Page 67 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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CHRONOLOGY                                37

             of the Circuit Court (November 2nd). Death of the Hon. N. Garneau, Legislative
             Councillor (November 16th). Death of Mr. J. A. Verville, member for Lotbinière in
             the House of Commons (November 2Oth). Major Gustuve Lanctot, author of severa!
             historicà! treatiees, is made Dominion Archivisti he is the first French Canadian to
             occupy the position (November 26th). Retirement of the Ronourables Pierre Bou1fard
             and Emile Gelly !lll judges of the Superior Court; Messrs. Alphonse Decary, Alfred
             Savard and Garon Pratte a,re a,ppointed judges of the same Court; Mr. Panl Mercier,
             member for the St. Hcnry division in the Honse of Commons, is appointed senior
             judge of tbe Circuit Court (November 30th), A conference is he!d at Toronto be-
             tween the governrnen ts of Quebec and Ontario relntive to economic and constitutional
             questions (December 20th). A Burean of Scientifie Research is founded (December
             21st).                             '
   1938.-Death of Sir George Perley, member for Argenteuil in the House of Commons and formel'
             Canactian High Comnilisioner in London (January 3rd). Dr. Lewis Williams Douglas
             takes office as Principal of McGill University at an inaugural ceremony at which
             Lord Tweedsmuir, Govemor General oI Canada, is present (January 7th). Mr. J. L.
             Baribeuu is appointed Legislative Couneil!or (January 13th). Forty-seven lives are
             lost in a fire whicb destJ'oys the Sacred Heart College ut At. Hyacinthe (January 18th).
             The Govermnent purchases the Gale mine in the vicinity of Val d'Or in order to esta-
             bliah a mining school on the property (February 4th). Denth of the Hon. Auguste
             Tessier, former judge of the Superior Court (Fchroary 1Ith). Provincial bye~lection
             in Baj1;ot county: Dr. Philippe Adam, National Unionist candidate is elected (February
             16tb). Death of Judge Adolphe Stein of the Superior Court (February 27th). Found·
             ation of a school of social and politieal sciences at Laval Univprsity (Februar:r 28tb).
             The Government votes $1,000,000 to permit the eontinued application of the Youth
             Training Plan (March 3rd). At a nntional meeting of the Conservative party, the
             Right Hon. R. B. Bennett announees his retirement ns party leader (Mareh 5th).
             A sum of $50,000,000 is voted for higbway improvements (AprH 1st). Prorogation
             of the 3rd session of the 20th Legislature (April 12th). The church of St. Anne des
             Monts is destroyed by fire (April 17th). The RoweIl Commission sits at Quebeci
             the Govemment deDies its authority and pleads autonomy (May 12tb). A Dew labor
             regulation, Ordin~ll(;e No. 4, cornes into force (May 15th). Mr. Antonio Talbot,
             National UnioniBt candidate, is elected in th!' Chicoutimi county bye-election (May
             25th). Official opening of the Ontario Paper Company's mil! ut Baie Comeau (JUDe
             1lth). The HOD. Adelard Godbout is cbosen party leader al the provineil1l Iiberals
             (June lIth). Fire destroys 90 houses I1t Cherbourg (June 12th). Tbe Provincial Agri-
             ('.ultum! Board take~ up its duties (June 16th). ArrivaI at Quebec of a Pontifical
             Mission sent from Rome to attend the Cl1rdinnl Legate during the National Eucha-
             ristie Congress (June 17tb). Tbe archbisbops and bishops of the Dominion hold fi
             council presided over by His Eminence Mgr Villeneuve, Cardinal Legate (June 21st).
             Inauguration of a National Eucharistie Congre.'3s at Quebec (June 22nd). Pontifical
             M&is is eelebrated hy H. E. Cardinal Villeneuve before a gathering of more than
            75,000 persons, on the Plo.illB of Abraham; Ris Holine.'38 Pope Pius XI addresses a
             message and gives his blessing to the tbrong by radio from Castel Gandolfo. The Con-
            gress is brought to a magnificent close by a mon~ter procession accompanying the
            Blessed Sncrflment from the Basili~ of Notre Dame to the repository on the Plains
             of Abraham (June 26th).
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