Page 67 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1949
P. 67

RECENSEMENT-CENSUS                           51

         En 1941, le rrconsolnent fF"'léml dflilli·~~ait  ln 1941 tbe federal census defincd as urban,
        comme urooine la populat.iun des ciUiR, (I('~  th(l population of incorporatrd  citi~s, towns
        villes et des villn.ges incorpor!'H; 1<'8 llutres cc'n-  and villages; centres oUler thoIl tbese comprisui
        t,ros renfermnie'llt la population nlrah  POlir  tll" rural population,  Fol' the ]f:)5l censlis IL
        le recensemcnt do 1951, un a adopté UD crité-  sOll!uwbILt differen [. crit.orion wn·s udopted:
        rium un peu (lilTlÎront: on a considéré comme  cilies, towus and villages with a populo.tion
        urbaine< lu popu la.tiun des cit~s, viII 8 et v"iJloges  of 1,000 "on/.<  VI' mu c. wh!!! )\(')' incorporated
        rie /,UUO {Unes l'l pr,(~. CJu'ils :oient iocorpOJ~s  or not.. l~ weJJ as thl' popu lation of 11,11 portion s
       ou non, ainsi que la, populat·ion de toutes les  01' lll("tropolitll-ll 7.Ol11'H, Wl;1rfl clasfcd as urban.
        pll-l"tiüs des WOeS JO ·tropolitaioc.  Da,os léS  Jn order' 1.0 afford conl]!ariHons wil;h previolls
        t:d.llealLx 11 et 12 ci-Jossolls nous :wous n !Lin-  ce.o, us H, I·ho 1941  ()la~siJif,  baH bool.l
        t,onu la. classifica.t.ion de J!)41 afin d'as'1II'er la  r tained in tables JJ and 12 sbown below.'
       oomparabilil.é avec les reccnsen ents ant,él'j urs.  No matter which stanùl1,rd is ust>d, iL is ail
       Quel 4111' Hoit 10 bar(1mfl ut.ilif'é, il ressort olai-  ()\'i<knt l'aet t.ha.t  [.hl-' urbfl,nj,mtion of I·hf'
       rI' lliOLLt qU(' c1e1941 il 18!'>ll'ul'hauisatioll de' la  l'l'ovine:' r Qud-,pC) iocrf'IlS('d betwf'f')1 19''11
       pro\'in('~ dil qu(ohl-'ü ù\ t a 'ceot.upe,  l.a pro-  ltnd HJ51.  Du.ring Lill' past declLClB the rtmd
       portion dl" h~ IJ{Jp1l111tion nmtl(·\, au cours de:  propurtion of t1,e r;opllJal.ion 1~ as rerlue(-'(! hO'
       d(lrnie)';- dix ans, fi, haissf. d'envirun 4 pOlir ('Pllt.  ahout 4 lJElr c nt..

             lI-Population urbain" et population rurale de la province de Québec.
                 Il-Urban and Rural Population of the Province of Quebec.

                                         Populalion           Pourcont&lIe-Percentlllilo
                               Urbaine    Rurale    Totale     Rur..1
            CEN8U8 YEAR8
                                Urbl\o    Rural     Total     Urban     Rural
       1871. .. ,., .... ,., ..............  271.861  ll19,666  l,lOl,~16  22 82  77 .18
       1881. .• , ..•. ,',." .........••.  378,612  980,516  l ,3;-,~,O27  V.8u  72. Iii
       1801. ....... . . .. . . . . . .  ~llll,7L5  088,820  1,~~8,~:15  33 57  66.43
       IllOl .......  ,.         UM,OaO    01l~,83a  L,MB,808  30 67     60.33
       HIll. ..   ...............  060,8t2  1,038,113~  2,000,7711  ~8 20  51 80
       Ill21. .......... _............ , .•  1,322.MU  (1) 1,037,0'11  (1) 2,3"0.1i10  5(101  I~.OO
       1031"., .. " .. , .      1,813,600  1,061,056  2,87'1.662  (13. 10  36 00
       10~ 1. .........•. , ' •. , " ,., "' ..  2,1fl9,084  1.222,198  8,a:1I.AA2  r..3 32  3P, l\Il
       IY51.                    2,728,798  1,320,883  4.,o:)!i.m~l  G7.28  32.72
         (1) Revi.6 d'aprols 10 jUKomont du  onseiJ priv6 con·  (1) Rovi.ed ln aooordaooo witu Llo. Labrador ILwnrd
       •• rnnnt 10 Lnbrador.                of Lh. Privy Cou(wll.
              12-Répaditlon de le. population u~balne de la province de Québec.
               12-Di.hlbutlon of Urban Population of the Pmvince of Quebec.

         LOCALITI.1:8 URBAINES       Population            Pouroent aA:~PerCenI8li[e
          URBAN LOCALITlE8    1981     11l~1   !Or, 1   1!l31    1041     19[))
       Cité........... ülU.... , .......  1.32!l.652  1.615,568  1,834,225  4f>.2G  46,49  45.23
       ViII........... TowD.9 ... , ..• ,  237,115  326,7li3  6li7,918  8.25  9.8l  13.75
       VilI."•• (l) .... ViUaa.o (1) .. , .  240.830  267.363  330,6&5  8.59  8.02  8.aO
              TCYI'AL ••••• ' •••••.,oel  2,109,184  2,728,798  63.10  63.32  67.28
         (l) Ln 6lu.tistiquu pro\'illciule UlUS8u I~H villu,:r:eB dane  (1) Provincial St..ti.ti·s e.\....ily \':\lI"~é' in tho rural
       la. pa.rtifl r\.lra'e QV(lC les parOiSBC.ltl. Il!8 cantons ct 1i"'f1 a.lItl"t~S  tle.(;tion with poriBhe6, t..ownsb'llt3 und ol,ht'f nlrt\l munlci~
       1TI11llicjpuliLé.8 rurales.          palitieg.
   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72