Page 67 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 67
of a school of social and political sciences I1t Laval University (February 28th). The
church of St. Anne des Monts is destroyed by fire (April 17th). The nowell Commis-
sion sits at Quebec (May 12th). A new labor regulation, ordinance No. 4, comes into
force (May 15th). Official opening of the Paper Company's mil! n.t Baie
Comeau (June llth). Fire destroys 90 bouses at Cherbourg (June 12th). The
~rchbishopsand bishops of the Dominion hold a council presided over by His Eminence
Mgr Villeneuve, ClIrdinnl Legl1te (June 21st). National Eucharistic Congress at.
Quebec (June 22nd-26th). Centennial celebration of opening of Saguenay region
to co!onization officially inaup:w-al.ed nt Grande Baie (July 4th). Consecration oi
His Grace Mgr A. Lu.fortllne, Bishop of Nieolet (July 24th). Celebration of second
centenary of Beauce at St. Joseph de I3eauee (August 5th). Opening at Montreal
of Stanislas College, au I1fFili.ation of the institution of the same name in Paris (Sep-
tember 12tb). Death at Ste. Petronille, 1.0., of Horatio 'Valker, A.R.C.; LL.D.,
Cu.nadin.n painter of high reputc (September 27th). 250th anniversary of the Cbul'ch
of Our Lady of Vietories, Quebcc (October 23rd). The diocese of Amos is erccted
by the Vatican.
1939.-Inauguration of a Canadian Transcontinental Ail' Mail service. ArrivaI at Quebee of
T. M. King George VI and Quecn Elizabeth; they are greeted by the Ht. Hon. Mac-
Kenzie King, Prime Minister of the Dominion and by the Hon. Maurice Duplessis,
Prime Minister of the Province of Quebec; offiCial reeeption, luneheon and btUlquet
Me tendered Their Majesties by the Government of the Dominion and the Govern-
ment of the Province of Quebec (May 17th). His Grace Mgr. Aidée Desmarais,
first Bishop of the newly el'ected diocese of Amos. FormaI opening of celebrations
marking the 3rd centenury of the anival of the Ursulines in Quebec. Regular air
mail service bctween England and Canadu, via Foynes (Eire) and ilotwood (New-
foundlund) is inaugurated. Opcning cclehratiol1s of centenary of the ru:ri val of
Hospitalers in Quebec. EngluJ.ld and France declal'e wnl' on GermanYi the liner
Alhenia is torpedoed ofl" the coast of Seotland. Canada declares war on Germany
(September lOth). Colonel Henri Desrosiers, former commauding officer of the
22nd Batt.a.liou, F.E.C., appointed deputy-minister of National Defence (September).
The Maisonneuve Regiment is the first of the Canadian Units to reach its wal'strength.
The Royal 22nd Regiment (Lt. Col. P. Flynn) leaves fol' overseas with the first contin-
gent. ArrivaI in England of the hrst Canadian expeditionary force.
juth Govcrnt>r General. Earl of A tMone U940 10- )
1940.-Death of Lord Tweedsmuir, Governor Gcneral of Canada (February llth). The Earl
of Athlone, brother of Queen M~ry and former Governor of South Africa, is nppointed
Govcrnor-General of Cl1nada (April3rd). March 30th ia fixed as date cnding the finun-
cial yea!' of the Province (April 4th). Commercial agcncies are instituted by the Prov-
ince (April 4th). The Act giving women the right to vote ia passed (April 18th). Esw--
blishment of a Supcrior Labour Council (April 30th). The lleverend Georges Melan-
çon, rector of Drummondville, is appointed Bishop of Chicoutimi (May 23rd). The
Cantldian destroyer, H.M.C.S. Fraser, is sunk off tbe coast of BordealU, France. while
engaged on a dangerous mission (June 29th). National registrn.tion of persons 16-
yeat's of age and over (August 19th). Compulaory military tra.ining is begun (Oetober'
9th). Major-General T. L. TrembW.y appointed inspector geoeral of troops in ElIStel'n,
Canada. The S.S. Empress of llrilain ia sunk on the eoust of !J'eland by Nazi pl:1Tl(!~.
(October 26th). The CanadiilIl destroyer MOl'garee sinks al'ter colliding with a.
merchant steamer (Oetober 22nd). The IMt vest.ii!;es of seigniorial tenure are nboJished;.
the owners of seigniories eolJect their rents for the IllSt time (November llth).
1941.-Cpening of ~ F{!deral-ProvinciaI conference for the purpose of studying the nowell-
Sirois Rcport (January 14th). The S.S. Em7.Yl'ess of A u.~tralia Sllnk on the Coast. of
Dilknr (Janu:1ry 28th). The duration of militl1ry service mised to four .months
(Fcbruary 4th). Admission of femalcs to law in thc prov,inee (Mareh 3I'd).
Inaup;uration of t.he SehooI of Aviation lit CurtierviIJe (MareIl 3rci). Burning ot