Page 69 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 69

SEXE-SEX                                53
        lB-Population de la province de Québec, classifié" 8elon Je sexe, par comtés, en 1931
                                         et 1941.
        18-Sex Distribution of the Population of the Province of Quebec. by Countiee, in ] 931
                                        and 194],
                                       19 41                     1 9 31
                                   HomJDeB 1 Femmes 1~~mI6os  Il HommesIl Femmel:l 1~~~'tOc:
                                                femmes                     femmes
             MUNICIPAL       Total   -      -     -    Tot.l   -      -     -
              COl"NTIES                          1I.h.les                  M!Lles
                                    M.l,  F,mal,  to 100      Mal,  1 F'mal,  10 100
        .,,-c-::~-----_._--i_--,,:-:-_I_~__f--  I_F_'_m_al_'_'1-----1---_  __F_,_m_al_'_'
        Abitibi.......       61,689  31,660  30,029  125  23,692  13,257  10,435  127
        Argenteuil. . . . . . . . .. .  .. . . .  22,670  11,87J  10,799  110  18,976  10,212  8,764  117
        Artbabaska........   30,039  15,291  14,742  104  21,159  13,167  13,an  lü3
        Bftgot......      ",  17,642  8,959  8,683  103  16,914  8,489  8,425  101
        Beauce....................  48,073  24,417  23,056  103  44,793  22,650  22,143  102
        Beauharllois.................  30,269  16,291  13,978  117  25,163  13,172  11.391  121
        Bellecbllsse..       23,616  12,691  11,585  104  22,006  Il,3M  10,698  106
        Berthier.. .. . .  . .  . . . . . .  21,233  10,979  10,254  101  19,506  9,841  9,1)65  102
        Bonaventure.         39,196  20,479  18,717  109  32,432  16,691  15,741  106
        Brome......................  12,485  6,6:J3  5,852  113  12,433  0,616  5,817  114
        Chambly. . .. . . ...  . ... ' .  32,454  Hl,.5B6  15,868  105  26,801  13,490  13,331  101
        Champlain. . . . .. . . . ... . . . . .  68,051  34,609  33,448  103  59,862  30,d31  29,031  106
        Charlevoix-E...............  13,077  6,1379  6,398  1()4  11,151  6,013  5,738  105
        CharleYOix·O.-W.....  12,585  6,334  6,251  IOI  11.189  5,562  6,627  99
        ChlUe&.uguay.................  14,443  7.301  1,142  102  13,125  6,661  6,458  103
        Cbicoutimi .. _.............  18,881  41,259  37,622  110  55,724  28,596  27,128  105
        Compton.................  2'2,957  12,083  ID,869  III  21,917  11,399  10,518  108
        Deux.-Mûntagnes-Two Mte.. .  1<3,746  8,541  8,199  104  14,284  7,328  6,956  105
        Dorcbetiter........  2::/,869  15,12d  14,141  111  21,094  14,')47  13,441  108
        Drummond.................  36,683  18,580  18,1\1.'1  103  26,179  13,417  12,762  105
        Frontenac      " . ..  23,596  14,916  13,680  109  25,631  13,311  12,370  108
        Gaspé-E.. ,........ ..  33,871  18,019  15,852  114  28,433  14,994  13,439  112
        GMpé-Û.-W........    12,391  6,400  5,991  107  9,242  4,728  4,514  105
        Gatmeau           ,.  29,754  15,923  13,826  115  26,925  14.402  1'-:!,523  115
        Hull.....  .         41,434  2ü,as6  20,548  102  36,945  18,733  18,201  103
        Huntingdon... .  . .  . . . . . .  12.394  6,5.59  J.835  112  12,345  6,451  5,894  109
        Iberville.  . ..     10,273  5,343  4,930  108  9,402  4,769  4,633  103
        Iles-de-la-Madel.·l\lagd. Isl·s...  8,940  4,ô58  4,21l'2  109  7,1H2  4,095  3,847  106
        Joliette......................  31,713  15,687  16,026  98  27,58.5  23,û44  13,941  98
        Kamouraska... . . . . . . . . . .. . . .  25,535  12,953  12,582  103  23,954  22,261  11,793  103
        Labelle......................  22,974  12,088  10,886  lU  20,140  10,710  9,430  114
        Lac-SI-Jean·E.-L. St. Jobn E..  25,24.5  13,017  12.228  106  20,227  10,417  9,140  108
        l.M.S~-~ean-Û.-L.St. John W..  3U,061  20,201  18,860  107  30,036  15,685  14,351  109
        Laprame     ,.........  13,730  1,200  6,521  III  13,491  7,122  6,3139  112
       L'A$Bomption •....... ,...  17,543  8,955  8,588  1()4  15,3Z3  7,731  1,592  102
       LavaL.,    " ." .. .. ..  21,631  Il,107  10':,24  106  16,150  8,if.l2  8,058  100
        Lêvis    ,..............  38,119  19,050  19,06U  100  3S,656  17,811  17,84.5  100
        L'ls1et    ,.......  20,58'3  10,581  10,008  100  19.404  9,006  9,4:38  WU
        Lotbiniêre...................  26,664  13,608  13,056  104  23,034  Il,700  11,328  103
        Maskinongé......     18,206  9,287  8,019  104  111,03'3  1l,l6û  1,819  104
        MtLtane  ,......     25,488  13,111  12,311  107  20,386  10,476  9,91ü  106
        Matapédis  ,   ,....  29,926  15,621  14,305  109  24,886  13,021  11,865  llO
        l\fégantic           40,351  20,094  20,263  99  35,492  11,182  17,710  100
        MissiequoL: : : : ::: : :: :: : : ::: :  21,442  ID,816  1O,62f-l  102  19,636  10,047  9,589  105
        Montcalm...................  1.5,208  7,863  7,345  101  13,865  7,051  6,814  103
        Mont.magny           22,()49  11,310  10,739  105  20,239  10,426  9,813  106
       Montml>rency, No l  ,........  14,309  7,236  7,073  102  13,150  6,664  6,486  103
        Montmorency, No Z  ,..  4,293  2,130  2,103  98  3,80.5  1,8.51  1,954  9,fi
        Moutrcal-I1e-Island •.......... 1,116,800  5..j,2,996  573,804  95 1,003,868  494,.287  500.581  97
        Napierville..................  8,329  4,306  4,0~3  101  7,600  3,912  3,688  10&
        Nicolet.. . .. . . ... . .. . . .. . . . . .  30,085  14,965  15,120  99  28,613  14,282  14,391  99
        Papineau.........    27,551  14,448  13,103  110  29,246  15,745  13,501  117
        Pontiac           ,.  19.852  10,618  9,204  110  21,241  Il,512  9,729  118
        Portneuf..           38,996  19,782  19,214  103  35,963  18,035  17,928  101
       Québec.....................  202;S82  96,476  106,406  91  170,915  81,441  89,4(j8  91
        Richelieu   ,.........  23,691  12,1'20  Il,571  105  21,483  10,959  10,524  104
        Richmond...................  21,493  14,172  13,321  106  24,956  12,8\16  1'2,060  101
        RimouskI....................  44,233  22,413  22,820  103  33,151  16,607  10.544  100
        Rouville....         15,842  8,09d  7,744  105  13,776  7,012  6,764  104
        Saguenay....................  29,419  15,255  14,164  lOS  22,161  Il,775  lO,a.Ol6  1I3
        Sht'lford,...................  33,387  11,()37  16,350  104  28,262  14,535  13,727  106
        Sherbrooke.,..       46,574  2'2,453  24,121  93  37,386  1~,054  19.332  'J3
       Soulanges..  . • . .  ..  .  U.32B  4,806  4,,fi22  WB  9,099  4.641  4,458  104
        Stan.Qtead  ".......  27,972  14,01B  13,894  101  2,"i,1l8  12,619  12,499  101
        St-Hyacinthe................  31,645  101,907  15,738  89  25,S54  12,361  13,493  92
        SC·JplLll-St. John's..........  20,,fi84  10,293  10,291  100  17,649  9,193  8.456  109
        St-M..aurjc~...      80,352  38,Ç195  40,357  9~  69,095  34,413  34,682  99
        Téml!<Cll.mlllgue .. 'T'"  •.•••.  40,-1-71  21,81!;!  18,1352  117  2ü,nG9  11,741  8,868  132
        Rivière,d\l-Loup..............  .34,493  17,197  11,'296  99  33,271  16,Û09  16,662  100
        TémiscouA.ta ...•...•.......  23,182  12.153  11,024  110  17,023  !J,109  7,914  Ils
       Tel'rcbonur;,         -i6,SM  23,971  22,893  105  38,611  19,386  19,225  101
       VILUdrOlUJ.  .•••••..••••.•.•.  13,J70  6,803  6,361  101  12,0151  6,103  5,812  103
        Ver hêres..........  14.214  7,237  6'9771  104  12,603  6,398  6,205 1  103
        Wolfe             ' .  11,402  9,099  8,393  108  16,911  1l,138  8'1131  107
        Yamaska           _.  16,516  8,369  B,141  103  16,820  8,433  8,381  101
             TOTAL, ....•..••.... 1,331,882 1.672,982 1,6SS,SOD  101 2,874,662 1,44.7,326 Il,427,336  101
   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74