Page 59 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 59

CHRONOLOGY                               27
                          7th Govmtor General: Lord Minlo (1898 lo 1904)

        lS99.-Reduction to 2 cenl,s of the postal rate on Iettero in Canada. Consolidation of the Educa-
                tion laws and the laws relating to the Provincial fiBheries. Mgr. Diomède Falconio
                appointed permanent Apostolic Delegate at Ottnwa.  Boer war.  Despatch of the
                first Canadian contingent to South Africa.
        1900.-Becond contingent sent to South Afric!\'. Extensive conflagration at Hull and Ottawa.
                LOBse~ $10,000,000 also 7 lives.
        190I.-Great fire at Montreal: losses $2,200,000. Wireless-telegraphy sUl,tion installed at Belle
                Isle. Population of Canada: 5,360,66G sou!.s of which 1,648,898 in the Province of
                Quebec. Visit of the Princc of Wales to Canad!\'.
        1902.-First Congress of the French Speaking Medical Association of North Amerie!\'.  Mgr.
                Donat Sbaretti, 2nd Apostoljc Delegate to Can!Lda.
        1903.-Congress ol'the Boards of Trade of the British Empire at Montrent. PurchaBe by the
                Government of the St. Hyacinthe dairy school.

                          8lh Gove1nor General: Earl Grey (1904101910)

        1904.-Ereetion of the' diocese of Joliette.
        1905.-Alberta and Saskatchewan enter Confederation. Erection of the Apostolic Vicariate of
                the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Withdrawa.l of the last Imperial troops atationed at Halifax
                and Esquimalt.
        190G.-Scttlemen t of the Federal subsidies to the provinces. Quebec receives $1,1l0,48G more
                th!Ln previously.
        1907.-School of Higher Commercial Studies:Lt Montreal and Technical schools of Montrea! and
                Quebec founded. Collapse of the Quebec bridge, 80 livps Iost. Sehool of Surveying
                founded at Quebec and !Lffiliated with the Arts Faculty of Laval University.
        1905.-Celehration of the Tercentenn.ry of Qucbec's foundation. Unveüing of the Laval Monu-
                ment. Quebec sends an agent-general to London. Conflagration at Three Rivers:
                300 houses hurnt; 1058 $1,500,000.

                   9th LIEUTENANT-GovERNOR: SIR A. P. PELLETlER (1908 TO 1911)

        1909.-Firat plenary counci1 of Quebec. Law reI!Ltive to workingmen's accidents. Revision of
                the Statutes of the Province of Quebee. Creation of the Public Utilities Commission.
       1910.-Quebee Forestry Sehool eBtl1.bliBhed.  Employmen t bureaux instituted at Quebec and
                Montreal. Great Eucharistie Congress at Montreal. Temperance congress at Quebec.
                A court for juvcnüe delinquents organized at Montrea.l. Opening of the School of
                Higher Commercial Studies at Montreal.

              9t.h Govemor General: Hia Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught (1911 101916)
                10th LIEU'l'EN AN1'-GovERNOR: Sm FRANCOIS LANOELIER (1911 TO 1915)

        1911.-A third transcontinental railway (the CanacJian Northern) connects Montreal with Port
                Arthur. St. John's CoHege founded. Cannda's population 7,20~,643 of which 2,003.232
                in the Province of Quebec. Collop:c of St. Alexandre de la Gatineau founded.
       1912.-Creation of tbe Roads Departmcnt. Un~avl\, ttdded to the Province of Quebec, inereasing
                its area 351,780 square miles. lst Congress of the French langulLge in Canada held
                al. Quebee. PlLrt of the town of Chicoutimi burned. Mercier monument UDveiled at
       1913.-Creation of Quebee Bureau of St!Ltistics. Erection of dioeese of Mount L!Lurier. Encour.
                agement given by the Government ta music. Ungavagivcn the name of "New Quebee".
                Appointment of first six agronomÎsts.
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