Page 61 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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1914.-The "Empress of IreJand" Bunk by the "Storstad" off Father Point, 910 lives lost. Losa of
steamer "Montmagny", 14 victims. Departure for Europe of the tirst Canadian
contingent of over 32,000 troops ofwhom 5,733voLunteers from the Province of Quebec
(October 3rd). Organiziltion of the French Canadian 22nd Batta!ion (October 14th).
War declared with Germany. Gift by Provincial Government, of 4,000,000 lbs. of
cheese (value $623,898) to the BritiBh Government; of $40,000 to France, of $25,000
to Belgium and of $5,000 to the Hospital of the French Canadian parishes in Paris.
1915.-First Canadian Contingent lands in France (Saint-Nf\zaire) (February llth). First gaa
attack by German in 81llient of Ypres: galJantry of Canudians (March 26th). The
French Canadian 22nd Batta.lion (Colonel F. M. Gaudet) lands in France (September
15th). Inauguration of Transcontinental Rliilway between Quebec and Winnipeg.
The Department of Agriculture takes over the j'nspection of butter and chese factories.
The library of the Legislative Assembly and that of St. Sulpice in Montreal inaugu-
1916.-Military contingents leave for Europe. Second disaster to the Quebec Bridge; 13 lives
lost. Battle of St. Eloi (June). Battle of Mont Sorrel (June). BatUe of Cource-
lette: the 22nd Battalion, under command of Lt. Colonel T. L. Tremblay, gainsone of
the most glorious vic,tory of the war (September 15). Destruction by lire of the mon-
I18tery of the Trappists at Oka.
10th G()Vemor General: The Duke of Devonshire (1916 to 1921)
1917.-ProvinciRJ Bureau of Statistic8 takes first annual agricultural cerulUs in the Province.
Sllnction of Military Service Act. BatUe of Vimy: brilliant victory of the Canadian
Corps (April Sth). Battle of Lens (August). BatUe of Paschendaele (November).
Quebec bridge finished. Scott Act voted and applied. Federal elections (l7th
December); 63 anti-coill3cription members elected out of a total of 65.
1915.-Enrollment of conscripts. of the Grey Nuus in Montreal burned; 53 children
lOBe their lives. The Federal Governmerit refuses ta exempt farmers' BOns from müitary
service. Registration of ail persons of 16 years of or over in CanadA. Unveiling
of the Hebert Monument. Victoria Cross awarded to Corporal Joseph Keable, of
the 22nd Battalion (March). Battle of Amieill3: Lt. Jean Brillant, of the 22nd
Battalion, wins Victoria Cros8 (August Sth). BattleofCherisy: aU officers of the 22nd,
including commandant, Lt. Colonel E. A. Dubuc, disabled (August 26th). Battle
of the North Channel (October). Epidemie of Spanish influenza; 13,000 deaths.
Signing of Armistice in Europe. Entry into Germany (December 5th).
1919.-Union of the Municipolities of the Province founded. Death of Sir Wilfrid Laurier. W.
L. MacKenzie King chosen leader of the Liberal Party. Montreal University des-
troyed by tire: loss $1,000,000.
1920.-Foundation of the Catholio Farmers' Union. Congrells of Canadian univeTsities held
at Laval University. UnveiIing of DollArd monument in Lafontaine Park. UnveiIing
of the monument to Sir Georges Etienne Cartier at Quebec. The Royal 22nd Regi-
ment created to perpetuate memory of the 22nd Dattalion, F.E.C. and relieves english-
speaking garrison at Quebec. It is the first time since 1760 that French troopa occupy
the Citadel.
1921.-Govcrnment assumes control of the so.le of liquor (lst May). FedereJ electionB (6th
December); 65 Liberals electod in Quebeo. Reception to Marshall Ferdinand Foch,
honorary Colonel of the 22nd Regiment, who presents the Regiment with a Bag.