon-  Perlonnel  -        Pr6senoe    -         gouvcr-  on blbllo-
            Année  dalion  onloillnani  Puplt. ·enroUod  moyenDe  PuplLs üWllrded  UlJmant.  IO~Que
             -      -     -        in "ourses.  -                      --     -
             Yoar Dl  T ...hloll         Averalle              Oovern-  Volumes
                  fouoda-  otAf!  du lour  du .oir  sUendan.e  Diplôme  Certificat  mant  ln
                   lion          g~     evenlnll      DlplolIl"  Certlficato  Il rante  ührüry
           1G46-17 ...  1024  24   123    308     300     B      B6   B2,748  1,000
           11117-48 ...  1924  27  112    3fJ1   364      14     28  263,768  l,noO
           11118-49 ...  1024-  28  liB   305    4'19     13     lB   15G.GGG  (j93
           1949·50 ...  1924-  27  168    /ilS   0·12     8      26   181, GUG  IIM
           HI50-51 ...  1\)2·1  33  lOS   54.4   600      8      31   172,71;0  1,n~2
           lOtH-52 ...  1924  1\3  1;:\   B13    70\1     12     37   162"JUB  1.1<12
           1916-47 ...  1907  CH.  •  552  1,600  1. U85  74    483   231.526  6,278
           Ill47-48 ..  1907  00   570   li 65ü  l, MG    fl3   591   338,612  6,401l
           1948-49 ...  Hl07  90   779   1,(;02  1,980   103     77   627,612  7,928
           10'10-50,. ,  1007  89  668   2,009  2,21\1    88     \)1  304,123  8,022
           1050-51 ...  1907  85   (i24  l,  Cl  2,023   103     76   337.277  (1.702
           1\l51-52 ...  1907  87  1}<13  2,334  2,366   106     50   327,218  6.718
           I04fH7 ...  lOlO  42    427    710     863     25    206   405.620  2,160
           1047·4S .•.  1010  .~3  "15    787   1,159    32      68   005,508  2,276
           1048-40 ...  1610  U3   600    SIO   1,110     45    114   447,81l1l  2.463
           1049·50 ...  1010  66   703    8G9   1..1S7    46    113   487,024  2,586
           1950-5L ...  L910  05   7 III  ,  771  1.3n7   M      43   316,1179  2.üUl
           1951-52 ...  IIBO  82   731    865   1,522     47     30   157, fl51  2.727
                                          TllMOUS[{I (3)
           HH8·10 ...  19·18  ~13  2[11   113     3·12    11     63   315,475  2,33G
           lU·19·W ...  111,18  :l4  310   9Z     383     21     15   443.220  2,623
           l\J'GO-rn ...  1\118  :\7  3:JU  .. ....  329  14     71   016.298  a,040
           1 ~J:llw'-,~ ...  1048  ~8  3016  llO'  ~7(1   15     48   4.00 ,804.  3.152
                                       SHAWINIGAN FALLa

           lG46--47 • , .  10U  18  317   603     704 ..........  10  71,183   676
           1047-48, ..  10U  21    282    630     7US  .......... ..... .....  137,177  575
           1048-49 ...  1011  4L   2[.1   009     771     3·1    17   IG7, L71  1,168
           104{1-50 , ..  191L  47  336   605    039      1,'    62   304,601  1.220
           1050·51 ...  L911  51   380    64:J   \1fiO    10     r,3  3l3,070  L,220
           1951-52 ...  lUll  55   :l05   9'17  1.2i.1:l  18     72   274, G08  1,4.63
                                                          20 .....
           1016-17 ...  1020  31   273   1,023    81.3                IM,186  1,650
           1047-48 ...  1020  M    (\70   686  ... "92S··  ~H    i07"  188,868  1,000
           I1l48-4il ...  1920  56  6[,0  451             21     142  625.680  2.100
           1949-50 ...  1920  60   725    605   1,160     :H     6G   627,208  2.250
           1950-51 ...  1920  85   74\J   642     852     36     72   582,934  2,500
           1\151-52 ...  1920  \15  662   Gl0     016     (l3    70   390.433  2,500
                                         CHICOUTIMI. (3)
           1951-52 ...1 1930  18   150    204     21lil  1.. ·...... ·1  L3  2L7,0931  290
                        1             1       1                     1
                                        SIffilWROOKE (3)
           1950-61."1  1938  24    184    260     412     15     28      767   640
           195L-52 ...  1038  24   161    354     4M      10     21   102, L6L  1  730
                        1                     1              1      1
            (1) Coura réguliolll oL coutS sp60ifiux.  (1) R.egulc.r llnd special oourses.
            (2) Cours réguliere du soir, cours de fon:nution d'ur-  (2) RoguJnr ovenlJ1g courses, war emergency t,raiuaul'
           gellce de guerre eL oou.", de rébnbilitlltion.  course. '\Jld rohabilitntioll oou..sos.
            (3l Les école. technique. de Chicoutimi, l1imouski  (3) Tbo tnoonioll.l ••hools of CIlioon timi, Rimouski
           el SlJerbrooko "lnient uutrefoiil des école. d'arts ot  and Sherbrooke wore previously nrl.8 and o",Ho ocboola.
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