Page 53 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 53
18th Govemor: Lord Metea/je (1843 to 1845)
1844.-Erection of the ecclesiasticRI province of Quebec.
1845.-Return of the political exiles of 1837-38. Two grea.t conflagrations at Quebec; 25,000
persons left homeless. The right to vote given to the clergy. Bishop's College founded
ut Lennoxville.
19th Governor: Lord Calhca-rt (1845 ta 1847)
1846.-Joliette College founded. The Houae obtains control of the Supplies. Education Act
amended and schools established.
1847.-TelegTaph line built between Quebec, MontreRI, Toronto and Buffalo, MSO between Mont-
real and New York. Irish immigration, typhus epidemic: 13,800 victims, including
sevcral priests. Hundreds of Irish orphans taken into French families.
Agricultuml societies created. Terrebonne or Masson College founded. Foundation
ef St. Lll.urent College. ArrivaI from France of the Frères de Ste-Croix Md the Clercs
de St-Vill.teur.
1848.-St. Lo.wrence caMls opened to nuvigation.
20th Goverrwr: Lord Elgin (1847 to 1854)
1849.-Rioting ut Montreal and burning of the Parlio.ment Houae and Library of the Legislature.
1850.-Mgr. Turgeon, 14th bishop ef Quebec. Construction of the "Northern" Railway begun.
Rigaud College founded.
1851.-St. Mo.ry's College at Montreal founded by the Jesuits. Firat Council of Quebec. Intro-
duction of postage stamps. Population of Lower Canaeln, 890,261.
1852.-Dioceses of St. Hyacinthe o.nd Three Rivers erected. Queen Victorin. signa the eharter of
LRVaJ University. Construction of Grand Trunk Railway begun. Great tire in Ment-
real (10,000 persons homelesa). Creation of the Department of Agriculture. The
Clercs of St-Viateur found a school at Joliette for Co.tholic deaf mutes. In thij
following year, this school is transferred to Coteau St-Louis, near Montreal.
Administrator: William Rowan (1853 to 1854)
1853.-Colleges of Ste-Marie de Monnoir o.nd Levis founded. Mgr. Bedini, Apostolic Vicar, visilis
Quebec. Arrivai at Quebec of tirst transatlantic steo.mship. Opening of railway be-
tween Montreal and Portland. The number of members for Lower and Upper Cll.MeIn
fixed at 65 for each province.
§181 Govenwr: Sir Edmu,nd Head (1854 to 1861)
1854.-Abolition of the Seigniorial Tenure in Lower Erection of Munîcipalities in Lower
Canada. IMuguration of Laval University. Second Council of Quebec. Mgr. Bo.illar-
geon, coadj utor and administrator of the diocese of Quebec. Reciprocity treaty
between Cannda and the United States. Great Western Railway in operation.
Seculo.rization of Clcrgy reserves.
18S5.-Laying of the cornerstone of the "Monument des Braves" at Ste-Foy. The "Capricieuse",
French frigate, aacends the St. Lawrence. Formation of Liberal and Conservative
parties. Establishment of system of money orders and registered letters in the post
1856.-Legislative Council made elecLive. EstabliBhment of the Allan steamship line between
Canada and England, running twice a month. Opening of a railwsy between Montreal
and Toronto.