Page 57 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
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CHRONOLOGY                              27

                        7th GovernoT General: Lord Minto (J 898 /0 1904)
      1899.-Reduction ta 2 cents of the postal rate on letters in Canada. Consolidation of the Educa-
               tion laws and the laws relating to the Provincial fisl1eries. Mgr. Diomède Falconio
               appointed permanent Apostolic Delegate at Ottawa. Boer war. Despatch of the
               /irst Canadian contingent to Sout.h Africa.
      1900.---8econd contingent sent ta South Arrica. Extensive conflagration at Hull and Ottawa.
               Losses SI0,OOO,OOO, aIso 7 lives.
      1901.-Great fire at l\-fontreal: losses $2,200,000. Wirele~s-telegraphy station in~to.lled at Belle
               Isle. Population of Canada: 5,369,666 souls of IVhich 1.648,898, in the Province of
               Quebec. Visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada
      1902.-First Congress of the French Speaking Medical Association of North America.. Mgr.
               Donat Sbaretti, 2nd Apostolic Delegate to Canada.
      1903.-Congress of tbe Boards of Trade of the British Empire lit Montreal. Purchase by the
               GoV{~mment of the St. Hyacinthe dairy schoo!.

                        8th Governor General: Ea.rl Grey (1904 to 1010)

      1904.-Erection of the diocese of Joliette.
      1905.-Alberta and Saskatchewan enter Confederation. Erection of tbe Apostolic Vicariate of
               the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Withdrawa.l of the last Imperial troops stationed at Halifax
               and Esquimalt.
      1906.---8ettlement of the Federal subsidies to the provinces. Quebec receives $1,110,486 more
               than preyjously.
      1907.---8chool of Higber Commercial Studies at Montreal and Technical schools of Montreal and
               Quebec founded. Collapse of the Quebec bridge, 80 lives lost. School of Surveying
               founded at Quebec and affiJiated with the Arts Faculty of Laval UniverSIty.
      1908.-Celebration of the Tercentenary of Quebec's foundation. Unvf\iling of the Laval Monu-
               ment. Quebec sends an agent-generaJ to London Conflagration at Three Rivers;
               300 houses burnt; loss $1,500,000.

                 9tb LIEUTENANT-GovERNon: Sm A. P. PELLETIER (1908 TO 1911)

      1909.-First plenary council or" Quebee. Law relative ta workingmen's accidents. Revision of
               the StatuteA of the Province of Quebec. Creation of the Puhlic Utilities Commission.
      1910.-Quebec Forestry School established. Employment bureaux instituted at Quebec and
               Montreal. Great Eucharistic Congresa at Montreal. Temperanee congress at Quebec.
               A court for juvenile delinquents organ.ized ut Montreal. Opening 01 the School of
               Higher Commercial Studies at Montreal.

             9th G{)VCrnOT General: His Roya.l Highnes8 the Duke of Connaughl (1911 10 1.916)

               lOth LIEUTEN AN'T·GOVERNOIl: SIR FRANCOIS LANOELIEIl (1911 TG 1915)

      1911,-A tbird transcontinental railway (the Canadian Northern) connects ]I,.'1ontreal with Port
               Art.bur. St. John's College founded. CanadaJs population 7,206.643 of wluch 2,003,232
               in the Province of Quebec. College of St. Alexandre de la Gatineau founded.
      1912.-Creation of the Roads Department. Ungava added to the Province of Qucbec, incr.easing
               its area 351,780 square miles. lst Congress of the French language in Canada held
               at Quebec. Part of the town of Chicoutimi bumed. Mercier monument unveiled at
      1913.-Creation of Quebec Bureau of Statisl.ios. Erection of diocese of Mount Laurier. Encour-
               agement given by the Government to music. Ungava given the name of"New Quebec"
               Appointment of first six agronomists.
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