Page 130 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 130

114                          POPULATION

                                        MATERNELLE                          MOTHER TONGUE
                              Les tableaux de la présente section classi·  The tables of tille section claasify the popu-
                            fient, selon la langue officielle pa,rlée et la lan-  lation enumerated in Canada on the lat of
                            gue maternelle, la poplliation recensee au  June 1941 acorcling to official language spoken
                            Cannela le le.r juin 1941. On ne comptait alors  and mother tongue.  At that date, there were
                            que 115,414 personnes ne parlant ni l'anglais  only 115,414 persona who aPoke neither Engüah
                            ni le français sur 1,003,712 dont la lAngue  nor Fn:lDch out of 1,663,712 with a foreign
                            maternelle l'!tait une langue étrangère et  lo.nguage !lB mothl:'r tongue and 2,307,713 of
                            2,307,713 qui n'étaient pas de mœ française  races otbflr than French and British lies. By
                            et des îles britanniques. Par langue mater-  mother tongue is meant the tirst language
                            nelle 00 entend lA première lo.ngue appri~e
                            par une personne dana son enfance si elle est  learned io childhood if still understood by
                            encore comprise dfl cette personne.  the person.
                              40-Langue officielle parlée et langue Inaternelle de la populaticm du Canada, âgée
                                              de 10 ans et plus, par provinces, en 1941.
                              40-0ffidal Language Spoken and Mother Tongue of the Population of Canada,
                                            10 Years of Age and over, by Provinces, in 1941.
                                                                 Langue parlée        Lengue materoell.
                                                 Population     Language Spokeo        Mothor Tongue
                                  PROVINCES        (1)
                                                           Anglais                   Anglais  FrB.nçai~
                                                          EngliBh                    Englisn  FTeooh
                                               POPU4ATlON TOTALE -  TOTAL POPULATION
                            lle-du-P.-J1: .•.... P. E. r. .....  95.047  83,814  955  10.262  83,242  10,678
                            N .-Eeos,e .•..... N. Scotie  ..  577,962  530,467  6,800  40,253  514,0·13  41,360
                            N.-BrunsIDck ................  457,401  291.023  82,381  83,660  293,3:W  157,86a
                            ~~:~~~...,,: ::::::::::::::::::  3.331,882  3,425,266  2,016,089  892,9B<!  3,073,320  2,717,287
                                                                             283, [95
                            Manitoha ......... , .........  729,744  647,010  0,069  04,636  408,.';44  5J,546
                            S""ketchewao ................  895,992  822,899  4,039  46,900  499,925  43,728
                            Albert.......................  796,169  738,582  3,322  37,057  500,926  31,451
                            Colombie-Brit.... B. C .. , .....  817,861  777,860  254  23,525  641,419  Il,058
                            yukon ......................  4,914  4,445  3      319     2,598     213
                            Ten. du N.-O.... N. W T .....  12,028  3,399  301  1,212   1,838     434
                                   CAl'lAl>A .......... 11,&06,655  7,135,4116  2,1ll1.,7~  1,474,009  6,488,190  3,354,753
                                                         HOMMES ~ MALE
                            ne-du.p.-É., .•.. P. E. 1. .....  49,228  43,484  450  5,284  43,124  6,478
                            N.-Ecoaee ....... N. Seotia.....  2~0,044  271,576  3,140  21,118  202,Og7  21,237
                            N.-Brunswiok.........•......  234,Og7  148,739  39,032  46,107  149.723  80.639
                            Québeo., .•........•.......•.  1,672,982  H19,618  940,580  627,083  233,555  1,360,422
                   .............. , .......  1,921,201  1,783.958  28,186  161,432  1.637,2\7  148,197
                            Manitoba .............•••...  378.079  337,821  2,718  28.:>41  210.155  26,319
                            S....katoh.wan ................  477.563  441,022  1.743  25,379  254.012  23,102
                            Alberta .....................  426,468  397,602  1.531  20,181  263,üll  16,587
                            Colmnbie-Brit.... B. C ........  435,031  412,012  114  12,948  328,407  6.055
                            Yukon _.....................  3,153  2,8:>4  .3    230     1,696     165
                            Terr. du N.-O.... B. W. T .....  6,700  2,306  130  701    1,324     268
                                   CANADA ..........  5,900,536  3,991,592  1,017,&33  839,010  11,295,581  1,&88,469
                                                        FEMMES -  FEMALE
                            ne-du-P.-É ...... P. F:. r. .....  45,819  40,330  50S  4,978  40,118  5,206
                            N.·Ecœse ....... N. Scot.Ïa.....  281.918  258,891  3,OfiO  10,135  251,946  20,113
                            N.-Bruos,,;ok ................  223,304  142,284  43,319  37,553  143,616  77,223
                            Qu~beo............ , .........  1,658,900  211,103  1,076,509  365,901  235,44l  1,3M.80o
                   .. ..................  J,86f'1,454  1,691,308  33,347.  131,763  1,53(i.103  140,949
                            Maniloba. ...................  3.~1.665  309,189  3,351  20,095  19~.389  25,227
                            So.skatobowan ..••............  418,429  381,277  2,296  21.527  235,313  20,620
                            Alberts......................  360,711  340,980  1,791  16,876  237.316  14.804
                            Colombie-Bril.... B. C........  382,830  365,848  140  10,577  S12,!lr>2  5,003
                            Yukoo ......................  1,761  J,591 ............  83  902     '48
                            Terr. du N.-O.... N. W. T .....  5,328  1.093  165  511     514      100'
                                   CANADA ..........  S,606,U9  3,743.894  1,164,113  634,999  3,192,609  1,686,284
                             (Il Y compris les peraonnes qui no parlellt: lli 'l'Bllgl9is  (1) Includiog perooo. speeking ndther English oor
                            ou le Irancais et oellee noot ln Ia.ugue nlSlerneUe ""L ulle  French Bnd tbose wltb a. forC'l,!:~n la.nguo..s;:e 609 rnot.her
                            tao gue étro.ngêre.                  tonltUe.
                             Huil;hm. du Canada, 1941, Volume II.  Eiohlh Ccns..a of Canad<J, IIlH, Volume Ir.
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