Page 146 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 146

132                           POPULATION

                 89-Mortalité inrantile, dans 1. Province, par cités et villes.
                 89--Inrant Mortality, in the Province, by Citie'. and Towna.

                       Déœs de 0-1 an-Dllaths under 1 year   Tallx-Rates
         CITt.:i! ET VILLES        --
             -        Mo~renne--Average             l\'loyenne-Avli!rage  I~-
        CIT1E':i! AND TOWNS           1945   1946                  1945
                      Hl2(}-J5  193B-45             1926-35  193M5
        Cap-de-la~:V[adeleine  50  19    20     32   135.8   51.6    51. 5  71.3
        Chicoutimi .........     60      58     76   120 ,Il  83.6   64.2   81. 2
        Drummondville.. ..  "    21      23     16   132.7   76.3    60.0   35.7
        Granby, ..... , . -...  28  20   22     23    88.0   32.6    42.7   38.0
        Grand'Mêre. ..    20     12      10     14    95.4   53.0    33.1   45.5
        Hull ......... .. ...  117  87   82     82   124.4-  89.0    66.7   59.3
        Joliette ...... ...  43  28      22     42   127.8   78.5    54.2   95.9
        Lévis." ... ...... ..  31  23    24     13   107.8   77.7    70.8   33.7
        Longueuil.. ......  14    8     17      14    98.2   04.5    ,14.0  45.9
        MONTREAL...     2,298  1,312  1,150    975   116.5   66.0-   50.4   40.5
         Lachine .......  39     27      18     26    91.7   56.2    33.7   42.7
         Outremont.... ...  7     4     10       8    1\3.8  41.8    3l.U   19.8
         Verdun.  ....    79             77     54    76.1   56.0    018.5  29.6
         l\Te4mount .. ....  22  21      11     14    91.1   70.0    40.0   40.6
        QI'EBEC ........  628   498     610    405   147.7   113.9  1010.6  90.9
        Hi"ièro-clu·Loup.  22    15      14     11    88.5   74.5    52.8   40.9
        Saint-Hyacinthe   48     31      25     26   141. 7  72.5    60.0   53.4
        Saint-Jean........  23   20      16     20    71.9   52.0    35.0   48.4
        Saint-Lambert...  3       2      0       4    42.6   36.5    55.0   31. a
        Shawiniga.n Falle.  78   46      53     47   124.3   68.1    55.4   54.2
        Sherbrooke.. , ......  6'  68    80     82    89.5   63.7    63.7   62.6
        Soret .............  46  33     36      28   157.5   103.4   65.5   61. 7
        Thetford Mines.....  42  29     24      22   104.7   76.9    58.7   60.3
        Trois-Rivières.. , ...  232  150  67    67   186.2   128.5   55.0   53.4
        Valleyfield.. .. .....  36  33   33     24   107.4   60.6    52.3   36.4
           CIT.Ée-CITIE!I..  4,081  2,628  2,511  2,125  120.5  75.0  61..  49.1
        Jonquière...      49     46      551    56   100.4   71.3    63.9   76.8
        La Tuque.         31     15      13     12   107.4   56.7    44.8   38.3
        La.u~on......     19     14      23     14    {)8.6  74.1    70.3   41. 3
        Magog ...... ..   24     19      14     12   111.5   66.7    38.8   34.4
        Montmagny. ...    18     12      15      5    98.3   71.7    80.2   28.4
        Rimouski .....    21)    21      21     26   114.4   81.0    68.2   '18.3
        Saint-Jérôme.  ...  32   20      24     17   102.9   59.2    31.8   32.7
        Victoriaville. .....  19  21    23      21    90.9   8<l.3   70.1   58.0
          VJLLl!lS-ToWXI3  211  169     188    163   104.5    70.3   55.0   52.1
        Rurale~-R.uraL....  4,839  3,719  3,460  3,822  107.0  76.5  62.3   61.4
                               6,58D .....
        Urbaines-Urhan...  4,298  2,861  3,004  2,288  119.6  74.8   61.6   40.3
           PROV[NCE .....  9,137              G,UO   112.'    75.7   6.2.0  54.!
                                                                 1      1
           go-Mortalité infantile par 1,000 naislances vivantes en certains pays.
               9o--Infant Mortality per 1,000 Live Births in Various Countriel.
                                   Années Taux                         Années Tp.ux
               PAYB--CO'LNTR[ES     ~    -         P Jo. n!~COUSTRlEI3  -    ~
                                   Year,~ Rates                        ·Year~ Ra,tes
        NounJlle·Zélande ...  New Zealand. ...  11>4'  28  Palestine (moins les  Palestine (excl. B,-
        Auetra\ie.    Australia. .... ...  1945  29  Bédouilli!) . ....  douins) .. ...  1945  80
        SuMe ...  ....  Sweden.  ...  1945  30  Pauama.   Panama ...    1942  86
        I6Iande.....  Iceland.......  1943  30  E~pagne..  Spain ..... .. ...  1944  93
        ~ta~9-Uni:i.  United States. ....  1945  38  Lruguay ... .. . ...  Uruguay..  1942  9:1
        Pays·Bas.  .....  Netheriands"  . , ..  1943  41  Jamaïque ..  Jamaioa. . ... .. ....  1944  98
        SUi68e.       Switzet'1and.  1944  42  Gr~l'e. .... .. .....  Greece. ..... .. .....  1938  99
                      Norway ...........  1941  43  Italie.............  Italy..........  1945  99
        i:~i~~~~d:~:vri~~i~~ ITnion of South A1ri-  Terreneuve et L,-  ::'{ewfoundland  '~~ci.
         (Blaucs) .........  ca. (Wbites).  1944  43  bra.dor..........  Labrador.  1944  101
        Angleterre et PaYE                  Fran~e (86 départe.  Francs (86  'dêp~~t-  1945
                                                           meuts) .... ....
         de Galles ..... ...
                                              mente) ...•.....
        Danemark. , .... ...  England and Wales.  11>45  41  &,lvlldor.....• ,.  Salyadof., ..  1943  108
                      DenlIlark ..........
        Canada ...........  Canada ............  11>45  51  Japllu ...... ....  1938  114
        P,"!ince IÙJ Québec...  Province 0/ Quebel:. .. 19<\lJ  6B  ~~~~~;i~·.·.: :::::::  Buigaria ........  1944  121
        ~cOt>l!e............  Scotland ...........  1945  56  Lithuanie..... ....  Lithuania ......  1939  122
        Allemagne (territoi-  Geffilany  (territory  Costa Rica... .....  Costa Rica. ... .....  11>44  125
         de 1937) ..... ...  of 19.'37) .........  1939  00  Hongrie .... .....  Hungary ...........  11>43  129
        Irlande du Nord....  Northern Ireland...  1_  68  Ceylan ...... .....  \i:;l:lon ............  11>45  140
        Autriche...........  Austria. ...... .. ...  1939  69  Pologne ..........  POllnd............  1938  140
        Eire ....•.........  Eire...............  11>45  69  8traiti> 8ettlement.a.  Straits Settlements..  1940  1'4
        Finlande.... , .... '  Finland... , .. ..... .  1944  69  Inde Brit.annique.  British Indie... ., ..  1942  163
        Lettonie...•.......  latvÎa...... .. .....  1939  70  Roumanie.  ..  Roumania .........  1943  184
        Estonie, ..••.....•.  Eltonia. .. .........  1931;1  77  Chj\i...... .....  Chite., ... , ........  1945  186
                                            t:gy-pte.. ...... ...  Egypt ........ ,.".  1944  204
   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148   149   150   151