Page 208 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 208

195                    1N8TRU CT ION-EDUCAT ION

      nistre par un Conseil des gou verneurs, une com- Quebec, Montreal University is adnlinisterod
      mission des études et un comité exécutif. by ll. Board of Governors, a comnüttee on
      L'université MoGill est administrée pDot' des  studies ILnd an executive oommittf\A. MoGiIl
                                           UnivorBity is !Ldminiatered by  trustee~ in
      syndics élus oon!ormlUnûllt Ù. sa ohll.rte; dIe
                                           aooordanœ with ils chll.l'ter; it IS nlTilio..ted
      est o..ffili(~'l aux universités d'Oxford, de Cl~lll­
                                           to the univorsitil~fl of Oxford, Cambridge and
      bridge et Je Dublin.  L'université Bisbop's  Duhlin. Bishop'a College Univorsity ia under
      College ORt sous IlL dirootion de l''~glise lloIlg\i- the direotion of the Church of Englnnd.
      ClloIle. Le Sil" Gf)orge Willimm College a Sir George Williams Coll ge was gn\llted 0..
      obtenu sa charte d'universi.té le 11 mll.l's 1948. university charter on Ma,reh the 1Ith, 1948.
          27-Claui6cation. par facultés, des 'tudianta Inscrits dans les universités.
        27-Cluaificallon, by Facultlea, or lhe Sludents enTolled al the UniveTslties.
         ANNJt:n:S  Tb6alollio  Droll  ohirurjiÎe  fbilooù-  Lellr..  1 aoieoc..  Autr(;lj
                                 dentalTe  pble                    éoa]<'!
            -        -      -      -  1 -       -     -     Arh     (1)  Talai
                                Modeciae  Pbilooù-               Il  Otber
          YEAnS    Tb.alollY  Law  and   llby  Lott"".  Scïc.nOll  .oboal,
       1937-38......... ,  f>l7  241  611  98    268   197  3,892  111,141  20.90.3
      1938-30. , ........ ,  GI9  229  fl2i  110  266  240  3.712  13,060  18,772
       1039-40.......... ,  450  218  GOI  137   341   21-1  3,663  14,318  20,032
       1040-41. ..........  492  189  mo  134    367   a04  3,798  14,610  20,560
       1011042.........•.  484  170  OD7   08    421l  ;i79  3,858  Ifi,704  21,882
       1942-49 .......... ,  408  lM  796  07    6!iR  002   3,0'13  13,.~33  HI ,977
      1043-44 ......... , .  530  IGI  876  1111  OIM   71l  4,056 2) 0,8\!8  2r7.1~0
      1944·45...........  550  }11\)  960  328   734   OHI  5, 0\l9 2\ 11,139 2 Hl,02I;
       IV45-4fl...... .....  660  :1<19  1. (145  41B  004  927  4,25B 2 12,268 220,1l29
      1941H7............  500  :Ja8  1,170  353  895  1.003  4,086 2 12,984 2 22,025
      1047-48 ......... ,  609  882  1.272  339  1,200  070  li ,0ll9  2r '5G4  2 23.441
      111'18-19......... , .  776  '~OO  1,408  335  1,239  909  5,443 2 10,711  zrl ,281
      1940-50...........  753  422  1,373  322  1.066  060   5,4UO 2 10,81)7 221,232
      J~I;J0-51. ..........  083  445  L,3.52  335  8M  886  Il,108 2) 12,1)<15 2 2;],300
      Iv51-52...........  642  503  1,378  244   035   895   6,822 2) 12,203 2 23,022
      1937-38...........  9  54.   5111 ........ .........  3~:1  1,2Hl  2,1l00  4,898
      1938·39...........  12  59   517 ...... ... .........  424  1,'170  2, 05  5,287
      19311-40........ ".  0  51l  608 ......... .........  468  l ,~~O  2,657  4,984
      19·10-41. .......•..  11  57  44S ... , ..... .........  4,59  1, :l20  2,555  4,850
      1941-42...........  8  41l   (04 .........  •  •••••• f  •  1114  1,40~  2.000  6,28,5
      1942·43.....•.. , ..  7  .14  488 ......... .........  517  l,ii25  3.153  5,62'1
      1943-'l4... , .... , ..  4  36  (83 ... , ..... .........  635  1,570  3,1l74  Il,a07
      1944-45..........  0   38    376 ......... ...... . ,.  474  1,714  4,250  6,BliS
      1946-40...........  9  100   (37 ......... .........  95~  2,742  5,629  G,709
      194(1.47........ , ..  8  1119  677 ......... ...... ...  1,491  3,071  7,631  12,837
      1047-48...........  10  216  (i07 .. . ...... .........  1,,:,09  2,830  7.788  13,028
      1948·40....... " ..  28  221  765 ......... .........  2,177  3,334  10,1'17  10,672
      1949-50........  35    IBO   746 ......... .. " .. ,..  2 ,237  3,416  0,900  16,520
      1950-51. ...... '" .  45  181  759  .. ....... .. .......  1. 8.i4  3,070  9,718  15,1).32
      1951-52........ " .  47  1118  743 ....... , . .. .......  1,743  2,891  JO,9IH  11l,GOO
      1937-38 ..... , .....  626  200  1,172  98  268  OSO  5,183  17,741  25,863
      1938-30 ...........  531  288  l,HI  110   200   670  5,1 2  15,871  2-~, 059
      IU3!l-40...........  459  274  l, 1Il0  137  341  71 2  5,040  11l,S75  25,011l
      1\140-41. ...... , ...  603  24 Il  LIU  134  357  7113  5,118  17,165  25,410
      11141-42....... , ...  492  222  1.161  08  i26  IH3  5,2131  18,664  27,l1l7
      1~2-43......... ,.  476  108  1,2R4  98   Mil   1,110  5,368  16.706  25,Il01
      104.3·44 ...........  634  186  1. 3.50  101  67M  1,411  5,632 2j13' 002 2) 23,403
      1941-45...........  M6  237  1.336  328    7:14  l ,~1Ï0  6,813 2 15,389 2l·21l,78J
      1945·46...........  060  340  1,482  418  004   1, 70  7,000 217,797 2 aO,39S
      1~1l-47..........  50S  497  1,763  353   890   2,494  7,757 2)20,615 2)34,862
      1047-48...........  611l  697  I,R70  339  1,209  2,0311  7,038 2l21.352 2)36.472
      104S-4\l...........  SI}!  1121  2,173  8~r,  J ,Z39  a,u6  8.777 220,858 2)a7,953
      1949-50........••.  788  1l0Z  2,119  82~  1,0OIl  3,206  8,S76 2~20,773 2 37,752
      IIl.jO·51. .. ........  728  626  2,1 \1  335  855  2,740  9,183 2 22,363 2 38,041
      1951-52...........  689  701  2,121  2-14  035  2,638  \l,713 2)23,187 2 l 40,228
       (1) Répn.rlil! "uplu'avanl entro les .clencee médloale.,  (1) ProvJOu81y d,v,ded b IweeD med,eal 801aneo, art.
      Ica art. et les sciences.            und ''l'pli.d oiooco.
        (2) Voir note (2), page 197, tableau 29.  (2) See loot-noto (2), page 107, tablc29
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