Page 63 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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centenary of Beaumont 'church (August 6th). Inauguration of North chILnncl
of Sc. LaWTcnce, East of Isw.nd Orleans (Scptember 29th). Plenary meeting Hot
Quebec of the arehbishops and biBhops of the Cntholic dioecscs of Canada (October
4th). Dcath of Sir Arthur CUlTie, Commandant of the Canndinn army in the Great
War and, since 1920, Principal nnd Vice-Chancellor of McGill University (Novernber
30th). Interprovincinl Conference on transportation, held ILt Ottawa (Dccember
1934.-Congress at Quebec of delegntes of the Canadinn InstiLute of Mining and Metallurgy
(April 3rd). M~r Anastase Forget, fust bishop of the diocese of St. John (May 16th).
Meeting in Qucbec of the Royal Society of Canada (May 22nd). Inauguration of
the new cathedral of St. Anne de Beaupré (May 27th). French-Canadian delegation
Ieaves for France to attend celebration of 4th centenary of Cartier (June 23rd).
TI1ree Rivers celebmtes tercentenary of its founding (July 3rd). CelebTl1tion at Gaspé
of the 4th centennial of the discovery of Canada by Jacques Cartier. Unveiling of
cross of ~ra.nite of the same dimensions as that which Cartier erected (August 25th).
Laying and blessing of the corner stone of the future cathedral of Christ King at
Gaspé (August 26th). Opening of the conference of French speaking physicians and
of the press conference (August 27th). Celebration of the 3rd centenaryof the founding
of Beauport (Spptember 2nd). Inauguration of a colonization congress at the Parlia-
ment Buildings, Quebec (October 17th). Homage is pnid ta the mcmory of the In.te
Honoré Mercier, former Prime Minister of the Province (November 4th). Orgnniza-'
tion of diocesan societies for the recruiting of colonists (November 22nd). Mgr. Com-
tais appointed bishop of Three R.ivers (December 24th). Death of CaptILin J. Elzéar
Bernier, famous Canadian Arctic explorer, at the age of 82 ycars (December 26th).
1935.-The French Academy tenders a gold medal to Laval Uuiversity in gmteful recognition
of signnl services rendered to the French language (March 29tb). In London, the
Silver Jubilee of tbe accession to the Throne of Their Mujesties King George and
Queen Mary il; celebrated with great pomp; impressive ceremonies are also held in
aU cities of CanadIL (Muy 6th). Inauguration oi the Island of Orléans bridge (July
4tb). Appointment of a Commission for the PurchILsing of Sei~niol'io.l Dues (July
20tb). A delegation of 320 French war veteruns is given an official reception at Quebec
(August 18th). Commemoration oi the 3rd centenary of the founda.tion of the first
clussical coUege in America und inauguration of tbe Charles Garnier College in Quebec,
bytheJesuits (September 25th). Departure of fI. E. Lord Bessborough, retiring Gover-
nor General, and oi Lady Bessborough (Septcmber 28th). Federal elections: tbe Libe-
ml party is returned ta power (October Hth). Appointment of an Electricity Com-
mission (October 30th). Tbe eigbteenth LegisJ.n.ture iB dissolved (OctODer 30tb) .
."JTival oi the newly uppointed Governor General, Lord Tweedsmuir, tbe swearing
in ceremony takes place at Quebee (November 2nd). Provincial election.s; the Liberal
party is maintained in powpr but with a majority reduced to six (November 25th).
14lh GouernoT General: Lord Tweedsmuir (193510 ... )
1936.-Denth of H. M. IGng George V; H. R. H. the Prince of Wales sueeeeds to the throne as
Edward VIII (January 20th). Opening of the tirst session of the nineteenth Legislature
(March 24th). Bill to estabhsh Old Age Pensions in the Province pussed by both
Houses and sanctioned by the Lieutenant-GovernoL' (June lOto). The Legislature
is dissolved; the Hon. L.A. Tascherel1u and his Ca.binet resign; the Hon. Adelard
Godbout is aWorn in as Prime Minister (June l1th). Unveiling of the cenotaph at
Vimy Ridge hy H. M. King Edward VIII (July 2Gth). The President of the United
States, MI'. Franklin D. Roosevelt, pays an official visit to Quehee (July 31st). Pro-
vincial elections are held: tbe candidates of the Nn.tional Union party carry 76 con·
stituencies (August 17th). Swearing in of the Hon. Maurice L. Duplessis as Prime
Minister and of the members of his Cabinet (AuglLSt 2'6th). Sir Thomus Chapaia is
sworn in as Minister without Portfolio in the Duplessis Cabinet (October 6th).
Opening oI the firat Session of the twentieth Legislature (October 7th). Creation oI u