Page 105 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 105

OCCUPATIONS                               91
        S4-Gaînfully Occupied (1) of the Province of Quebec, by Occupation Groups
                                    and Countie. , 1941.
                   et com~                  SEn.VICE
                 municatiOIUl  Commerce                        Commis
          CODf!.true--  -  et finance       Prof~eioD-        de bureau  1  Journaliers
           tion   Trll.n~port-  -              nel   Per.lQIlne]  -      (')
                  ation and and  Total  -       -      Clerical  Lo.bourers
                  Commlmi-  Finance   (3)     Prof('.'i·  Persona\
                   cation"                    6ional
             69i]     839    1,055    2,571     839     1,559·    570      518  1
             503      369      ''''   l ,3Il    'Di      826      347      842  2
             4<3      347      658    1,389     572      7&4      346      721  3
             1r11     160      239      G30     303      295       76      319  4
             557      461      770    1,978     776     1,095     223      155  ;
             90.      712      830    1,965     743     l,g~~     578    2,179  6
             231      211      301    1,177     543                58      177  7
             289      323      423    1,001     394      551      li6      342  8
             237      418      426    1,437     4&4      908      161      586  Û
             157      217      230      720     217      426       56      281  1 a
             918      948    1,171    2,372     918     1,241    1,935     ",0  1 1
            1,276    1,507   1,434    3,251    1,195    1,894     70:3    l, i73  2 1
             180      345      210      670      lM      434       61      214  3 1
             125      317      136      733     397      281       32      113  4 1
             203      185      344      8Oi]    348      407      214      419  5 1
            2,082    1,391   1,522    3,81l5   1 755    1 fl:l1i  1,055  4,274  1 6
             207      326      308    1,011     402      538      10.      378  7 1
             304      199      371      ù15     451      401      312      271  8 1
             174 .    213      326      979     367      5B7       61      201  9 1
             570      440      865    1,656     521     1,036     561      981  2 a
             172      373      392      9.'57   358      534      lI6      347  2  1
             302      413      478    1,477     450      OZ'1     170      590  2 2
             109      192      128      569     149      392       47      135  2 3
             322      420      45i    1,532     414      992      410      528  2 4
             857      959     1,378   2,8:55    817     1,761    1,348    1,686  2 5
             190      lI9      207      592     177      354       63      280  6 2
             181      146      100      4J9     208      195       89      141  2.
              53      108      112      367      78      202       17      241  2  8
             ,~20     549      901    1,6S3     799      783      3lI      871  9 2
             262      305      355    1,342     570      710       82      442  3 o
             178      268      317    1,033     357      620       86      451  3 1
             422      301      431      976     340      572      174      549  3 2
             366      450      521    1,4H7     558      764      204      685  3 3
             351      199      213      621     261      il:H     101      538  34
             353      232      306      875     339      493       99      741  3 5
             672      385      705    1,770     757      905      482      m    3 6
            1,084    1,309    1,082   2,695    1,144    1,388     824     1,009  3 7
             184      290      199      822     286      494       63      264  3 8
             232      327      300      840      322     468       58      422  9 3
             198      186      328      780     305      427      J07      276  4 a
             203      290      383    1.1l5     303      763      143      594  4 1
             164      296      340    1,072     2\19     705      114      340  4 2
             561      434      743    2,214     678     1,438     350      397  4 3
             342      457      481    1,088     342      643      343      '18  4 4
             245      l:3il    197      079     211      408       63      345  4 5
             327      358      4ll      928     ,'Hl     566      248      4.35  4 6
             413      232      29S      818     305      459      168      286  4 7
              71       53       53      202      ô8      114       21       60  4 8
           32.622   38,434   60,198  102 ,MO  33, IBO  60,163   66,320   33.414  4 9
              79       70      135      281     132      138       51      123  5 a
             292      258      42tl   1,004     782      757      113      :l:l6  fi 1
             367      363      470    1,M9      447     1,023     193      725  2 5
             151      278      235      915     280      573      115      349  3 5
             571      748      G67    1,81,4    598     1,163     229     1.059  , 5 4
            5,302    5,848   8,760   20,160    7,477   10,843    8.556    7.271  5
             830      627      .'ifi,'l  1.212  470      687      367      800  5  6
             409      MO       581    1.261     45~      736      401      860  7 5
             5l)3     792      808    2,585     859     1,027     3i3     1,178  58
             373      052      704    1,697     560     1,054     276      904  9 5
             280      182      318      854     388      428      16'      196  6 a
             215      509      312    1,077     283      680      1&6      462  6 1
             407      350      848    1,4.'io7  556      859      514    1,756  6' 2
            1,086    1,103   1,979    4,û14    1,446    2,325    1,525    1,943  0, 3
             137      297      161      458     150      285       69      337  54
             420      340      670    1,.i45    485      940      414    1, 132  6 6
             668      430      998    2,648    1,5-n    1,010     489      835  6 6
             603      397      611    1,333     418      748      483      430  6 7
            1,970    1,674   2,445    5,703    2.320    3,036    1,785   3,167  8 a
             573      541      816    1,957     685     1,136     423      648  69
             liO      226      217      752     246      46.       79      415  7 a
            1,365     815    1,092    3.022     937     1,915     849    2,226  71
             2&4      255      395    1,033     455      536      199      417  72
             2.3      139      279      666     320      312      li6      293  7 3
             131      m        224      ",0     236      247       43      123  74
             205      249      271      670     312      330       34      186  75
           111.085  7&.051  10',273  224,&:22  19.N4   129,242  98,191   91,Sn
           0> 14 yeau of age and a'l"er, inoludiog pe",oo~ on AllUY+) BeTvice o.t tho of the CI!O-l>Ia.
           (2) lncludea perSQD8 with occupation not stated and peThon~ in in~titutÎons.reporting a 1!"8inful OOmlpatîon prior
        ta commitment.
           (3) AlEo incllldes perSODS in "Publi(l" and "Reo.rea.tiona.1" service.
           (4) IMlw-Ip-.Il Labourera in aU indUEtries except agTÎcu!ture, fuohing, logging and minÎng.
   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108   109   110