Page 55 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 55

CHRONOLOGY                              23
       1851.-Lower CanndiL divided into 19 judicinl districts. Laval, Jacques Cartier and McGiII Nor-
                mal Schoola founded.  Desjardins Canal accident (70 killed). Loss of steamer "Mont-
                real", with 253 lives.  Ottawa chosen as the Federal Capital.
       1858.-Adoption of the decimal system for the currency.  Foundation of the "Société historique
                de Montréal" by Jacques Viger.
       1859.-Foundation of the Agricultural School of Sainte Anne de la Pocatière.. Organization of
                the Council of Public Instruction of Lower Canada.
       1860.-Visit of the Prince of Wales.  Inauguration of Victoria Bridge at Montreal.  Three Rivers
                College founded.  UnveiJing of the "Monument des Braves", Ste-Foy road, Quebec.
                La Banque Nationale and Morrin College, founded at Quebec.
                          f2nd Governor: Viacount Monck (1861 10 1867)
       186I.-Lower Canada's population: 1,111,566 soula.
       1862.-Foundation of the Archeological and Numisl:IUltic Society of Montreal, the conservator of
                Chateau de Rarnezay.
       1863.-Rimouski College founded.  Third Council of Quebec. Royal sanction given ta the Sepa-
                rate Schools Act.
       1864.-Project of Confederation of the provinces elaborated at Quebee at an interprovinoial
                conference under the chnirmanship of Sir Étienne Pascal Taché.  First oheese factory
                opened at Dunham.
       1865.-Arrival in Montreal of the Brothers of Charity.
       1866.-Fenian invasion of Canada. Laying of the transatlantic cable.  Great conflagration at
                Quebec, (2,129 houses burned).  Montreal Veterinary School fOllIJdej:l. Civil Code and
                Code of Civil Procedure' come into force.    .
       1861.-Confederation of the provinces of Lower and Upper Canada, New Brunswick and Nova
                Scotia.  "Moniteur Acadien" founded.  Dioeese of Rimouski erected.

                         CONFEDERATION PERIOD (1867 TO .... )
                   lST LIEUTnNANT-GovERNOR: SrR N. BELLEAU (1867 TO 1873)
       18l>8..-Departure of 350 young French Canadians to defend the States of the Church at Rome in
                the regiment of Papal Zouaves. AssassiIlAtion of Hon. Thomns d'Arcy MeGee.
               Fourth CounciJ of Quebec.  Adoption o'f a uniform 3 cent letter postage rate.  Postal
               savings banks founded.
                  lsl Govemor General: Sir John Young, Baron Lisgar (1868 to 1872)
       1869.-Entry of the North-West Territories into Confederation.
       1870.-Province of Manitoba organized.  Mgr. Elzéar Taschereau, 16th bishop of Quehec.
       1871.-Entry of British Columbia into Confederation.  The Alabama claims setUe<! by the treaty
               of Washington. Codification of municipal laws.  Imperial troopa, garrisoned at
               Quebec and different points in Canada} are withdrawn with the exception of those
               stationed at Halifax and Esquimalt.

                        2nd Govimlor General: LO'rd Dufferin (1872 10 1878)
       1872.-Abolit.îon of the legislative douhle ma.ndiLte.  Act concerning the keeping of registers of
               civil statua.
       1813.-Prince Edward Island enters Confederation.  Death of Sir George Etienne Cartier.  Fifth
               Council of Quebec.
                   2nd LœUTENANT-GOVERNOR: HON. R. E. ChaON, (1813 TO 1876)
       1814.-Erection of the dioeese of Sherbrooke. 20Qth a.nniversary of the erection of the diocese of
       1815.-Principallaws respecting vital statistics passed.  Sherbrooke College founded.  Inaugura-
               tion of the Seminary of Chicoutimi.
       1876.-Inauguration of the Intercolonial Railway.  Branch oI Laval University founded at
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