Page 120 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 120

104                          POP ULA.T lON

                                 6-RELICIONS DE LA POPUL.-\TION   6-POPUUTION ACCORD{NC TO RELICION

                               2~Pl'incipales religions de la population du Canada, par provinces, 1941.
                               29---'Principal ReUgions of· the Population of Canada, by Provinces, 1941.

                                                   totale  Catholique AnGlicane Egli.o-Unie  Juive  Prœbyt,é-  Autres
                                  PROVINCES                                            Tienne  rcliJtiona
                                                           (1)                                  (2)
                                                   Total                 United        l"'œby-  Other
                                                 POl'ulntion  C..tholic  Anglic..n  Chureh  Jewil.h  teriau  religions
                             Ile-<lu-P.E.... , .. P.E.!.. ........  95,047  42.743  S.739  24.005  18  14.721  7.818
                             N.-Be.,...,....... N.Sootin .....•.  .~77 .962  18ll.OH  103.3113  124.301  2.167  47.415  111.742
                             N.-nrunswick.....• , ........ ;  4.;7.401  22().4.~~  55.1!i5  63,268  1.106  15.382  101,946
                             Québeo...........•....  3.331.882 2.894.621  162,OM  100.196  &5.6R3  56.0&;  53.210
                             Ontario ........... ~ ..•.....••.  3,787,6fi5  882.360  810.41:1 1.07:3,425  00.217  4:13,701<  1113,023
                            ManHoba .........•......... , .  729.74.4  20a,2511  125,076  HJ4.001  18.715  43.0n  145.620
                            Snal",tcbewao .................  895,Ol/2  243.7:1-1  117.674.  2:JO,49o  4.070  54.856  245,1,';7
                            Alb"'I" ........................  796.100  191.343  n:3.279  H)3.~64  4,052  6S.91O  224 .921
                             Col.-Bl'it........ Ddt. Col. .....  817,8t11  1l3,2H2  245.531  2()(),iH7  3,2:15  94.300  160,696
                             yukon ........••..........  4.0J·f  742  2, :;'1';  40-1  2   422    799
                            Ter. du N.-o.... K O. Terr ..... ; .  12,028  5.001  5,;-327  ::am}  6  211  1,064
                                 CA>IAD.\.•......•.. ..... 'I U ,506,655 4,986,552 1,751,188 2.*,875  168,367  829,147 1,566,526
                              (1)  oomprÎs 1"" rrnint              (1) luclude. QJw.1l: Catholio.
                              (2) Comprend leM pc  nn  qui n'onl pa" t16clhré leur  (:!) I"clurk.. p  'mo with rcli,0on not .taled.
                               3G-Population de la province de Québec clall8ifiéo aelo~ la relilrion, 1871-1941.
                            3G-Population of the Province of Quebec claaaified accordinlr to Religion, 1871~1941,
                              REI,IGIONS    1871   1  1   1891    1001   Hlll   19.21  1931    1911
                            AdveIlti.tca ........  3.150  4.210  3.364  3,079  2.43~  1.620  1,174  962
                            AngliclWll..........  62..149  68.797  75,172  81,630  )03,812  121,753  149.843  162.056
                            Arm6e du B..lut. ....  5.173  4.66-5  297  292  510   658    1,13~  1,092
                            a.ptisl"" .......•..  B.tHl6  !l.853  7.9!l1  8,483  9,258  9,256  10.970  12.303
                            Catholique" ........  1,019.850 1.170.718  1,291,709  1.429.260  1.724.693  2,023,983  2.463.160  2.894,621
                            CoQllTéaatioDllli.toa..  5,240  5.24-1  4.296  5.173  6.197  4,715  (Il
                            Grecs orthodo~..... ......... .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........  8.992  ... ïio4Ô
                            Jt~li"e Unie ..•..... . ..... . . .               ..      (1)88.263  100.196
                            JUJf•........•..•..  M9  ... "080' .... 2',70~' .•.. '7',498 .• - 30.268'  "Ù,766'  6P,736  65,683
                            LuthérilIDs .........  496  1.003  1.3f).'J  I,U42  2.619  2,209  8.261  7.081
                            M6tbodisle" ..•.. , ..  31.100  3l/.UI  39.514  42,014  42,646  41.672  (1)
                            Prœbytérie......" ...  46.IU,'J  liQi287  f12.fl7:l  58.013  64.132  73.747  (1)69.632  ... 5il,086
                            ProtestnntB .... , ....  4.195  2.432  2,:142  5.211  8,634  14.1'7  Il.279  4.228
                                               2 ........._.              8,075  12,644
                            A.uhes sectcF.l ... '" 1  •    3.913  4.1161                10.068  13.J37
                            Non ep(lcifi6ee ... fi l ,  1,161  2,668  2,816  1.7'2  3,197  6.50~  2,432  2,397
                                   TOTU...  1,191,5161 1\:159,027  1,488,535  1,148,IS8  2,005,776  2,360,615  2.874,6&2  3,331.8&2
                              (1) l.1ll! m6tllodistr.o et le" eongr 'sationnli t .. "\·eo un  (l.) Mcthodisl. [,ncl, Congrer.ntionnJ1 t  illlcl Il Inrge
                            grnnrl nombre tIe })re~~yt.6rioJ1a: Ofiil" fOImô 1"Eg1i1J6 VllÏ"  numhcr oC Prei.lbyt.eriu()8 {ormed the  li  ~ Cburch of
                            du C.'1I1n.dn, en J02,'j.            Caflnc!... in 1925.
                                    31-ProportiQn des principales religions ,au~ divera recensements.
                                     31-Proportion of the Principal ReHgiona at Varioua Censuaea.
                              RELIGIONS    1871    188!   1891   1001    1911   1921    1931   1941
                            Catholiques ........  857  863  868    8GB     860    867     8~7    8119
                            ~nftlicans: .......•.  62  .~I   SI     48     62      62     52      49
                             '8186 Unl6 ..••....  ., .. '39  .. "'36' ...... ·M· ...... ·32· ..... "flÏ  31  30
                            Pr""bytérieua.......                                          21      17
                            M-~thodi.\ ...........  20       27     26     21      18  .... ·..zi"
                            Juif...............  ... "23'    2       ~     15      20          .. "20'
                            Autr... relilliooa.••.•          16     18     20      22     18      15
                                   TOTAL...  1,000         1,000  1,000  ~.00ll  1,000  1.000   1.000
                             H14iti~m(j recBnstmt1d du CaTI(~at V.()]uIDe lI.  E"~I.lllC.".... 01 Canada, Volum.e 11_
   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122   123   124   125