Page 63 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 63
1Jth Governar General: Lord Byng (1921 to 1926)
1922.-Appointment of a commission for the preservation of historie monuments. Institution
of a prize for literature. Grant of $10,000 to eaeh elassieal college. Unveiling of
Laulier monument at Arthabaska. Offieial inauguration of the school of Fine Arts
of Quebec. Embargo against Canadian cattle lifted (London, 15th December).
1923.-Inauguration of the Radium Institute at the University of Montreal. Erection of a
monument in memol'Y of Abraham Martin, first pilot of the St. Lo.wrence. Monument
erected to Cardinal Taschereau, first Canadian Cardinal. Death of the eminent
Canadian historian, Benjamin Sulte. Eucharistie Congress in Quebee. 8ehool for
paper·mo.king inaugurated at Three Rivers.
13th LIEUTEN ANT-GOVERNOR; HONotmABLEl L. P. BnoDEtm (1923 TO 1924-)
1924..-Merger of the Hochelaga. and National Banks, the Provincial Government granting
them a loan of $15,000,000. The park of Mount Tremblant and Laurentides National
Park erected into forest reserves. Official reeeption to H. R. H. the Prince of Wales on
arrivaI in CanaM (19th Oetober).
1925.-Serious seismic disturhance felt throughout the Province. The City of Hastings, England,
returns to th~ City of Quebec the shield bearing the Arms of the King of France which
General Murray h/ln taken from the gates of Quebec, in 1759. Judgment of the
Privy Council delining the rights and privileges of Federal and Provincial govern·
ments to the beds of rivers; the Province of Quebee retains ownership of beds of
rivers and beach lots.
1926.-A new system of registering births, marriages and dcaths ia put into force. Sanction of
the act prohibiting the export of electric power developed in the Province of Quebec.
Conflagration at Rivière du Loup, 57 buildings destroyed ent/liling loss of $1,000,000.
Unveiling of an historicnl tablet to the memory of the patriots of 1837, at "La place
des Patriotes", Montreal. Imperial conference in London. Inauguration of the Can-
adian 8tudents' Home, in Paris, by H. R. H. the Prince of Wales.
12lh Govemor Ge:neral: Lord Willingdon (lBM ta 1931)
1927.-Destruction by lire of the Laurier-Palace theatre in Montreal eausing the death of 77
children. Privy Counci! judgment concerning the Labrador peninsula. St. Charles
Hospice at Quebec destroyed by lire, 33 children lose their lives. Inauguration of an
air mail service between Murray Bay and Seven Island.9 on the North Shore.
192B.-Inauguration of /In air m/lil service betwcen Rimouski, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto.
New Compensation Act put into force. Inauguration of an air mail service, between
Montreal and New York.
1929.-Annual grant of $1,000,000 of the profits of the Liquor Commission to publie cllntities.
Congress to honour Virgin Mary held in Quebec. Counci! of Agriculture re-orgnoni~ed.
Fjre destroys the oldest part of the college of St. Joseph at Three Rivers.
1930.-Inau1!;uration of the Jacques-Cartier bridge, Mont.real. Canoniz/ltion of eight martyrs of
New France. The giant airship R-lOO of Gre!tt Britnin suceessfully crôsses tbe
Atlantic and moors at the mast constructed by the Canudiun Governmcnt. at St.
Hubert, near Montreal.