Page 115 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 115

AGES                                99

                        24-Populallon urbaine et rurale de la province de Québec, pal' groupes d'âge, en 1941.
                          24-:-Rural and Urban Population of the Province of Quebec, by Age Groups, in 1941.

                                              Popu"'~iQIl rural. - Rural Population  Popuilltiop. urblLÎne - Urban Population
                            GROUPES D'AGE
                                                      HO~1l8  1  .F&Il1mll8      Ho"_'mes  Femmes
                             AGE GROUPS        Total                     Total
                                                    1  111·1.   Female         1  Male    Fern"le
                                       RJ1:PARTrTroN .NUM~IUQUE - NUMERICAL DISTRIBUTION

                         0- 4 .,,&-yellfll .. _.•... , .•••.  .'59,699  80,893  78,706  193,836  98,114  9~,722
                         6- 9 ........•.......•......  lM,807  78,370  76,437  193,133  96,809  96,324
                        10-14 .......................  153,457  78,~29  76.228  ~07,981  103,670  104.311
                        1~-19. ........ .............  139.819  73,586  66.234  211.374  10~,356  109,018
                        20-24 .......................  106,519  ô7,187  48,332  198,718  91,168  107,5,:;0
                        2~-29 ......................  88,839  48,G46  40,193  193,220  90,887  102,3:33
                        80·34. ... ,..................  74,902  40.403  34,.559  171,7211  82,269  89.470
                        a&-39 ......................  6",'232  34.867  aO,366  152,167  76,190  76,977
                        40-44 ........ , ..............  51,906  2l!,\lBS  25,918  12l!,295  62,BOI  6~,494
                        45-49 .......................  49,748  27,112  22,!l~6  112,472  56,661  ~~,811
                        50-54 ......... _.............  42,A99  23,278  19.621  97,201  48,667  48,544
                        65-,'\9 ...... , .. , .............  37,2!1l  :W,572  16,719  76,907  38,679  38,3L8
                        60-04 ......•............. , ..  rlO,597  17,071  13,620  61,129  aO,083  31,046
                        6S-1l9 ......•................  2,;,·129  14,191  Jl,238  45,730  21,971  23,759
                        70-74. , ....•.......•. , ......  17,843  9,858  7,985  31,DGI  14,592  17,069
                        75-79 ...... , ....... ,., .. , ...  11.:367  6,086  6,281  19,209  8,574  10,636
                        S()-84 ..... _................  6,.116  3,~12  3,104  9,92,;  4,193  6,732
                        86-S9 .......................  2,719  1,39a  1,326  3,864  1,673    2,291
                        PO-94 ................. , .....  62l)  283  337    887      313      674
                        9fl & +.. ..................  129  1  69   70      lriO      49      107
                                 TOTAL . .........  1,222.198  644,313  577,815  2,109,6&4  1,029,599  1,011,015
                                           PROPORTION PAR 100 -  PROPORTION PER 100
                         0- 4 aaa--yeaT9 . •.••••.••••••  13.06  12.66  13.62  9.19  9.64   8. BlI
                         6- 9 .......................  l2.67  12.16  13.23  9.16   9.41     8.91
                        10-14 ...•... , ........ , ... , •.  12.56  12.14  13.02  9.80  10.08  9.66
                        16-19 .............•....... , .  JI.44  11.42  11.46  10.02  9.95  10.08
                        20-24 ....••....•....•.......  8.63  8.88  8.36   0.42     8.86     9.9~
                        26-29 ................ , ......  7.27  7.66  6.96  9.16    8.S4     9.47
                        3U-34 ..........•.... , .. , ..•.  Il.13  6.27  6.98  8.14  S.OO    8.28
                        35-39 ...............•..•....  6.34  6.41  6.26   7.21     7.31     7.12
                        40-44 ................. " .•..  4.49  4 .SO  4.49  6.08    6.10     6.06
                        46-49 ..................•....  4.07  4.21  3.92   6.3:3    6.51     6.16
                        50-54 ...........•...........  3.51  3.61  a.40   4.61     4.73     4.49
                        65-59 .........•.•...........  3.06  3.19  2.89   3.6.'i   3.76     3.55
                        60-640 ....•..........•...... '1  2.60  2.65  2.34  2.90   2.02     2.87
                        65-60 ....•. , ..•.............  2.08  2.20  1.94  2.17    2.14     2.20
                        70-74 ....•.... , .............  1.46  1. 63  1.38  1.50   1.42     1.68
                        75-79 ... _.....•.............  0.9a  0.96  0.91  O.\ll    0.83     0.9S
                        80-S4 ................ , ......  0.63  0.61  0.64  0.47    0.41     0.63
                        86--89 ............•. , ........  0.22  0.22  0.23  0.18   0.16     0.21
                        90-94 ..............•........
                        96 & +.....................  0.01  0.04  0.01     0.04     o.oa     0.06
                                TOTAL ..........  100.00  100.00  100.00  100.00  100.00   100.00
                          Le tableau ci-dessus établit la répartition  The above table shows the numerical and
                        numérique et proportionnelle, plU' groupes  proportional distribution, pel' quinquennia! age
                        d'âge quinqueunaux ct par sexe, de la popu-  groups and sex, of the ruml 'and urban popu-
                        lation rurale et urbaine de la provincc de Qué-
                        boc, en 1941.  Il montre clairement la dis-  lation of the Province of Quebec ill 1941.  It
                        parité entre les âges de la popLÙation des cam-  shows clearly the (Iisparity between tbe ages 01
                        pagnes et de celle des villes.       the COllotry and town populations.
                          Les personnes de moins de 20 aos constituent  , Persons u'nder 20 years of age constitute
                        49.73% de la population des ceotres ruraux et  49.73% of the population in rural centres and
                        seulement 3Fl.72% de celle des ceotres urbains;  only 38.72% in urban centres; on the other
                        par contre, les groupes de 20 à 69 an.s repré-  haod, persoos of from 20 to 69 yeo.J's of age
                        sentent 47.07% de la p0.l?ulAtioo rurale et  represent 47.07% of the rural and 58.57% ol
                        68.57% de celle des villes, A remlU'q~r aussi  the town populatioo.  It is also to be noted
                        que, dans les clllIlpagn'es, le groupe quinquennal  that the largest quinquenn~al group is from
                        [e plus nombreux est ceiui de 0-4 ans et duns  oto 4 in the rural districts whereas in the cities
                        les villes, celui de 15-19 ans.      it is from 15 to 19 years.
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