Page 65 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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                                  CHRONOLOGY                               35

              Ministry oC Health and abolishment of the Quebec Government's ageney in London
              (October 27th). The Legislative Assembly passe.s a new electoral Bill (November 6th).
              Prorogation of the fust Session of the twentieth Legislature (Novembe.r 12th). Mr.
              Wilfrid Lazure, KC., of Sherbrooke is appointed Judge oC the Superior Court (De-
              cember 2nd). The Hon. Henry L. Auger, Minister of Colonization, signs an agreement
              with the Federal Government relative to the settling of new eolonisl,s; tbe maximum
             . grant is increAsed to $1,000 payable in equal parts by the Fedcrnl Government, the
              Provincial Government and the munieipaHty concerned (Deeember 4th). An Inter-
              provincial Conference is opened at Ottawa (December 9th).
     1937.- Deatb of the Hon. Cha.rIes Marcil, member for Bonaventure County and dean of the
              House of Commons (January 29th). Del1th of the eminent French Ca.nadian pain ter
              M. A. de Foy Suzor-Cot6 (January 29th). Opening of a Forestry Congress at Quebec
              (Fèbruary 11th). Opening of the second Session of the twentieth Legislature (February
              Uth). By-eleetion in Beaucc: M. J. Emile Perron, candidate of tbe National Union
              party, is elected (March 17th). The Bill to provide assistance for needy mothers is
              passed (March 30th). A Bill to come to the 9JJsists,nce of the blind and another Cou nd-
              ing a national park in Gaspé are passed by the Legislative Assembly (April 1st).
              A Bill concerning the revision of the various methods of taxation i8 passed (April
              2nd). The Treasurcl' of the Province, the Hon. MlUtin B. Fisher, delivers the Budget
              Speech (April 6th). A sum of 88,000,000 is voted for eolonization purposes (April
              8th). Death of M. Olivar Asselin, journalist and President of the Old Age Pensions
              Commission (April 18th). Death of the Hon. George Bryson, member of the Legis-
              lative Council sinee 1887 (May 8th). A Bill is passed to establish and assure State
              competition hydro-electric resourccs (May 1Hh). Coronation of T. M.
              I{ing George VI and Queen Elizabeth. On the occasion great public demonstrations
              are held in the principal cities (May 12th). General C. A. Smart, C.M.G., former
              member fol' Westmount in the Legislative Assembly, is made a Legislative Couneillor
              (May 18th). M. J. C. Langlois, K.C., of Buckingham is appointed Judge oC the Court
              of Sessions of the Peace at Montreal (rvlay 18th). A State banquet is held in honour
              of T. E. the Governor General and the Lady Tweedsmuir (May 26th). Prorogation
              of the 2nd SeSRion of the twentieth Legislature (May 27th). A Belgian commercial
              mi~sion is received officiB.lly by the Hon. Joseph Bilodeau, Minister of Trade and
              Commerce and Municipal Affairs (June 4th). DeE1th of General C. A. Smart, re-
              cently appointed Legislative Couneillor and former member for Westmount in the
              Legislative Assembly (June 4tb). Death of Sir Robert Borden, former .Prime Minister
              of Canada (June 10th). The Prime Minister, tl1e Hon. ~1l1urice L. Duplessis, is
              elected Batonnier General of the Bar of the Province (June 12th). Four parties leave
              to make an inventory of the natural resourees of the counties of Bonaventure, Gaspé
              North, Gaspé South, Matane and Matapedia (June 18th). Death oC the Hon. Honoré
              :\1ercier, former Minister of Lands and Forests of the Province (June 20th). Opening
              of the second Congress of the French Language at Quebec (June 27th). Appointment
              of a research committee to make an inventory of the artistic treasures oC the Province
              (July 6th). In a first trin.l Bight for IL projected commercial air transport service, a
              gigantic hydroplane, the Ca1edonia, crosse.s the Atlantic in seven .hours and fourteen
              minutes and proeeeds to Bouchcrville near Montreal (July 8tb). The Hon. Martin D.
              Fisher, Provineiall'reasurer, and the Hon. Joseph Bilodeau, Minister of Municipal
              Affairs, Trade and Commerce, sail for Europe. The latter heads a delegation of the
              Quebec BOlUd of l'rade to the World's Fair at Paris; he willnJso visit London, Brussels
              o.nd other European capitals in the interest of the Province's trade (July lOth). The
              Fair Wage Act eomNl into force (September lst). Death of Senator, the Hon. Rodol-
              phe Lemieux (September 28th). His Grace, Mgr. Georges Gauthier, At·chbi.~hop
              Coadjutor of the Diocese of MontrenJ, celebrates his episcopal jubilee (Septcmber
              30th). McGill University confers an honorary degree of doctor of laws on the Hon.
              E. L. Patenaude, Lieutenant-Gouvernor of the Province (October 6th). Death of Mgr.
              J. S. H. Brunault, Bishop of Nieolet (Oetober 21st). The Federal and the Provineial
              Governments reacb an agreement relative to the Youth Training Plan; the Hon.
              Joseph BiJodeau, Minister of Municipal Affairs, l'rade and Commerce, is in charge
              of its application (October 27th). Death of the Hon. J. B. Archambault, Chief Justice
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