Page 166 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 166

152                           POPULATION

           lOO-Décès cauda pal' quelques maladies, au Canada, pal' provinces. en 1946.
           lOO-Deathl!i Caused by Certain Di.eases, in Canada, by Provinces) in 1946

                                 Tuberculost!    Maladies du cœur
                                    -                 -               Cancer
                                 Tuberculosill    Heart DieE'Rllet!
              PROVINCES                       1
                              Nombre    Taux    Nombre   Taux    )fombre   Taux
                                -    1  (2)      -        (2)      -        (2)
                              Number    Uate    Number   Rate    Number    Rat.e
        I1e-du-P.-É.  . .. P. E. 1. .. _,  55  .'if'.3  228  242.6   91      9ti.8
        N.-~eœee....... N. SCotia.•..  382  62.4  1, aOD  222.2     7,'58   123.9
        N.-Brunswick., .......... , ...  277  67.8  1,000  ~>()S. :.:1  490  103.03
        8 uibec ., .. - .......•...... ..  2.628  72.4  i] ,.l!:'lS  BI 4  4,048  111.5
         ntllrio .•••........•• , .•... _1  1, 054  23.7  12, t\-!8  308 4  .:5,414  132.0
        Manitob ..... ,_ .............  324  44.5  1,GO·l  2:20 fi  914     12,"'.7
        S..katoh,w~... • .. .. . .... .  1  223  2:0 7  1.651  HJ8.2  727   87.3
        Alberta....  ..••.  .....  302   a7 t'>  1. 721   214.3     800     107.1
        Colombie Bdt. ..B C.......  5ï6  57 5    3.058    ~0·1.9   1 .4(>:1  145.5
             CANADA .._.. ..  .  ------ -47.41-  29,855   243.1  1.  14.767  1  UO.2
                                 Pneumonie          Nephrite         Violence
              PROVINCE8             -                -                 -
                                 Pneumonia         Kephri1:il!     \'iolen~. Deo.thil
        lli':J\U-P.-É......P. E. 1..' .. ..  li5  mL 1  ;)9  52.8    41  1------
        N.- oosse.·...... N. 8eot.ill.. ..  307  50.2  :.:172  60.8"  ·HO   71.9
        N.-Brl1llilwiek.......•........  307  ôt.O  22ï    47.3     307     64.0
                                1,747    48.1    3,321     '1 5    1,8a9    60.7
        8~::i~'::::::::::.':::: .. .'::::  l,ü65  40,0  1, ï54  42.8  3.122  ïl5.1
        Manitoba....... " .•.. ......  302  41.5   241     3.3.1    492     67 7
        S8~katchewan .......... ......  451  .34.1  273    32,S     .,}2    fil .5
        Alberta.................. " .  362  45.1   21.'1   26JI     550     t,:-l 2
        Colombie Brit.... B. C.•......  451  45.0  :YiO    :n.9     888     SB 5
            CANADA.. ....... -.....  5.657  "'.1  1  6,822  55.5   8,197     66.7
        101-Taux de mortalité (2) pal' certaines maladies dans les cités et villes (3).
            lOI-Death Rate (2) from Certain Diseases in Cities and Towns (3).
                            Maladies illfeotieu~  Tuberculose      i Affection~ du CœlOr
          CIrtS ET VILLES        (1)           -           Cancer        -
                            InfectiOUll Diseases  Tubereulosis        Reart Disea.sel!
          CITIES AND TOWN8               ----                             .----
                           -~I-            1945  1946   1945   1946  194.5  1916
                                  _ 11H13
          Cap-de-la-.\-1udeleine .  54.5  7.7  108 9  123.1  lOI.2  In.5  116 7  I8-4.6
          Cbicoutimi.  ..     2[1.0  11.4  12l 8  114.3  9S.6   62.9  81 .2  171.4
          Drummondville. ..   17.6          70.5  95.6   07.0  1I3.0  114 rl  182.6
          Granb)' .......  ....  G.6  19 4  98.3  77.4  103,9  141.9  150 8  101.3
          Grand'Mère.         10.8  ....38·9·  54 1  73.7  108.1  )47.4  151.4  105.3
          HulL .....           5.6         .'la.3  f>3.9  115 8  94.4  240.1  258.3
          JoliHte..           29.2   21.4  l3IA   142 9  116.8  100.0  204.4  200.0
          Lévis.....          L7.8         JÙ~. 7  70 9  93.1  123.1  131. 9  IS!.6
                              :39.4  '12:8'  65.7  51. 3  172 7  141.0  275.8  320.5
          k10~TWkA'L ... ........  7 1  4.1  65.4  67.3  140.5  14/j.l  250.4  261. 6
           Lachine, .. , .     4 6   4..'l  37.1  54.5  171.7  150.0  366 7  3,')0.0
           OutremrJut.         3.0 .... "i  24.2  5O.a  16·3.4  161.8  320.8  300.0
           Verduu              83      3   40.1   30.7  132,7  129.3  187.9  174 7
           Westmo~Dt::: .         " .       17.9  20 7  171 5  162,1  400.2  360.0
          QUEBEC .......      .:,8>~'  "i7-' (;'  86.3  95.9  153.7  122.9  1~2. 7  222.4
          Hivière-du-Loup ..  53.4         117.5  84.2  106.8  115.8  64.1   84.2
          8uint-Hyaeinthe..   15.7  .. "5:0'  75.4  135.0  167.3  170.0  230 1  275.0
          Saint-Jean, .......              75.0   S6.7   95.[,  100.0  231. 9  1(;Ü.O
          Saint-Lambert.... ...         1  725    liS.6  159 .;  I2S.\) ,  319.1  357.1
          8hll·wjnigan Fall;;.  13'7  "30:4'  77.8  73.9  41.2  60    109.9  1,12.1
          Sberbl'ooke.         7.15  10.0  31.1   70.0  13g.7  P,1.0  lBS. U  247.5
          Sor"'J, ......       7.6   23.0  60.8   01. 5  5'!- 4  123.1  25ü.7  246.2
          Thetford ~-1jlles: .  22.0  21.4  117.1 !  1:~7 .1  95 1  t>5.7  241. .')  1  271.4
          Tl-ols-HiyKl'Of;..   6.6   10.8  97.5   J04.3  97.5  1  71.7  155 1  145.7
          Valle.vficld         5.5   10.8  76.4   800   120.1 1  }4-5.2  201. 9  151
                           ---- ----- ----                                     "
        VILLE8--TowIs"~.:                      --:~I
          Jonquière., .       47 3   26 7  128 4         87 9  60 7   101.4  80.0
          La Tuque ..         11 8         Hl ü  1:17 9  lOf'.S  114 9  47 [}  137.9
          Lauzon ....                      59 l   llô 3  94. fi  "  4  111.7  220.9
          Magog........       51.5   10 1  30.9   l~g:Z  154 .8  121 2  247.2  181.8
          :l\-1ontma.gny ..                162.4      1  H2 1  260.0  182.7  329.0
          Rimouski ... , .  1  2e..6  .26:0  79.7  142.9  92.9  207.;  !  2ô~.:J  20i .8
          Saint-Jérôme.  .....  65.7       90.4  104..0  73.9  112.9  22i.S  272.0
          VictoriavjJ]e..  .  .. 1  10.!J 1  53 ï  437  1,  10751  (]j.6 1  96.8 :  57.4  182.8
          (1) Comprend la fièvre typholde, la rougeole, la Ecar-  (1) Inc\uding typhoicl lever, mealiles, lever
         atine, la coqueluche et la clipbtirie.  whoopil1g-eougb and cliphtl eria.
          (2) Par 100,000 âmes:                (2) Per lOO.ùOO population,
          (3) De 5,000 ~[Ile!l et plus el1 1926.  (3) Having 5,000 popula.tion and uver in E126.
   161   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171