Page 220 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 220

202                    INSTRUCTION-EDUCAT TON

                                 4-ENSEMBLE DES tCOLES PRIMAIRES        4-SURVEY OF PRIMARY SCHOOLS
                                En 1945, dans les 9,320 oooles primaires de  In 1945, there wero 9,320 primary schoolB
                              la Province, 26,347 instituteurs et institutrices  in the Province with a teaclring staff of 26,347
                              dispensaient l'enseignement à 612,896 élèves.  persons and 612,896 pupils enrolled.

                                            &-StatietiqueB de l'en.amble dei écoleB primaireB.
                                                 6-Statietic. of Ali Pl'imary Schoola.
                                                   Nombre dea           Elèvea inaorila  Préllence moyenne
                                                      -                     -                 -
                                                   NlUIlbe. Dl          Pup;la Enroll.d  Average Attendanc.
                                    -                       I08lilu·                             Pour-
                                  YEAfiS     Éeoles 1 lDetitU-1  triccs  Garçon.  FijI..        centage
                                               -             -       -      -     Tolal  No~bre 1  -
                                             Sonools  Male  FomaJe  BoY!'  Girls         Number  Per-
                                                    Teeohen  'l'eR.chers  1     1               centage
                                       ~COLES PRIMAIRES CATUOLIQUES (l)-CATHOLIC PnIMARY SCROOLS (1)
                               1944...j~ ............  8.770  4,865  18.646  271,157  273,~~-! ~5)M4,491  (4)
                              19t3·44 ........... ,  8,797 (3)  4,nS (3) IS,46l:l  273,487  277,(;;;7  5).'551,144  (4)  .... ......
                              1942-43 ......... ".  8,746  4,09'1  18,273  273,502  277,9~2  6ii 1,484  467,109  84.7
                              19-11-t2............  8,6:'6  4,60S  18,1~8  277,~'1ü  279,0~3  ii56,42!l  471,988  81.8
                              194()..41 .... , , .•....  8,651  4,523  17,910  282,6;;2  282,!Hll  5'05,001  479,559  64.8
                              11139-40 ............  8,6l!  4,480  17,893  Z86,5H4  281,8S3  571,477  4\)2,715  86.2
                              1938-39 ............  S.505  4,419  17,680  290,070  289,078  579,148  492,960  85.1
                              1937-38 ............  8,3.51  4,336  17,2;'8  284,BOO  286,831  670,631  483,126  84.7
                              11136-37 ............  8,2~5  4,309  17,017  284,618  283,708  568.326  477,MO  84.0
                               1935-36 ............  8,OH  4,173  16,704  279,926  281,910  661,836  473,461  84.3
                              1934·36 ............  7,931  4,045  16,376  276,713  279,4119  556,212  471,126  84.7
                               11)~3·34............  7,762  3,952  18,020  272,780  275,750  648,530  473,771  86.4
                              1932-33 ....•.......  7,548  3,813  15,841  268,921  272,068  640,989  457,613  64.6
                              1931-32 ...........  7,643  3,754  16,725  263,487  270,224  533,711  449,670  84.2
                                      ÉCOLES PRIMAIRES PROTESTANTES (2)-PROTEBTANT PRIMAfiY SCflOOLS (2)
                               1944-45 ............  550  488  2,348  34,695  !l3,710  ~5) 68,405  (i)  ..........
                              1943-44 ............  575 (3)  464  (3)  2,Wl9  35,lll  33,968  5) ô9,069  (4)  .....82:0·
                               1942-43 ............  003  424  2,381  34,733  33,889  68,622  66,326
                              194H2............  6:10  502    2,:350  35,971  ~.\181  71.1,';2  57,Wl  1l0.9
                              11140-41. ...........  655  5·12  2,334  37,39:'  36,29(J  73,691  59,'525  80.8
                              19311-40 ............  678  MC  2,326  37,S~4  36,52,1  74.358  ôl,792'  83.1
                              1938-311 ........... ,  686  533  2,339  38,535  37,054  75,589  62,492  82.6
                              1937-38.•..... , ....  676  500  2,287  38,581  37,177  7.5.758  62,703  82.8
                               193th37 ............  667  462  2,257  38,1149  3(J,OOO  76,849  62,196  81.9
                              1113~30......... , ..  669  448  2,242  00,432  37,184  76,016  62,6311  81.8
                              1934-36 ............  677  427  2,2B5  40,372  38,242  78,614  83,91\6  81.3
                              1933--34 ............  680  413  2,327  41,219  39,331  80,'550  65.8"64  81.7
                              1932-33 ............  674  381  2,361  41,212  39,322  80,534  66,607  81. 5
                              1931-32 ........... ..  688  368  2,400  40,432  38.721  79.153  64,048  80.11
                               19H-45 ...........  9.:J20  ,,~,:J5;{  20,00·[  30;',8.-,2  :107,044  (.i)(112.~96  (.1)  ..........
                              1\143+1............  9.;)72 (3)  5,202  (3)  2(J,~67  308,598  311.615  (5)020,213  (4)  .. ·..àiX
                               19<12.-4:3 .... _.......  Il,3i\)  ô,IlS  20,05'1  30·~,235  311,871  6:10,100  523,435
                              10H-12 ...........  !l,2~ü  li,IlU  20..1~~  31:1.:J17  314,:!61  627';)81  b::m,037!1  l:S4.4
                              1940-41 ............  0,309  5,O(jf}  20,241  32U,04.7  319,245  63(l,2ô2  539,084  84 .0
                              1939-40 ............  !l,289  5,030  Zil,219  32·1,428  321,407 .  61.-,.8:1-5  554.,507  85.9
                              1938-39 ............  9,190  4,9;'2  20,019  32B.605  321;,132  6r.-l,737  555,452  84.8
                              11137·38 ............  0,027  4,S36  19,545  323,381  :t03.00S  64U,389  64.';,829  84.4
                              1931}-37 ............  8,902  4,771 :  111,274  323,507  320,608  64'1,175  539,846  83.8
                              1935-36. ..........  8,710  4.621  l8,946  31U,3,'i8  319,094  638,452  536,000  83.9
                              1934·3,5 . ...........  8,60S  4,472  IB,Of>O  ~17,08:>  317,7401  6:H,B26  636,082  64.2
                              Hl33-34 . .........  S.442  4,:105  18,:H7  313,!199  315,Ofll  (;2~,080  639,G25  8.5.S
                              1932,33. ... . ... .'  B,2Z2  4,19'1  18,202  310,133  311,390  021,52:1  523,120  64.2
                              1931-32 . .......  8,231  4,122  18,125  303,!l111  308,94,5  612,8\)4  513,(118  83.8
                                (1) Elémentni1es, complénu;nlBil-es et .",,,(,,·i.orc•.  (1) Elenlental'Y, compIGD\f!ota.ry and 8uperior.
                                (2) Elémentaire:i t in  Lédiaires et 'tlIigh 8c1Jools ti  •  Cl) 1';IolOenlary, intol'médiatc and ITigh Schoo~.
                                (3) Ch.itT''C8 ro,·;.                (:1) Hcvi8c(1 figures.
                                ('1) p,," de rn[fpnrt.               (4) No 1elJort.
                                (R} Ill$OriptiC>Jl  totale srdon  le  so(':rl1tB.Lre-t,~"mder.  ("-1) Tul.;j.)  enro}mcnt  B.ccording  t.o  the  BceTcla.I'Y~
                              CeLto inscrij)t.ioll ejt  ~lin(~r:l.lcmcnt plu:.i p,raflde que  trcï},suro[".  Thnt ~nroJroent i~ nsw11ly ~rf~:JJer thun the
                              OP.lle pro1..clUTIt ùu bul1cLiu <1'ins-pcct.ion le-qucl' fournit  one hu.~cd upon th~ huHctin. of in~[J~ct.ion which givee
                              la r6pll.1tiLion ,le. élève, .eloo le degré do  j 'école.  t.he dbtriLJut.ion ol pupil;s accOl"<1in~ to tb.o dr.-grec of
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