Page 119 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 119
Il appcrt au tableau 8 que ()3.32% de la po- In Table No. 8, it has been seen that 63.32%
pulat.ion dc ln province résid(J dans I!\s CCll~res of the population of the Province reside in urban
urbLlina. La, répartition recoupée par origines eomm·unities. On the other hand, the cross-
ethniques et lieu de résidence montre, d'un chssification by racial origins and rasidence
autre côté, que seulement 58.13% des p~rson shows that only 58.13% of those of French
nes d'origine fran~t1isc résident dan!! lc!! cités,
descent re!!ide in cities, towns and villages,
villes et villages alors que, dans la cas des
autres races, cette proportion est beaucoup whercas in the case of the other races, the pro-
plus élevée: race:i des !les britauniques 79.9%; portion is muclt greater: British Isles races
hébralque 99.3%; italienne 96.4%; polonaise 79.9%; Jewish 99.3%; Italian 96.4%; PoUsh
88.8%;. allemande 73.3%; autres origines 88.8%; German 73.3 %; other foreign origins
étrangères 89.5%. 89.5%.
28-0rigines ,de la population des cités de la province, en 1941.
28-0riginll of the Population of the Cities in the Provin e,10 1941.
Origine ethnique--Ilo.cinl Origin
CIT11:S-CITIE8 (1)
Cnp-de·I,&-Mndeleine .............. Il.nOl Il,675 2:10 ...... f> 3 6 36
Chlf.'Ou'tlml .....• ' •..•....•.•.•••• lü,O-W 1.5.495 371 14 11 42 107
Drur:umondvllJe ................... 11).5.1,:-:' 9,426 O[>fJ 2n 10 6 74 1 Oô
GrAnbv ..... _. ................... J4,197 12,480 1,nOr. 26 9 2 17 ...... li8
Grand'lI·lère.. ............... 8,G08 7,090 G10 J 10 1 3 93
Hull ...... .......... ............ 32,917 30,6l! 2,100 16 46 30 30 "20 158
Joli,·llo .. ............. 12,7'19 12.2(;0 2.:")4 58 4 1 4 168
L(lf'hiu~ ....... ..................... 20,051 12,2Hl 6,03li 155 398 251 40 '8 902
Lévi.......... II,OUI li ,743 210 1 6 3 16 5 7
Lûn,!'ucuîl. ....•', '....... ':.', '. ',',....•.• 7,081 5,425 1.IiOO 23 3 21 14 101
\:.onlr(tsl ..........•....... ::: ~:. 903,0117 698,901 182, t8 61.132 23,752 7,0015 3.789 168 3':;,282
Outremont ... , .... __ ............. 30,7hl 1l,71:-1 7,1SSO 10.:;31; 147 31 88 1 553
QUé'h(lC ...........••.• , ....•.••.. 1;;0.757 138.923 10,l!O2 37'(; , 2i>S 82 154 43 769
Riviô[{~MdUwLoup ...•.........•... 8,713 8.480 1 1 8 ... .... . . 6 19 II)
St-HYAcinthe ...................•. 17179~ 17.543 169 21 18 .-- 4 3 40
Sr...Jonn- St. John.................. 13,04G 12.4:,7 983 113 i:i 17 .... .:2 78
St.Lambort..........•........... flAI7 1,\159 4,200 5i 1 33 3 36 179
RJlIl\\'j nignn Falls ...........•..... 20,a~5 18,939 1.100 35 73 12 17 1 118
I:lherurookc..... _.....•..•....•.. ' 3,;,%5 28,3-12 6,890 206 176 21 42 1 2~S
Soro1 ................ ............
T}wtford Mtnes ..... ............... 12,2;,1 Il ,009 235 26 15 ,'; 2 la 3 2 107
Truis·R.iviùn~~ .............•...... 42,007 39,OS3 2,433 73 32 4 72 2 308
V..II"ylidd, ::ialBberry de .. 17.1):;2 );),405 1.492 9 :m 81 35 ... ... 7.3
Vel'dun ....•.... ................. 67.349 28,242 36,002 471 290 ~I'. 376 13 1,670
We.'mount ..... ................. 26,0-lï 4,03e 19,207 1.625 91 33 211 3 776
TOTJU. •.••...•........ 1,510,987 1,077.25& 28S1~i54:7ôG 25,49.5 1,741 s;ïi5'-m 42,027
~·ap'ùe-.IB-,Mndelcin _.... 100 97.61 1.97 1 0.04 0.03 0. 05 1 0.30
C-Illcourmll....................... 100 06.60 2.JI 10.00 ...... 0.07 0.26 0.67
Drummondville.. ..•... 100 8U.30 O.Of> 0.27 0.10 0.05 0.70 0.01 0.~2
Gmnby...... 100 87.91 11.30 0.1'8 0.00 0.02 0.12 0.41
Gland'Mère.... 100 92.82 5.93 0.01 0.12 0.01 0.03 1.08
HuU 100 92.69 6.39, 0.05 0.14 0.10 0.10 0.00 0.47
Jolietlo.... 100 96.16 2.00 O.,U; 0.03 0.01 0.03 1.32
Lachioe _... lOO 61.15 30.10 0.77 1.09 \.25 0.20 0.04 'l...50
Lhi.3..... !OU 97.93 1. 7,; 0.01 0.05 0.03 0.13 0.04 O.OG
Longueuil........................ 100 70.56 21.17 0.32 0.U4 0.30 0.20 ... _ 1.12
Montréal. _........... IOU 66.32 20.20 5.M 2.li3 0.78 0.42 0.02 3.01
Ouiremont _........ 100 38.U9 25.62 :13.02 0.48 0.10 0.20 (3) 1.80
Q\l6nec.......................... 100 92.1,; 6.77 0.25 0.17 0.02 0.10 0.03 0.61
Rivi,·'re-du-Loup "0_'" ••••••• Hill 97.32 2.08 0_09 _..... 0.07 0.22 0.22
St-Hylleinl.he _ JO() 08.57 0.'95 0.120.10 0.020.01 0.23
St-Jean--i:H.John....... ..•..... 100 91.14 7.20 0.,10 00:tr &:0 1 5 0 °0·.~26 '0'.0'3" 2 0 .. 5 7 7 0
St-L""""ert.. . . .. . .. . .•....... .. 100 30.,53 65.4.; 0.08 "
Shawinist.nFBIIs.................. 100 93.18 5.42 0.17 O.:HI 0.06 0.08 0.01 0.72
Sh,'rhror,lw _.. 100 78.80 19.16 0.57 OAg 0.06 0.12 (3) 0.80
Rore!.. " _ 100 97.21 1.92 0.21 0.12 0.0'2 0.08 0.02 0.42
TJl(jtl'mIMillee "" 100 94.73 4.23 0.14 O.Ot 0.02 0.84
Troi.-R.i.i~re ".... 100 93.04 5.79 0.17 0_08 0.01 0.17 - (3) - 0.74
V~lIl!yfield, 8a1!lherJ)' de........... 100 OO.M 8.75 0.11;; 0 '.4 17 4 Oo .. O.o~ 0 .. 2 1 '0".0'2" O.. 43
Verdun __ "............ 100 1 41.1):l 53.54. 0.70 0 •., 0 56 2 48
Wœtmouu~ "...... 100, 15.i'O 73.1t 0.2'1 0.36 0.13 1.04 0.01 2.98
-~~·-I-----I--~--I------ ---- --- ---,",-
TonTEB CITÉs---ÀLL ClTrn .. :.. . . 100 11.30 19.08 4.28 1.69 0.51_ 0.3& 0.02 2.78
{l,} 5.000 dme. et plu•. 0l H~Vlnll a population nf 5,000 and over.
(2 Comprend 1"~8 p.era6unea d'origine Don déclArée. (2 IlloludeB pnfSono wllb raoial origio not ot..tOO.
(3 MOlOO de 0.01 %' (3) Lee. tbao 0.01 %'