Page 93 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 93


                9 - Population des villages de la province de Québec, en 1911 et 1931.
                9-Populatfon of Villages in the Province of Quebec 1 in 1911 and 1931.

               VILLAGES         1931  \  1021       VILLAGES         1931   1921

                                  1B9 .. ........                              250
         Abercoro. _...                      Hat1ey ........... , ..   220
         Aàsmsville.      .. ...  197  .. ' .....  Hébertville-Sto.tion..  922  739
         Albll.oe1. ....          329  . ,"  Hemmingford .             426 ..  345
         Almaville...  ...       2,010  1,174  Henryville.                   .. '4.57'
         AndTéville..      ...    512    596  Howiek.                  471
         AngeTll..•..  .........  294    284  Hudson ..........        848   1,146
         AnplI.yiLle.•  ..... .   332    239  HudBon Heigbœ.           510 ...
         Asbestos ........ ' .. . ... .,  4,396  2,169
         Ayer's Cliff.......      '89    461  Inverness.               157     182
         Baie-de-Shawinigo.n     1,316  1,213  Kll.illouraska.         .70     501l
         Baie-St-Paul     .....  2,916  2,29}  King.!lbury.....        164     241
         Baieville.               507    536  Kingsey Falls..          466 ...
         BelLull!oC.  ... " .. ...  450  491  Knowlt.on.               990    841
                                  380    282
         Bea.ulieu........... ... "         1
         Beo.uport-&t-Ea.r>t..    480        I.o.belle............ ........  685  ."
         Béeaneour....   .....    272    252  VAbord-à-Plouffe.  ...  1,227  1,011
         Beebe Plain.            1,053   921  T.o.c-o.u-8o.uillon.  ....  1,779  1,354
         Belle-Plagc..            67      69  Lac-BoucbeUe.    ....    746  .... 555'
         Bernierville.....        946    751  Lacolle ......           593
         Bie...... ".........    1,020   912  I"ae-St,·Louis ....     1,537   597
         ~~:_1k'c8o~~:.~~~",-,'   202    300  La. MaLbaie....         2,408  1,883
                                             Lambton. ....
         Boueherville.            883    934  L'Annonciation.  ..........  658  612
         Brome....  " .....       222 ...    Lo.Pêrade.....            926     745
         Bryson.                  247    201  La Providenee           1,241  1,078
                                             La Reine ... ...          658 .....  ..
         Cabana.....             2,187 ......  Ls Rochelle....... _...  523    932
         Calumet..........        675    682  La-Btation·du-Cotf'RU.   846     851
         Campbell'sBay.           997    700  Lo.terrière...  ....     529
         Canrobert ...... .......  202   281  1 Laurierville.          398    '355"
         CBp-A-l'Aigle.  ...      433    444  Laval .......            399     391
         Cap-Cb"'t..... '  .....  1,139 ...... ...  Lavsltrie ...      308 ..  ....225'
         Carillon........         290    183  LSWl'enceville: : ..  .....  384
         CsullSgscal. ....  .......  1,390 ..........  Leeleroville....  674  .........
         Chsm ly~Bssain ..       1,287  1,008  J. 'Enfant-J~IJU8.  .. ..  1,066
         Chambly-Çanton.          955    839  L'Epipbanie. ..      1  1,705 ...... ....
         g:~fz~~i.~..:: .........  ...  1,741  1,755  Lioiêre........ . ...... ...... '.  2,251  2,006
         Chapeau......  ....  .....  415  314  Lorrnioville.      .1   466 ..  ....49ï
         Charlemagne  .....       813    829  Lotbinil'!re ..          506
         CblU"lesbourg ...       1,869  1,267  Luceville.              540    426
         Charny .......  ....    2,823  2,265  Lyster....              725    5"
         CMne...ille.....  ..........  518  611
         CbeJItervilie...  .....  2S1    257  Macamic ..               821   1,104
         Clarenceville.....  ..... ...  268  277  Maniwaki.           1,720 ... .. ' ...
         Como-Est-Eaet..  ...... ....  337  379  Manseau.              530  ..... .. .
         Compton... ..... .....   476    '86  Marbleton.               798    670
         Contrecœur.....          794    659  MaSS(ln......           2.015   950
         Cotellu-du~La.c...       428    435  MIl',lSueville.....      598     654
         Coteau Landing.          342    365  McMaBtervi1Le.           819     612
         Côte-8t-Lue....          490    377  Melbourne.. , .          349    340
         Cow8nsville...          1,859  1,094  :\létis-sur~~ler..      291     251
                                             Mjsta~inî ......          '70
         Danville......          ],354  1,290  Montmorency.  .. ......  4,575  .. 3~3irr
         Daveluyvîlle_ .          342    384  Montauban..     .......  630     325
         DelBon... " ..           715    428  1font.ebello...         1,501   977
         De..~ehaillons ..       1,650  1,680  Mont.-Joli., ...       3,143  2,799
         Dt;!gehênea..... ...     294    321  Mont-LlI.urier.         2,394  2,211
         D{\\U·Rivi~retl....      670    .,2
         Di'Jrl1éli.....•••  .. ....  1,437  1,046  l\"apierville.     857     741
         DiIVille............  ....  .00  425  Keuville.......         571    365
         Dunbam..•.•.......       360    295  New Glasgow.             146    146
         Durham·Sud-Bouth.        401    390  Nominingue.              493  . ....  700
                                             NorlDl/.ndÎn ... ......
         East Broull:hton.  ....  1,868  1,709  :-Tortil Hat1ey ...........  404  '430'
         East Farnham.            195    198  ~otre·Dame-des-Anges ....  543  482
         &',ttIUlJl.....  . ....  474    704  Notre·Dame--d'Hébertville. .. . .  933  719
                                             N otre-Dame-de~Portnt;!uf.  1,017  877
         Ferme--Neuve. .....      609    511  N ouveau·Salaberry..     805    606
         Fort-CouJongl'.  .....  1,130   973
         Fortierville..  ..... ..  422   485  Ormstown ....  ....      842    8"
         Fœ              333    355
         Francœur ....            544    593  Papineauville...  .. .....  954  884
         Freligb.'lburg.          293    2".  Parc-Olterburn....       193  i , ... ..
                                   't.         74     42
         Ollo!:lpé.......  ....   919    764  Pbillipsburg.    ..      638    390
         Gentilly.... ... ....  .....  454  423  Pierreville...   ,   1,352  1,394
         Giffard................ ... ....  3,573  1,254  Plagc·La...·al.  ..  220 ..  ...
         Graoe6eld .....•....... ......  479  342  Plessiaville..     2,536  2,032
         GrllJld68·Bergt"ronne~.  469 .. " .  Point.e-au·Pic.    j     961    703
         Grenville   ..... ....   719    '7oi'  PojDte~Forblne"" -     305    324
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98