Page 217 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 217

                            B-ENSEIGNEMENT PRIMAIRE                 B-PRIMARY EDUCATION
                           L'école primaire élémentaire comprend troi.,  The elemenl.ary primary school iB com]Josed
                         cours réguliers de deu.'( an.nées ChMun: infé-  of throo re/,'1.Ùar courses of two yeats each, viz:
                         rieur, moyen, supérieur. Une secLion prépara-  10wer, intermediate and superi.or.  A prepar-
                         toire, appelée 1ère année chez les ca,tholiques,  atory section designated as 1st year in catholic
                         prépare au prograrnme élémentaire les enfants  schools, for children who have not yet attend-
                         qui n'ont p8.'l encore fréquenté l'école. Dans  ed school, prepares them for the elementary
                         la section préparatoire et dans le cours infé-  course,  In the preparatory section and in the
                         rieur, l'ensoignement est purement oral. En  lower grade, teaching  IS purely oral.  In
                         1944-45, il y avait 7,781 écoles élémentaires  1944-45, there were 7,781 elementary schools
                         avec un personnel enseignant de 11,663 insti-  with a male a·nd female teaching staff of
                         tuteurs et institutrices. On comptait alors un  11,663. The number of pupils enroUed at
                         tota.! de 270,482 élèves inscrits.   that date was 270,482.
                                       3- Statistiques des écoles primaires élémentaires.
                                         3-StatiBticB of Elementary Primary SchoolB.
                                              Nombre de.                            Préllence moyenne
                                              Numbet al            Pupils EnroBed   Average Attendance
                             ANN~ES   1------------1-----
                             YEARS                                                         centago

                         1944-45, , ..... , ....  7.378  193  Il,70  119,210  Il'>,H62  23,'\,172  \2\  (2)
                         1943·H (1) ....... ,.  7,.t~f)  509  9,928  125,364  122,H4  217,S08  (2)
                         1942·43 ......... , ..  7.450  493  9,890  128,136  125,460  253,590  20~~963  82.00
                         IY41-'12 .. , .... , , ...  7,4 lM  511  0,879  131.450  127,825  2,)\),275  213,i\06  82.37
                         19,10-41. ...........  7,474  529  9,971  136,176  133,747  209,923  222.301  82.36
                         1939-40 ............  7,477  512  10,131  138,788  137,358  276,146  230,036  83.~2
                         1938-39 ............  7,376  485  9,996  140,972  139,677  280,649  231,881  82.62
                         1937-38 ... , ", .. ,,,  7,328  482  10,253  145,190  140,976  292,166  238,609  81.67
                         1936·37 ............  7,224  ~64  10,106  146,962  1~7,313  29;),275  237,781  81.08
                         1935-36 ... , ..... , ..  6,997  483  9,724  142,540  143,612  286,052  232,242  81. 19
                         193"'3~..... , ,,, ,.  6,950  li63  9,676  146,695  146,710  292,405  238,932  81. 71
                         1933·34 ............  6,806  M8  9,640  146,421  149,781  295,202  242,490  82. I~
                         1932-33 ... , ....... ,  6,661  625  9,685  148,073  149,441  297,614  243,183  81.7'
                         1931·32 .......  6,836   774   10,381  100,998  163,283  324,281  2G6,349  82.14
                                          l!JCOLES PROTESTANTES.-PROTESTANT SCHOOLB
                         1944·15",,,,,.....  403  110   1,300  18,125  17,185,  35,3rO  (2)  (2)
                         1943~ll(I) ... """  4:10  III  1,399  19.555  18,548  3~,103  (2)    2 ()
                         1942-43, , . . . . . . . . . .  456  111  1,395  20,164  19,310  30,474  32,329  81 .90
                         1911-42"          4i9    137   1,3~S  21,~57  20,lf,2  41,519  32.870  70.17
                         1910-41 .. "........  li02  142  1,405  22,451  20,926  43,377  34,202  78.81i
                         1939-40. " , .•... , ..  ;;27  151  1,4:\1  23,028  21,4.';7  44,481i  36.258  81.51
                         1938·39............  631  144  1,452  23,871  22,1-12  46,013  37,2llll  81.04
                         1937·38, .. ,     526    132   1,442  24,197  22,fl38  46,sali  38,03~  81.21
                         1936·37    " ,    622    117   1,461  24,792  23, LOo  47,897  38,388  80. Iii
                         11l35-aO .. "..   62li   U9    1,466  26,468  23,G66  49,134  39',033  79.H
                         1934·35 ........ ".  53li  12\1  1,630  ~6,641  25,121  51,762  41,341  79.87
                         19:1:\·34. """"'"  639   126   I,M2   27,325  26,827  53,152  42,633  80.21
                         1932·:J3. " .. ".".  632  110  1,539  26,721  25,372  52,093  41,890  80.41
                         1931·32. ..       M7     110   1,572  2(\,800  25,207  52,CJO?  41,091  79.01
                         1944 -45     .  7,781    1100  Il.060  137,:J.3i,  133,1'17 1  270,,182  (2)  (2)
                         19,13,,11 (1)  , •..  7,1119 1  020·  Il,327  H·J,919  140,\1'.12 .  2RS,911  (2)  (2)
                         1942-43......•. ,  .  7,915  ,  604  11,28,)  148.:lO0  144,770  29:1,070  240,291  81.99
                         1941-42,  "  , .  7,897  618   11,267  102,.'\07  147,907  300,794  ~l~:;~g  81.93
                         li}40-1I     .   7,976 .  671  Il ,376  158,627  164,G73  313,300   81.87
                         1939~40      .   8,004   603   11,562  161,816  168,815  320,631  261\,894  83.24
                         1938-39  ,   .   7,907   629   Il,447  164,843  IUI.SIO  .120,662  269,170  82.40
                         1937-38  "." .   7,854   614   11,605  169,387  161l,614  339,001  270.644  81.61
                         1936·37 , . ,  .  7,746  681   11,566  170,764  170,418  341,172  276,169  80.95
                         193~-36, ,. , .• , ,  ,  7,522  602  11,100  168,008  167.178  335.186  271,276  80.93
                         1934·35. " .,  .  7,486  U02   11,206  173,336  170.831  344,167  280,273  81.44
                         1933-34 ,  , •......  7,344  674  11,1\12  172,746  175,608  348,364  285,123  81.86
                         11)32·33  , ..... , , ,  7,193  636  11,22<.1  174,794  174,813  340,607  285,073  81.54
                         1\131-32         7,383         11,9S3  187,798  188,490.  376,288  307,440  81.70
                          (1) Chiffres revioê•.                 (1) Revi,ccl 6gures.
                          (2) Pa. de rappor&.                   (2) No report.
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