Page 133 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 133

VÉMOGRAPHIE-VITAL ST.1TISTICS                     119
             77-Nai,ssances vivantes et taux de natalité, dans la Province, par comtés.
                  77-Live Bîrtha and Birth Rates in the Province, by Counties.

                           Naissance~ vivante_Live birthB     Taux-,Rates
             C01UltS                                1
               ~        l\1o~'enne--Average          l\:Ioyenno--Average
            COt:)l"TIES              1  1945   1946                  1945    H146
                        1926-35  1936-45              H126-35  1936-45
         Abitibi ... ...   966   2,315  2,831   3,095   40.9   36.4    3:VJ   41. 7
         Argent.euil .. .....  '02  472   610    529    21.3   21. 6   25.1   25.3
         Arthaba6ka. .. .....  834  911  1,050  1,121   29.1   aO.3    52.5   34.0
         Bagot. .... .... ...  ,t91  '91  579    616    28.9   29.0    ~O.5   31.9
         Beauo:;e... _.   1.616  1,531   1,633  1,853   37.3   32.7    34.0   37.8
         BelLuhamois .. -.- ,-  554  802  1,058  1,055  22.7   25,9    32.5   31.8
         Bell"c!lfLs13e .....  733  730   787    852    33.4   30.7    30.9   32.8
         Bert.h.ier.  .... ...  .-')37  579  746  720   27.4   27.6    32.7   .'30,9
         Bonaventure..    1,060  1,215   1,:344  l, ,'514  32.4  31.0  31. 9  32.9
         Bl'ume.... .........  205  212   2.3.')  2(i0  lü.5   17,2    19.0   19.0
         Chambly... .. ....  4H    511    984   1,264   16.8   16.8    28.2   3,'5.5
         Champlain.......... '.Il  865  8.'53  969  1,038 (1)  29.3  27.4  27.6  28.9
         Charlevoix-Saguenay  1,527  1 ,26  1,9i7  2,0Q<J  34.5  33.3  35.4   3.'5.2
         Chil.tea.uguay........  300  313  379   422    22.9   23.1    24.4   26.7
         Chicoutimi.      2,471  3.382  4,18.3  4,073   45.1   43.2    49.-l  47.1
         Compton .........  509    510    096    705    26.3   25.3    31.2   31.0
         Deu!(-::\-fontagneil..  366  372  '84   502    25. f)  23.5   20.9   27.4
         Dorcb('t<ter...  1,016    !J!J5  1,189  1,199  34.9   29.6    33.5   33.1
         Drummond.  ...    853   1,107   l, :J99  1,626  33.0  34.3    35 . .'5  40.4
         Frontenac.  .....  943    961   1,040  1,109   39.0   31>.4   -36.1  37.8
         Gaspé-est ......  (l)  971  1,090  1.245  1,322 (1)  32.9  34.9  -34.2  35.6
         Gaspé-oue<'t..    387     459    tim    616    39.7   40.3    -l5.3  45.3
         Gatineau ..       ifi::l  743    !J07   995    27.7   25.-l   28.4   30.5
         Hull .........  (1) 1.0:10  1,227  - - 1,528  1 ,718 (0  28.3  29.6  34 ..)  37.8
         Huntine(don.      ;1,35   234    295    330    20.0   19.3    22.2   2-l.7
         Iben'ille........  '227  250     315    352    24.1   24.7    28.5   31. 2
         ILes-de-la-1fadelein"e·.:  280  279  315  321:1  34.2  30.7   32.8   33.û
         Joliette          871    S93   1,000   1,OfJJ  31. 7  2.'l.i  19.5   30.6
         I(nrnoul~~~:k~:.  775    741     800    "9     33.5   28.3    29.2   31.1
         Labelle........   749    825     975  ,  1,011  37.2  ~F;.6   39.4   3tJ.0
         Lac Saint-Jeltn.  (1)  942  997  1,030  --  1.134 (1)  42.1  40.3  38.0  41.0
         L'AsEomption.     439    H9      .')47  881    28.8   25.4    29.0   30.2
         La\·iolette.     1,001  l.086   1,327  '" 1,399  32.6  31. 8  34.9   36.0
         LéYis ...         9S<    971    1,221:1  1, 375  26.9  25.1   30.0   32.9
         L'TsiN..... ..    6.31   62::1   7JJ    774    32.7   29.8    32.2   34.3
         Lotbinière...     750    824     930    955    32 ..)  30.2   32 . .')  32.7
         l'!askinongé. .......  523  497  533  .-  599  32.6   27.6    27.2   30.0
         Matane ......     827    859    1,068  1,150   42.1   35.5    39.0   41. 2
         MatlL[Jédia..    1.033  1,163   l.3S8  1,385   40.9   38.8    45.2   42.2
         lVIégantic       1,157  1,202   1.381  1,439   32.7   30.3    :n.8   32.4
         I\:Ii~8i5f]Uoi.  ... '  '35  489  082   618    22.3   24.9    25.3   26.3
         lVIontc!l.lm ... .. .... ..  416  399  4û2  ,312  30.2  27.6  29.2   31.7
         l'dontmagny...    645     64,-'5  732   792    31.7   29.3    30.9   32.8
         l\fontmorency....  ,337  497     558    011    32.4   25.7    27.9   30.0
         Montréal & J~sus....  22,4-30  23,678  ~27,773  "-29.983  22.8  20.3  22.7  2' 0
         :-:l'nrierville-Laprairie.  643  511  615  700  2,'i.8  23.1  25.9   2g.0
         :;.lirolet.............  &(;9  816  839  fl09  30.2   26.ff   26.0   27.6
         Papineau.         833     7,30   869    8-32   28.7   25.4    29.4   27.6
         Pontiac ..        503     41]1   524    5()(j  2'l.8  ::n.9   24.6   26.0
         Portueuf.        1, 140  1,020  1,124  1, 241  31.5   2û.3    26.8   29.0
         Ql1~tec...       4,527  5,ti59  0,278  6,545   3l. 7  27.6    28.8   29.4
         Richelieu ..      568     657    982    809    26.0   28.2    38.6   33.5
         Richmond. .........  729  751    966    981    20.6   29.4   35.-3   35.2
         Rimouski........ .-  1,131  1,562  1,963  2,002  33.4  ;~1.;I,  41.4  41.4
         Ri~'i~re---du-Loup.  1,005  990  l, Il7  1,203  30.0  28.3    30: 1  31.8
         RobeJ'\'aL ...   1.376  1,574   1,700  1,927   41.9   38.2    40.7   45.0
         Rouville.         343    349     4SfI   490    249    22.3    28 7   28.2
         Shefford.....  ..  l'Ill  888   1,13-1  1,251  28.8   27.1    51.13  34.2
         Sherbrooke..      9-l2  1,256   1,4G7  1,511   23.3   26.7    27.4   28.7
         Soulan..,~.... ....  235  192    244    218    25.6   21.5    24.4   21.3
         StlLu~tefl,d..•...... ..  1102  '93  8-39  947  23.5  215.4   27.3   30.2
         Saint-Hyneintbe. .,.  608  784   876    90s    23.7   25.5    25.8   27.9
         Saint·Jean .. , ..  453  557     840    639    26.0   27 7    29.2   28.3
         SlLint-Maurice.  2,4Il  2,372  2,7:15  2,745   36.1   29 7    31. 7  31.2
         Témisca.mingue..  773   1,473  1,638   1,772   35.7   37 8    37.7   30.9
         Témiscnuu.ta. .. ..  737  924  1,080   1,165  (1)  34.1  33.7  43.2  45.7
         Terrehonne.   e'  1 143  1,254  1,626  1,9;:11  29.8  21.1    30.5   37.3
         Vaudreuil. ..... ... .  272  2413  303  338    22.7   19.5    21.4   23.4
         '·el'chères.      34'    382     48'    518    27.3   27.3    31. 7  33.3
         'Wolfe            5613   546     607    605    33.3   31.4    32.3   34.7
         Yam~~: ........   509    445     526    524    30.1   26.6    29.6   29.0
         Kou\'eau-Québee..  .... .- .  S9  177   188 ...     .... ....  50.5  55.9
            PRO\'l?'iCE ....  BO,UD  BB,231  104,283  111,285  28.5  26.5  29.1  30.5
           (1) Moyenne des cinq d(,l'Dillred Années.  (1) A\"erage of the IlLst five YelU'~.
   128   129   130   131   132   133   134   135   136   137   138