Page 232 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 232
~2-DiplômessupérieuT8 catholiques.
22-Catholic Superior Diploma8.
É or ." ~CllOOJ.:J 1940-41 1942-4.3
r;.VAl. . 13 o o 9 10 11
Jàcyltl('· ~':l!'[ier . 44 20 35 48 26 34
Hlmo ~i.. . . 4 1
C~Jwo~ti;ni . . . .. .. . .. .. 'ï
,\col . ..•....•. 3 7 2 2 :~ 4 1)
'f.rojs·H.ivi~rr's . 14 7 3 2 7 G 7
VAlley/id'l. .. . .•..... 21) 9 8 4 5 3 .\
Bu.l1 .•....... " , •......•..•. 1) ID 7 2 3 .') 13
Juliette . 5 6 2 3 2 1
SL-n~'a['i 11\ he. .• . . .. . .......•. 18 2 2 3 .') fi
St.-P",ci;l. . . . . . . . . . . , 12 4 6
Sb•.:rhrnokE". . . . . . .. . .....•.... 14 3 2 6 )1
Sl.J('f6roe................•... 16 10 .') .') 4 4 7
n.~t~~Jl.1~.. :::::~: :~: :~:: :::.. 3 4 4 ·1 1
MOD:l.wLam·ier. . . . . • . . . •. ' •.... [3 9 7 8 11 8 li
ViII ·-'-Iaric. . . . . . .. . ..•....... 3 4 2 4
Sle·til·sule . I~ 8 5 5 2 3 1
Sl..Je'w .•..................•.. li 7 7 4 .1 ·1 7
Lé,·is ....•............•... 1 6 J
Amos . 3
St Darnil'n . 2 2
St-HYAcinlhe (SS. de 8t..Jo.cnh). 6 2 4
1\111Jt..-Joli .
TOTAL . 2U 119 1.02 98 89 113 :1.38
1---1----:1---1--- ---------1----
M:\ttf)f,,- CQ":lHUNIT)ES:
P' "'_M~II'•.......... 33 5:;
(~ ln "l)m(".J1·~. 4 Hl
TO'rAL ..•..... 37' 125
Gn.\SD TOTAL. 248 26"3
2J-Diplome8 accordés pal' l'école normale pl'otestante Macdonald.
2J-Diplomas Awal'ded by Macdonald Prote8tant NOl'mal School.
. DIPLÔ:-"lES-DIPI,o)I'IAS 103b 39 103.1)-10 HH0-41 1941-42 1~·12-t3 1(l43-H HIH- t;.
nLuJr<.....Elcm tory ..... 48 49 36 32 27 47 41
lnlm-oc di.ùk!lll-IntrrmMj~le... 09 123 OG 74 H 18 31
Acad!'1I1;que. (l)-AM 1 mie (1) .. .......... 18 .__._. H
---- -----"\----1---- ----O=-~_
TOTAL •••..........•••.. 197 224 132 106 59 79 80
(1) Ac orde po.r le 1\11tnILtl ('''n\r~ Il.. ":",,,, (1) Aworded by lllc CoolHml BOllrd nr F..llmlfllO,"••<ince
<levn" 1009. 1909.
Le B1/.l·'au. cen.tral des eXGminoü]II.'·S c. lholi- The Central Board of Cathol'ic Examillero,
'J' C~ qui, a.\\Lreroi~, accordait les br s de burore being abolished in 1n:l9, bsuèd diplonl11S.
enpacitl:i, th été aboli en 1939. n 3,wit. ét,6 lt had been created in 1898 ta replace tho
(ondé E'Tl 1888 pour remplac r les di 's petila
vttlious small boards in existence. Its object
burûlt1lX alors .0. exis' oNI. Sa fonction ' '1;
dl' fl~ire ubir dEl/) e~1tl m: llUX cat.holiquG8 de was to examine Catholics ,""ho inte.nde(! ta
la province qui "'J cl stitmiont lL l'en~ement dcvote themselves ta teaching and a separate
et il exr~tait un organiSlnB sépD,ré pour l€'s pro- boa.rd was in operation for Protestants.
On trouvora, dans If'R Cllitions cT" j'1'\Jmnaire In the ed..ihOIIS of the Y<:!iU' Book, prj(lI' to
allt,6rieUl'eR il. j fl-J4,le llon li )]'0 de bre-vClts a 'OJ'(Jé~ In!'1, the Dnmhcr ot diploTllfls awardcd hy t.hat
plU œ bureau, il tou;; 1<'5 ans, jusqu'en JUan. Bureau, each year, up ta 1939, is given.