Page 213 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 213

                      36-Écolea aupérieurea d'ngricuiture, province de Québec,
                       36--Superior All'ricultural Schoola, Province of Quebec.
                                                               Contributions annuo\lElil
                     Nombre                                           -
                     d'insU-  PeJ"8onneJ  EIOvo..  Pr6sonce  Volumes en  l'oorly contribution.
            ANNrtE8  tullon.  enseignant  lnsorits  moyenne  bibliothèque
               -      -       -       -       -       -    du (louver-  <le8  d1n,utrea
             YEARS   Nurnber  Tenahln"  PUp\l8  Average  Volumes  nement  élèves  sourDeS
                     of  etan  onro\l'Xl  atlendunee  ln librury  -  -  -
                     tutiollJl                              lrom tho  fram  from other
                                                           govcrnmcnt  sluden19  Bouc"cea
                                                              •       •        i
           1941.-42......  3  128    4~1     47&     40,103  210.SM  40,'123  02.163
           19420-13......  3  140    4,~6    408     43,2.i6  207,226  72, n20  405,301l
           1043"14 .. ....  3  1:10  1!l8    404     40,r.14  188,620  44 .!l/)I  IlO.OM
           l!lM-·lr.......  3  Jr,Q  007         ..  47,2017  174.357  H,3.J.O  Ill,874
           104&-46......  3  1:15  ?) 705    766     ,~.1. 4S0  238.217  2o\~. 470  301,040
           1016-17. , ....  3  141  1) 000  ?l165    r.!),fiOt)  217.088  3n:!, 426  332,619
           1017~18......  3  144     830    2 3,18   nI;' 780  231,003  Bfll'l.833  326,002
           1948-40 .. , ...  3  132  767     711     72.061  208,OH  40&,005  857,610
           1049-60......  3  136     BB2     618     14,841  223.8flO  380,388  361,291
           1950-61. ....  3  124     !j73    f)f)6   73.247  2&0,783  388,257  467 343
           105\-52.....  3   110     utH     053     7!1,207  2nl,!l75  399,204  a~2 ,937
            (1) Comprend 96  ~lè..)., du COIU" do Coopération  (J) Inclllding 9('> pupils in Co-opemti"6 'oU''Ses durin\!
           en 1945-40, 133 <Il 1\146-47, 104 on 1\)47·43 ot 45 en  194&-46, 133 durinll 1946-47, 10,1 during 1947·48 and
           1948-49.                             411 in 1948-49,
            (~) DM., 2 in,lilntions soulemont. ,1Ir 611 ~lolves en  (2) ln only two  insti~tlti"na, \Vilh 511  pllpil~ in
           11\<11;·17 et ,ur an ,',lèves on 1047-18.  Ill4iH7 l>nu with 372 pupils in Il)47-48.
                        SUPtRIEOR                       SUPERIOR EDOCATlON
               37-Autrea inatitutlona d'enaeillnement aupérieur, province de Québec.
             37-0ther Inatltutiona providinll Superior Education, Province of Quebec.


           In.mullo"" entholiquc. nen"8ubvenUonn6ee
            N on"8ubaldl.ed CMbolie Inalitu Uen.o  .  IlH7-48  III  176  668  662  304,786
                                         Ill·I8-49  10  175     768    762  34U,OO~
                                         Ill,IIl·50  20  172    770    751)  3/il ,3.56
                                         1950-61   20   100     788    7M   3i'i0, DaO
                                         J951-52   21   187   l, J 12  l, lOB  404,238
           In8tltullono non....ubventlonn6es
            Non-subsldl.ed Protest..nt InsUtutloe•....  1\)47-48  3  232  2,301  (1)  30,1)83
                                         1IJ48-4\l  3    Il     41      41   aO,638
                                         11)40-50  3     11     r,i)    66   39,700
                                         1950-51   :3    J8     .ïG     56   39,790
                                         19&1-62   3     17      riO    60   40,010
           InsUtul .pMoll0glqun de Montr6ll1
            Tbe In.lltule of Pedllgogy of Mentrea] ..  11)47-48  2  41  (2) 1,414  (2) 1,344  30,000
                                         l{t48-40   1    67   1,847   1,821)  26,000
                                         1940-60    1    65   1,1l02  1,88:1  2&,000
                                         1950-&1    1    66   1,003   1,826  25,100
           In&Utut pédagogique St-Georges
            SI. George InsUlute of Peunllogy  .  1\)47-48  1  22  33B  311    3.776
                                         1\)48-'19  1    20     318    201    4,218
                                         1940-50    1    20     312    281    4,076
                                         1050-51    1    21     :l37   312    4,7fol
                                         1061-52    1    19     420    420    4,8J2
            ools 8up6r1oure d •• P~chOFiee
            BUl)8rlor Bohool of Fi.bcrlClll.••.••.••..•...  HH7-'18  1  31  ID  o  650
                                         1948-·19   1    20      9       9     612
                                         1\)49-00   1    17      12     12     677
                                         195()·r,1  1    29      11     10     7,18
                                         J051-[_2   1    21      la     la     748
           taole d. MM"dJto vé14rinnlre
            Vel<>r1DOf)' Beie.noe Sobool•• " ...  J947-48  1  26  89    83     360
                                         1\)48-·19  1    27     109    JOll   1,121
                                         1940-60    1    27     1I0    110    1,804
                                         1950·51    1    2'-,   121    121    2.424
                                         1051-52   1     27     125    12&    3,720
           11:01>1" ,1(' 1'<:"I,,,olollie médi"ale
            Mnlical Te.".I.l(I{jlul!Y ScllOOI  .  1947·48  1  17  61          1,620
                                         1048-41\   1    13     1\7           1.79:3
                                         1949-60    1    1&     liO           I,SOO
                                         J950-51   1     14     1I7  ... '''S4°O  1,700
                                         1061·52   l     13     84            1,735
            (1) NDus n·'I\'Oll".' pa" "" ebiITr•.  (l) Not nvn.ilabl•.
            (2) Aux cour~ r(:}t;ulil'.ni.        (.) At r 'Ilulllr eOU_rllCS.
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