Page 61 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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1925.---8erious aeullnic disturbance felt tbroughout tbe Province. The City of Hastings, England,
returna to the City of Quebee the shield bell.ring the Arms of the King of Francewhich
General Murray had taken from tbe gates of Quebec, in 1759. Judgment of the
Privy Council defining tbe rights and privileges of Federal and Provincial govern-
ments to the beds of rivera; the Province of Quebec retains ownership o(beds of
rivers and beach lots.
1926.-A new system of registering birth.9, marriages and dea.ths IS put into force. Sanction of
the act prohibiting the export of electric power developed in the Province of Quebec.
Conflagration at lliviere du Loup, .57 buildings destroyed entailing loaa of $1,000,000.
Unveiling of an bjstorical tablet to the memory of the patriots of 1837, at "La place
des Patriotes", Montreal. Imperial conference in London. Il1lI.uguration of the Can7
adian Studenta' Home, in Paris. by H. R. H. the Prince of Walea.
12th GOOfff'/W'f General: LO'fd Willingdon (19118 to 1931)
1927.-Destruction by tire of the Laurier-PalAce theatre in Montreal oausing the death of 77
ehildren. Privy Council judgment concerning the Labrador peninsula. Diamond
Jubilee of Canadian Confederation. St. Charles Hospice at Quehec destroycd by
/ire, 33 children lose theïr lives. Inauguration of an air mail service between Murray
Bay and Scven Islands on the North Shore.
1928.-Il1lI.uguration of an air mail service between Rimouski, Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto.
New Compensation Act put inta force. Inauguration of an air mail service,
between Montreal and Ncw York.
1929.-Annual grant of $1,000,000 of the profits of the Liquor Commission to public cbArities.
Congress to honour Virgin Mary held in Quebec. Council of Agriculture re-organized.
Fire destroys the oldest part of the college of St. Joseph at Three Rivers (l3th Nov-
19~O.-Inauguration of the Jacques·Cartier bridge, Montreal. Canonization of eight martyrs of
Ncw France. The giant airahip R-100 of Great Britain succesafully orasset! the
Atlantic and moors at the mast conatructed by the Canadian Government at St.
Hubert, near Montreal (31st July).
lSth Govenwr General: The Earl qJ Bessbaro'ugh (1931 to 1935)
lc)31.-Interprovincial conference at Ottawa; the Westminster Act is approved (7th April).
Appointment of a Commission ta promote utilization of forest produots (30th July).
Creation of the Dairy Commission (14th August). Workmen's Compensation Act,
put inta force (September lat). Foundation of zoologicnl garden at St. Pierre de
Clul.rleshourg A judgment of the Privy COUDCi! confirms·the right of the Provincial
Government to appoint commissions such ua the Public Service and Workmen's
Compensation commissions and others (24th November). Mgr. J. M. Rodrigue
Villeneuve appointed Arcbbishop of Quebec (16th Deecmbcr). Death of Honourable
Sir George Foster, scnutor, a sig-natory to the Treaty of Versailles and promoter of
the work of the League of Nations in Canada (30th Decerober).
1932.-Munieipal Commission appointed (18th May). Signing of treaty for eanalization of the
St. Lawrence (19th July). Signing of twenty-four commercial. agreements and
elosing of the Imperial Economie Conference (20th AUgust). Total eclipse of sun,
visible in the Province of Quebee (31st August).
1933.-Valcartier Camp is used to eoncentrate 2,000 unemployed. Removal from Boston to
Montreal of the aabes of Calixa Lavallée, composer of the music of the national
anthem, "0 Canada", who died in 1891. An Italian squadron of 24 hydroplanes,
from Orbetello, Italy, on flight to Chicago, stops at Montreal (July 14th). Second