Page 134 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 134

120                           POPULATION

        78-Nai88ances vivantes et taux de natalité, dans la Province, par cités et villes.
             78---Live Births and Birth Rates, in the Province, by Cities and Town•.
                          Naissances vivant,et;-T ive birth~  Taux-Rates
          CITES ET VILLE!>  !lrloyenne--A~'erRge    l'do:renne--Averll,l;e
              -      ----- -----       HH5    Hl4G                  1945    1946
         CITIEii! A~D TOWKS  1926-35  1936-45  1   1  1926-J,j  1936-45
        Co.p-de-la-Madeleine  350  320   388  1  44Q   41.3   30.2   30.2    34.3
        Chicoutimi  ...   531    748     904    936    46.1   41.0   52.5    53.5
        Drummond'odlle. ....  320  315   385     48    40'5.3  30.3  34.0    39.0
        Granby ......     326    399     515    006    31.5   28.3   33.8    30.1
        Grand .M~n>.. ......  206  ~29   302    207    30.3   26.4   32.1    32.3
        Hull ...  ... .... ,  938  1,010  1,229  1,383  32.9  30.6   34.1    38.4
        Joliette .....    338    361     406    438    30.8   21.4   29.6    31. 3
        Lévi~.....        38'    300     339    356    24.5   24...9  26.3   29 7
        Lom::ueui\ •. ~: ..  138  141    315    30j    24.5   20.'6   41.4   39.1
        MOl\TR~AL.. ...  19,604  20,249  22,175  24,100  25.5  21.8   23.5   24.1
          1.achinL"........ ..  '2()  '97  53'  609    22.7   23.8    24.8   277
          Ou!re,mont .....  109  10'     310    '04    4.1     3.2    9.6    11.0
          'terdun...........  1,039  1,061  1,588  1,826  18.5  14.8  21 9   24.3
          Weol!mount.......  212  329    275    345    8.6    12.0    9.8    119
        QC~BEC..........  4,258  4,392  4,402  4,457   32.2   29.0   27.2    20.2
        Ri'i'ière-du~Loup  240   210     265    269    27.9   23.4    28.3   28.3
        Saint-Hyacinthe ....  34,3  439  417    4S7    25.8   25.4    21.6   24.4
        &l.Înt-Jean. ' ... .....  310  395  457  413   26.1   29.3    31.2   27.6
        &int-Lambert ...  --  62  74     109    129    9.3    11.1    15.8   18.4
        8hawinigan Fall~. -- .  614  697  957   867    41.5   35.1    43.8   37.7
        Sherbrooke .. .... ...  770  1,090  1,256  1,309  27.3  31.1  32.5   32.7
        Sorel. ..........  281   353     ,,>0   454    27.8   29.1    41.8   34.9
        Thetford :\.:lînel!....  408  379  409  '37    38.7   29.4    29.9   31.2
        Trois-Rivières....  1,258  1,204  1,199  1,255  37.3  28.5    26.5   27.3
        Valleyfield ..... . '"  337  5'2  631   660    29.8   34.0    34.4   35.5
           CrTÉS--CITlES...  33,688  35,805  40,923  43,279  25.'  23.4  25.2  24.2
        Jonquière... .......  480  673   861    729    52.8   51.4    .S8.2  48 6
        La TUque ... .......  276  274   390    313    36.1   31.9    34.1   35.6
        Ltl.uzon... .... .. ....  194  200  327  339   27.7   24,4    38.5   39.4
        Magog....... .. ....  215  293   361    349    34.5   33.0    37.2   35.3
        Montmagny.        186    109     157    176    31.1   32.3    38.0   35.2
        Rimouski. ..... ..  223  2;:;7   308    332    36.7   35.7    40.9   43.1
        Saint-JérÔme.......  306  368    754    530    35.8   31.0    61.9   42.4
        Vietoriaville .....  1"  246     328    362    29.1   29.3    3.5.9  38.9
           VILLEs--ToWNS  2,065  2,481  3,416  3,130   36.4   35.1    45.4   40.8
        Rura.les--Ruml  45,016  49,032  55,530  64,876  30.6  29.0    31.4   36.4
        Urbaines--Urban ...  35,754  39,175  48,753  46,409  26.3  23.9  26.9  24.9
           PHOVI"iICE ......  80,830  88,207  104,283  111,285  28.5  26.7  29.1  30.5
                       79---Natalité de certains pays, par 1,000 habitants.
                  79--Birth Rates of Va~ious Countries, par 1,000 Population.
                                   Ann'" s Taux                         Annoos Tlloux
                PAYS-COUNTRIRS                      PAYS-COUN'I'IUR8
                                    Yeo.ra Rates                        Years Rates
         Êgypte............         194-1  52.3  Lithuanie.  Lithuania.  1939  22.4
         Palestine (moins le."!  ~;r~~i~e.(~~~l: . B'e~  Espagne.  8pain ...  1944  22.4
          Bédouill8) .  douins) ..  1945  44.8  Eire............  Eire.............  1945  22.3
         Costa Riea........  Costa Rica.........  194-1  41.8  Irlande du Kord  Korthern Ireland.  1!)45  22 0
         Straits Settlements..  Straits Settlements.  1940  41. 3  Bulgarie ..  Bulgaria..  1944  21. 9
         Panama......  Panama..     1943  39.0  Amtrlllie....  Austra\ia.  1945  21.8
         Salvador.....  Salvador......  ]943  38.1  Antriehe....  Austria..  1939  20.9
         Ceylan......  Ceylon.......  1945  30.8  LetlA;>nil'..  Lah'ia.  1941  20.1
         Chili. .......  Ohile.......  1945  33.3  ù;Jande...........  IeeJand ..  1043  20.5
         Jamaïque....  Jamaica..    194'  33.0  Allemagne (tenitoi- Gennany  .(t~~;it~ry
         Japon.............  Japan.........  1941  29.9  re de E13n.  of 1937).  1039  20.3
         Terreneuve et La-  Newfoundland  'e:~d  Finlo.nde ...  Finland ....  194-1  20 2
          brador..........  Labrador........  194'  29.3  8n~de......  Sweoien.......  1945  20.2
         Union-Sud ~4,fqcaine L'nion of South Afri-  ttaia-UnÙl..  l:'nited States ..  1945  19.8
          (Blancs) .... ,. ...  ca (Whites) ....  194-1  26.6  Sui~e  8wir.zerland...  1944  19 6
         Inde Britannique...  British India.  1944  25.1  Honl;rie ..  Hungll.ry.  1943  ]9.4
         Pologue....  Poland.       1038  24.5  Uruguay.  l:'ruguay...  1942  19.4
         Pa:!:ll-Bas..  Ketherlands....  194-1  24.0  Eat.onie..  Est.onia.....  1941  19.2
         Co.uada ...........  Canada..........  1945  23.9  Italie.....  1945  18.3
         Protiltœ de Qu(;bec.,. Province of Qu~bec  IfJ4jj  lfJ.3  Êcoslle............  ScorJand ...........  1945  16.0
         Grl-ee.      Greece..      1939  23.5  Fraoce (/:l6 dép.l.rte-  France (86 depart-
         R.oumo.nie.....  Roumanie. ......  1943  23.4  ments) .........  menh) .....  1945  16.4
         Nouvelle-ZéJo.nde..  New Zealand......  1945  23.1  Angleterre et Paya
         DllJJeroark.  Denmark........  194-1  22.6  de Gallea .......  England and Wales.  1945  16.°
                                             Belgique.......  Belgium..  1945  15.5
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