Page 144 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 144

132                           POPULATION

          71-Décès de 0-1 an et taux de mortalité, dans la Province, par comtés.
      71-Denths under 1 Year of Age and Death Rates, in the Province, by Counties.

                             DéCÔll-Dcaths               . 1'au;<.-1ùltea
            -        Moyenne-Ave mile             Moyen no-Avcralle
         COUN'I'IF.8                1049    1950                  19·19  HI.50
                     1926-35  1036-45             1026-35  1036-45
      Abitibi .............  OG  170   210    2H    90.&   131;, ()  US.7  70.1
      Arllent<lu\l....•.....  40  34   ~~2    29    09,4    74.0   47.0   40.!1
      Artbtlb..skll..........  87  71  6\1    70    10·1.2  78,3   57.8    .il3. r,
      Bagat..............  47   34     27     29    95.2    70.2   14.0   4lLU
      Bcll.ucc...........•.  157  lOS  102    94    OU.5    71.0   5l.4   47.7
      Bcauharnoll3........  54  49     &:3     56   QG.8    RIl.7         47.0
      Brllechas.o.........  70  52     &6      45   115.9   71.0   71.1    57.0
      Berthier............  Gr,  -Hi   39     ·17   llô.8   78.8   ôl.5    62.2
      Bona\' nt..U1'C........  111  JO.';  00  97   106.0   86.2   60.9    Ull.8
      Drôme.............  20    15     17      17   95.7    67.3   58.2    50.2
      Chambly........ · ..  39  20     112    101   88.4    &7.8   a5.5    44.7
      Chumph.irl. ........ (1)  78  40  CH     G2 (1)  9.2  & .-1  51.7    51.4
      CL1l\r!cv"ix-SnguolJay  140  144  122   118   95.9    81.8   52.6    66.3
      Chl\, leaugun,}' .......  26  16  12     17   87.2    'Œ.3   27.3    37.0
      Cbicoutimi .........  282  300   250    254   IL3.!>  93.0   60.4   1i7 .3
      Compton .. .........  45  30     38      42   R7.4    oH.9   50.3    60.9
      D ·u.-Montagncs....  :J7  25     18      23   101.2   67.5   33.2    3 .3
      01" hCt5tl"r .......  10L  72    59      82   99.4    73.4   46.9    68.6
      DrurmI1QTld ....••...  101  82   06      82   110.3   69.2   62.3    4.1 .5
       FrontcnIL·....... " .  90  70   49      60   102.6   72.5   14 .3   fîO.7
      Gllsp6-'rit.......•... (1)  102  100  83  91  (1) 104 .5  03.3  M.\)  69.6
      GIl.8p&-ouC.L ........  34  40   42      -3   87.ô    S:l.4  66.1    84.5
      Gatineau ....... , ...  60  60   65      03    85.0   68.7   02.6    59.2
      HulL .......... ··· . (1)  113  103  100  114 (1) 110.0  70.9  60.5  61.6
      Huntingdon ...... , .  LO  12    18      ](J  74.5    63.4   48.9    44.0
      lbor"iIIo............  18  9     18      1<\   78.3   37.1   47.0    31.7
      rJos-do-la-Mudcloine.  28  25    15      21    09,6    8.5   40.8    66.6
      JolictLc .............  llO  62  f)7     48   126.4   61U}   GO.~    ·Jo.2
      }('lmourn.I"•........  77  ·18   :\7     42   97.9    on.5           ·l!l.1
      Labelle.............  87  07     53      61   114.9   82.2   49.9    56.5
      Lao St-J an......... (1)  2  69  00      72  (1)  87.0  68.8  52.7   flO .1
      L'Assomption .......  65  35     41      32   H1.6    7!1.0  02.4    ,17.6
      LaviololLc ........ '  !JO  66   77      65   97.4    01.6   50.5    'la.5
       Ll>vi•..............  SG  63    61      63   89.7    66.0   51."    60.9
       L'blet. ...........  06  51     50      56   107..4  80 (}  G4.9    70.0
      Lothlnièro..........  72  1)0    44      43   IHl.3   G8.7   4Ul     45.3
       Ml\I!kinonsl>······· .  t\4  30  36     21!  120.Cl  71.9   62.a    63.,t
      Matane............  92    63     70      70   111.0          55.1    66.2
      Matnpédia..........  120  100    81      BI   116.3   ~'U 1  55.7    55.7
      M~Kautlc......•....  113  92     78      77   Oü.S    76.5   60.8    60.6
      M188illQuol. .........  36  28   aB      31    82.8   57.9   60.7    43.9
       Monlonlm ..........  iii  31    20      26   1.Ill-.7  79.8  40.2   56.3
       Montmngny........  0·1   52     51      50   (19 .4  80.6   6:3.8   04.8
      MonLmorenoy .......  59   35     3R      34   108.9   71.6   5U.5    &4.1
      Mont.r6al-Jé8u8. Il,, .  2.748  1.622  1.:W6  1.376  121. 2  70.4  43.8  42.6
                                                            60,~ .
      Nnplerville-Laprairic  49  ao    41      31    nO.a          [j:J.4  112.4
      Nicol t. ............  101  60   133     37   114.0   1:1.3          39.4
      Pflllinoau ...........  84  47   Gr,     40   100.2   G2.2   M.1l    54.7
      Ponljn.c........•...  47  28     48      :36  92.2    00.7   ;);;.3  54.2
      Porlneur. ..........  128  71    44      61   110.7   76.3   3·1.8   4:3.3
      Qu6b c.............  749  687    342    3112  141. 7  102.2  1i:J.~  !i2. fi,
      llicholiclI...........  85  68   ,-.û    ·10  147.0   1l2,8  1l2.2  ·15.2
      llichrnond.. " ......  82  62    58      [J~  11 1. 2  70.8  61.0   42.7
      llirnouski. .. : .......  110  III  01  !JO   08.3    H.a    45.0    40.6
      Rlvièr&-du-Loup..•.  70   66     5'1    00    00.3    65.7   '14.4   '\'7.1
      ltobor""\. ..........  126  136  14(1   124   01.0    85.8   IH .6
      Rouvillc...........  Bl)  17     III    20    86.3    47.5   :30.0   :17.0
      St-Hyacinthe.... ...  75  fiO    i~     1[1   122.Q   64 ,0  JJU.2 '  41.9
      St-.lenn ..........•.  3(;  27     1    29    76.8    50.:1  28.8    34.6
      St-Mnllrice.........  376  2:n   160    lM    166.3  101.8   47.6    n6.0
      ShcfTnrd ............  70  61    IH     58    04.2    51l.1         4a,0
      Sherbrooke.........  IN   71l    89     107   89.0    ~a.!i  [,1.8  5~.G
      Soulanges ..........  Hl  10      8      4    .~O. 7  62.9   88.3   18.1l
      Stllnstend ..........  51  40    62     66    00.4    60.8   48.4   54.1
      T~mj.caminlluc.....  81  117     !Hi    100   ICl·l.8  BI. 6  5~.. 4  61.7
      T6miscollntn........ (1)  80  0(1  82   77 (1) 10S.9  94.0   till.O  (;7.1
      Terrcbonlle.........  !l5  76   116     llQ   1l1l.4  60.6   /l5.8   &7.1
      Vnndreuil. .........  2:1  101   17  1   Hl   ~'1.7   56.6   S8.1l  43.6
      VercMres...........  4:1  :10    27     28    122.8   78.0   M.4     06.2
      Wnlfo..............  58   38     40     a6    100.6   70.2   60.8    69.7
      Yaroll.llkn...........  69  38   41     lB    116.4   86.6   85.2   41.4
      NouvcIlu-Québcc.... .........  20  34   44 ..........  -  06.1  168.1  239.1
         PnovINcE......  &,U7  &.1i8O  6,031  6,091  lU.8   76.7   !il.6   &1.1
        (1) Moyenne dea cinq dernl~rea annéeli.  (1) Avora~. or th. /ive las! years.
   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149