Page 237 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 237

                               29-Classification, par facultés, des étudiants inscrits dans les universités.
                             29--Classitication, by Faculties, of the Students Enrolled at the Universities.
                              ANN:f:ES  Théologie  DroiL  e1airufRie  Philo.o·  LeLLres  Scic(wen  Autnj~
                                                     de~'6iJ'c  phie                   ét'ol 'f
                                -         -     -      -      -     -      -     ArL.   <:r)  'J't)taJ
                                                     Medecine  Pbiloso-                Olber
                               YEARS    Tbeol  •1 ~  Law  lwd  pby  LeLt.ers  Science  .cbool.
                                        -            Dentill.try
                                          UNrVERSIT:f:s CATHOLrQUE8-~'"THOLIC UN WF,U;:rTIES
                           m-l4-·I:;  _._ ..            000  1       7:M    !lla  ~,ll3      .";) P',II23
                           11143-11.  .                 L ;'.;       il7    I>~jl [ ) -I,U06  ,,) 17. , ""lI
                           19-12-1;1  ,    '1           7of)         ~5~    fi02  ~,Ia        Hl,~ï7
                           19t1--l~   .    .J           61;7         426    3711  :~,8rl8     21,~~~
                           lil,lo-41.  .   4 '?         670          . ~i7  301   . ,7Qg
                           lO<l\l ()   '   -IuO         till!          1    2-14  :1,663      ~~~ ::
                           lU:U>-      .   5la          ti2~         2I,WI  2·Hi  :1,712      1~.7'i~
                           1837·:.11  · •...  ,,17   rI)  61l        2ljb   197   3,1:i~2     20,!.11)5
                           193~31     .    460         2,410               2,OB6  13,7.3-8  ....-'''"1  'IB,942
                           1035-36    ,    496       I~) 2,177             2,215  12,957 .........  18,111
                           1934.3-5  .     4.67        I,OOB ......... ........-  2,133  13,44;]  17,:l70
                           193:F14    ..   470         1,131  · . .. .. . . . .........  2,140  14,83!l  18,878
                           1932-:33   .    4a,5        1,029               2,238  13,773      17,831
                           19:11-32  _  ..  404        1,083 · . .... ... .........  2.14a  13,,523  17,604 .
                           1930-;1I   .    622          990 ......... ..   2,1:)4  13,IH      17,186
                           HI29-30  , ....•  1;41       940   ..... ........  2,(}ti7  1~,891  16,800
                           1928-20    ,    fi47         9:!0 ......... ...  2,022  !l,ij~9    15,6406
                           1\l27-28   _.   656          766                1,900  10,475      14,048
                           1926-27    ,    M5           755                1,~j29  9,35~      12,6405
                           1925-25  __ , _..  '!i(\!    920  ~ ........ .........  1,!i28  11,277  11,720
                                        UNlVERSITtS PROTESTANTE8-PROT'ESTANT UNIVERSITLE8
                           H..4 ·1-1.;; ...••.. ....  ij  ~76  1·....· ..  .........  474  J.. 714  4 1~"O  6. ",S
                           ID·U-H.... __ .•...  4  3~   4!13 .........      535  1,576  3,674  6.:lO7
                           1042-13 ..........  7  1  ~  -la                 617  1,426  1  3,11>3  5,624
                           LO-Il--l2 ...........  H  4,  41H      ::::::::::  404  1,'103  !  2,900  5,.:&h;)
                           1940-41 ...........  II  57  -148 .........  • •• < •••••  45D  1,320  2,565  4,800
                           19311-40...........  9  56   508 ·.~ .... . .........  4(i8  1,386  2,557  4,9&1
                           1938-39...........  12  59   617 ......... ...... ...  424  1,470  2,B05  6,287
                           1937-3a...........  9  M     501 ......... .........  383  1,291  2,1l00  4,89S
                           1935-37 ...........  13  61  664 ......... .........  704  2,915 .........  4,367
                           193:;-36...........  15  65  590 ......... ........  027  2,609 .........  4,206
                           1934-~5.......... ,  17  88  609 .... ..... .........  937  2,770 .........  4,421
                           1933-34 ...........  19  lOI  5116 ......... .........  9~9  2,347 .........  3,9~1
                           1932-33...........  18  89   5&3 ......... .........  I,UI3  2,204 .... .....  3,887
                           1931-:l2...........  27  g~  546 ......... .........  1,024  2,2~2 .........  3,1)13
                           1930-31. ..........  33      551 ......... .........  968  2,403 .........  4,053
                           1929-30 ...........  39  911  Mo ......... .........  1,034  2,364  . ........  4,096
                           1928-29 .... .......  28  8'JI  563 ........ .........  1,078  2,624 ........  4,376
                           1927·28...........  23  M    564 ........ .........  725  2,127  .........  8,504
                           1926-27........ _..  21  l  6L  570 . ....... ... ......  829  2,237 .........  3,7U
                           192/?-26 .... _.....  25  72  628 ........  . . . . . ...  734  1.,821 . ........  3.280
                           191·1-45.....              1,3:l6  328    7:1ol  l,a!lO  6.8'"  ~ l. ',:lI3  ~~ JW,781
                           1!I·j:J-14 ...........      1.3"!l  191   jj7   },411  (4) 5,6:12 Il 13,W2 n n,193
                           HH2--13 ...........         1,284   97    ~     1, !la  5,3~8  16,706  2.5,1l01
                           ]911-12 ..•....             l,lin   98     ~     1;.(3  5,201  18,664 ,  27,167
                           1940-41 ...... _....        1,124   134   3117   763  ô.UB  17,IM .  2.5,410
                           19:10-40 ...........  ~     1,11l!l  137  :Hl    712  /),04(1  11l,875  26,010
                           I!n"·:.19........ _•  !'lJl  J ,141  110  266    670  5.182  15,871  24,059
                           1937-38 ...........  526  ~  1,172  08    208    ~80  6,183  17,741  25,803
                           1~:I(i-37...........  473  :uJa  3,074  .. ..... ,..  2,iIl0'  16,663  23,2119
                           1931'>-:J6 ...........  liIl  337 (3) 2,767     3.142  16,666      22,323
                           1.934·3.;...........  484  389  1,617           3,070  16,231      21,791
                           1933-:\4 ...........  489  399  1,090           3,08(1  17,180     22,869
                           ~1I32-33.... _...•..  483  41.5  1,502          3,251  15,977      21,718
                           1931~12...........  481  390  1,1);19           3,172  15,77~      21,4-1.7
                           19:J0-31. ....... , ..  665  392  1,560         3,102  15,540      21,239
                           1929·30 ........ , .  680  354  1,50~           3,101  15,25~      20,895
                           1928-29 ...........  675  350  1"IS:l           3,100  14,313      19,921
                           1927-28...........  679  3 III  1,~:lO          2,(;25  12,602     17,5~2
                           1926-27 .....   671l  307   1,332               2,358  Il.~96      16,209
                           1921'>-20 ...........  686  306  1  1,548       2,302  13,098      18,000
                            (1) A....ant 1937-3R. ln .cienee vétérinaire, la pbarma-  (1) P':""ioll. 10 1937-:58, \"et.erinary eoience, ph....""'oy
                           oolugie eL rJ..)ygi~ne Mni~1 inclusc•.  and byglene wero IDCluded.
                            (2) R~pa.rtis auparavant enl rc la :!tC'. rJ.(:e~ médicales,  (2) Prc\· divided heLween medio,,) .oienc.., art.
                           lee arts et les scicn~œ.             and p,pplied' science.
                            (3) AlIJ(menl ion provenAnl de l'inelllEion de l'école  (3) Inor.Rse duo la inclusion of Nur.illg Scbool of Lbe
                           de. p;ardos·malll<l"" de l'uDi\·c,.il& de MouLrü,:1.  UDiver.iLy of MonLreal.
                            (4) CbiJIrl" rev'lloI5.a.            (4) RBVisc<l l'ur"".
                            (5) Voir not" (1), l" ,oc 2JS.       (5) See foot-nol,c (1), p'·lle 218.
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