Page 117 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 117

ORIGINES-ORIGINS                           101

                           26--0rigines ethniques de la population de la province de Québec, 1871-1941.
                           26-Racial Origins of the Population of the Province of Quebec, 1871-1941.

                          ORIGINES ETHNIQUES
                                  -             1871   1881   1901    1911   [Q21    1931   1941
                             RACIAL ORIGINS             (1)
                         n•• Brilanniqu...Briti.h [si••.. ..  iJ4j',0~1  ii60 ,5t:18  190,169  S18,799  SM ,94t:1  43S,7ii6  46B,887
                                                BII,822  81.616  114,710  164,601  196,844  234,739  249,648
                          tf:~~~i..~.: :::::~i,,\li.•.~.: : : : :  123,478  123.749  114,&42  103,720  94,933  108,312  109,894
                          Eco",ai.o, . , .... ScolUah .... ,  49,458  04.923  60,008  69,357  63,903  87,300  90,682
                          Autres, .... , .... Ot.her. .. , ...  283  351  649  1,121  1,203  2,375  ~,863
                         fo'r&llç~ee.. , .... French. , ..  1129,817 1,073,820 1,322,115 1,606,635 1.889,2B9 2,270.059 2,B1l5,032
                         AuLrichienne,  AUfJtriB.D,
                          n.a.6.... " ...  n.O.s ......•. .......... ..........  159  761  1,901  2,032  1,611
                         Belge........ , .. Belgian... , .... .......... ..........  IlOG  2,106  3,284  4.324  4,182
                         Buljtarc........ , Bulganna......  ..........  . .........  78  206  212
                         Tchl>'l.·,lIovl>q ... C.eéh & Blovak. .......... ..........  .. ..(2)"· ..  R2  4,430  4,32a
                         Danohilc" ....... D4niëh........  .. ,"798'           .5H5  1,740   1,656
                         HoJu.ndaise .. , , . Dnlch... , , ....  "17B  i:554  1,513  1,412  1,824  2,645
                         Fialandaise. , ....Finni.h........ ..........  115  216  76  2.973  2,043
                         Aj)omnnde ...... German •......  7,963  8,1l43  6,112.3  6,221  4,607  10,616  8,880
                         Greeque."., .. ,Greck." " ....  7       66     772   1,780  2.460   2,728
                         Htlbmique ...... Hebrew.... , ...  74  330  7,607  30,758  47,977  60,087  66,271
                         HOll~rOlse.. , .. , .]Jullg"nan ..... .......... ..........  Hl  105  89  4.018  4,134
                         fs1alldaiae., .. , .. Icolandic, .... , .  ..........  (2)  11  30    07
                         Italienne, , ...... Italion...... , ..  639  745  "2:805'  9,Ooa  .16.141  24,&45  28,061
                         Yongo"sl"ve..... Ju[h".SJl>ve..... .......... ..........  67  I,M2  1,697
                         Lithupnienn8.... J~it u3niao ..... .......... ..........  .. "(2)''''  1,209  2,313  2,724
                         Norv6gicnne.... ,Norwegian..... .......... ..........  706  l,liOf  1.612
                         Polonaise. , , . , .. Poli.b .•. , ..... .. , ....... ..........  274  '"3:233'  3,204  Il ,534  10,036
                         RoumaJne....... Ronmanian.... ..........  161  626   1,371  3,008   2.397
                         Ru85e ......  1  ••• Iin$8ian .... , ...  186  ·.. ·"300·  41  1,481  2,802  3,574  3,433
                         SnMoLoe... , '.' .8wetli,sb .. "'" .......... ..........  (2)  1108  1,658  1,606
                         Ukr..nienne.... ,Ukrainu,n......         6     468   1,176  4,340  8,0011
                         Scandinave...... SCR.ndinaYÎaD.••  454  648  1,3UO  1,767 .......... ., ........ . ~ .... ...
                         Autros européen- Other Euro-
                                     poan ........
                         Clùnoi.e... , , , .. Chinll6e...•.... ..........  42'.l 7  1,037  1,579  2,335  2,760  1,1211
                         Jo.ponaif>e ....... Ja:oanese ...... .......... ..........  '.l  12  32  43  48
                         Autresl>siaUquea,Other Asiatie.. , ........ ,.  554  752  2,851  4,241  4.693
                         ESQuimau....... EsQuimnu.... }
                         Innienne.. , .. , , . Indi..n.......  6,988  7,615  10,142  Il,997  11,234  13,471  13.641
                         Nègre........... Nogro .. " .... ,  148  141  280  403  1,046  1,649  2,077
                         Diverses..... , .. Vasi009, ... , , ..  32  730  21  2,142  27  154
                         Non dtlclarée.. , ,Not .taLed.....  1,164  4.105  1,1l68  3,632  6,006  1,410  1,1l81
                           TOTAL ...• , ••.•..••••••.•. 1,191,516 .1,359,027  l,GU,898  2,005,7711  2,360,665  2,874,112  3,331,882
                          (1) On \, 8 pa~  'un ootl111te de l'origine'. eth.nique su  (1) Racial origin:! ,"cre not t.aken in tJJe Census of
                         recenscmeot do 1091.                 1891.
                          (Z) Jusqu'en !fI11, les Danoi", ]"" Islaan.o.i., 1~ "\{or-  (2) Until Hl11 , the Daars, 1001"nde,", Norwegian9, I>od
                         végions et 1.. SuMois entreat wu, do.09 le groupe ,caa<li-
                                                              Swede:'i Q,TC ('·omprbcn in the sC3.odinavian group.
                          NOl',\.-I.e lecl.eur lrouvcrn. duns l'~ùit.ion 1944 de  NOTlc~Du.taeouootning t.he racial origil1s of Lhe popu-
                        }'Anmmlre aux J)~lg:f~~ 100, lOI, 10l ct 105 l~ od:dilP.8  lation of Ih  Province c1"""ificd according to : (,,) age
                        ethnillll ., d. J", lJopulnl-inn de ,,, Province. ea 1941, cl".-  l':rnu~" an.  "OX, (b) birt.hplaec and S", (c) conjugal eoa-
                        .if;'! : (u) pot· p:roupcs ù'âlR et  r .'C", (b)  Dn 10 li u  dLllon and  8CX", nlay he round in our HI·14 YeUT Book.
                        de m\ÏH~;tLllC1e eL le SQxe, (r.)  Ion  1  :  conj  !o RPX .  pni"'~ Joo, 10'!, 104 nnd 105.0uT 1945-46 Yo"r Book.
                        D=-~H8 ll('dilion }!)·15:"'16, Ill]  IH\  LO:I-I07,  ut. dùun(~I'a  104~l07, ~i\'ca the ru.ëi~1 ori,:p.fili of thf: poplllatioD
                        1""" originf'$ eÙJllÎqoes de ra popul Unn do  R.t' dn., de
                        ml~JHe Que de ln. pro\'Înr: . de Que  c, cl  &c ;.')(:Ion ln  of Oonn.da and of the Province cb...ifie<1 ..ccordin.!!; to
                        re!i iOD. et le sOXt".               Religion and Sex.
                          Le tableau de la suivante donne l'ori-  The table in the followin.g page gives the
                        gine ethnique de la popull1tion do la. province,  racial origin of the population of the province cl
                        par comtés mun.icipaux,  On y verra quo l'Ile  Quebec, by mu.n.icipoJ counties.  60% of the
                        de MontréB..l renferme 60% de la population  popul:üion of british origin in. the Province
                        québecoiso d'origine brita.nnique et 96% de  and 96% of the population of hebrow origin
                        celle d'oribrine hébraique.  Dana deme comtés  is located in Montreal Island.  In two coUllties
                        seulement" eeux de Brome ct de Ponti:w, la  onJ:I', namely Brome and Ponti:w, the popul~
                        population d'origine des Des Britanniques ost  tion of british origin is higher than the popula.-
                        plus nombreuse que celle d'origine française.  tion of freneh origin.
   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121   122