Page 92 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 92

62                            POPULATION

            7 - Superficie et densilê de la population des cités de la province de Québec.
               '-Area and Density of Population of Cities in the Province of Quebec
                                                                 Augm. ou diminution
                         Superficie  Population, 1931  P011ulation  IncreWle or Decrease
                         en rnille9             1
             CITtS        c:arréa        Par mille
               -           -      Totale  c8rré
             CITIES       Arel\ in  -      -       1921  1  1911  1921~31  1911~21
                          ~llil,re  Total  Per square   !
                          miles            mile
        Arvida............. .. ... ..... .. .  1,790  ....   . ....  1,790 1.  . .....
        Cap-de-1a-~fadeleille....  6.68  8',748  1,309.58  6,738 ...  2,010  6,738
                                                         .. '
        C!ncoutmu ..........  2.66  11 ,877  4,4115.04  8,937  5,880  2,940  3,057
        GrlUlbr,.....       1. 50  10,587  7,OSS.OQ  6,785  4,750   3,802   2,035
        Gnmd Ml-rc. ..      3.04    6,461  2,125.33  7,631  4,783   -1,170  2,848
        Hull ....  ......   6.25   29,433  4,709.28  24,111  18,222  5,316  5,895
        Joliette  .....     2.01   10,765  5,355.72  9.039  6,346   1,726   2,693
        Lachine. ...        4.68   18,630  3,980.77  15.404  11,688  3,226   3,716
        Lévis...      ...   3.47   11,724-  3,378.67  10,470  8,703  1,254   1,767
        I.ongueuii.·  ... ...  1 ,  1.30  5,407  4,159.23  4,682  3,972  725  710
        Montréal  ..... .... .. !  46.75  818,577  17,509.67  618,506  400,504  200,071  128,002
        Outrcmont.·  .. ....  1.,52  28,ô41  18,842.76  13,249  4,82Q  15,312  8,429
        Qu<'Jbeç     . ...  8.09   130,594  14,.'520.59  95,193  78,710  35,401  10,483
        Rivière-ll~~i~~·p.·.·..  6.25  8,499  1,359.84  7,703  6.774  796     .29
        St-Hyacinthe.. ... ..  1. 70  13,448  7,910.59  10,859  9,797  2,589  1,062
        St·Jean-8t. John" ...  2.08  Il,256  t'i.411.54  7,73t  .'l,903  3,522  1,831
        St·I..ambert...... ......  1. 86  6,075  3,26fJ.13  3,890  3,344  2,185  546
        8hll.winig9.n Falls. ......  2.00  15,34t'i  7,672,50  10,625  4,265  4,720  6,360
        Sherbrooke ..       4.85   28,933  5,965.57  23,515  16,405  5,418   7,nO
        SOrel. ........... ...  3.13  10,320  3,297.12  8,174  8,420  2,146  -241'>
        Thetford Mines .. .. ,. ..  3.25  10,701  3.292.62  7,880  7,261  2,815  0"
        Trois·Rivi~rœ.      4.00   35,450  8.862.50  22,367  13,691  Iil,OS3  8,676
        Van,ylield, Salab"" d,  1  0.56  11,411  20,376.79  9,215  9,449  2,190  -234
        Vl'.rdun .....      2.23   60,745  27,230.91  25,001  Il,629  35,744  13,372
        Westmount. .  .     1.53   24,235  t5,839.87  17,593  14,579  6,642  3,OU
              TOTAL           •••  1 1,329,$52  1  .. ...... 1  975,113 1  7.0.895  354,339  225,UO
                 8 - Population des villes de la province de Québec, en 19.:U et 1931.
                8-Population of TOWDS of the Province of Quebec, in 19.:U and 1931.
             VILLE8-TOWNS      1931   1921  1'1  VILLE8-TÛWNS       1931    1921
        Adon Vale..             1,753  1,t'i49  LennorviUe...        ],927   1,554
        Amos.... . .            2,153  1,488  LowgeviUe... .         2 365   1,772
        Arthabaska.             1,608  1,234 1 Magog......           B:~     05,159
        Aylmer.....             2,835  2,970  Maple Grove.            "'"'    286
        Baie--d'Urfé...          211    172  Marie''ille....         1,986   1,748
        BagotviUe....           2,468  2,204  Mégantie..  . .... , .. . .  3,911  3,140
        BarkweI'e...  .,........  36         Mercier..                247
        &Monsfield...............  641  578  Montmagny...............  3,927  4,145
        Beauoeville.........     707   1,448  MontréaJ-Est-East..............  2,242  1,716
        ~:~~~~~~t~t-East        3,~Zg  2,250  ~~~~~:~~:t=.~;;:"..:.'.'.::::::1  tf~~  1,360
        Beauport..              3,242  3.240  Montrllal--8ud-South•.. ,...  1,164  1,030
        Bedford.                1,570  1,669  Mont·RoyaI..........   2,174    160
        lIelœil. . . .          1,434  1.418  Nioolet. ... .  . .    2,868   2,342
        Bl'nhier.....           2,431  2.193  Norao.da               2,246
        Black             2,167  2,656  Pointe--aux·Tremblea..  2,970  2,3riO
        Bromptonville..         1,527  2,B03  Pointe--Claire.        4,058   2.617
        Buckingham....          4,638  3.835  Port--Alfred... . .. . . . . .  2,342  1,213
        Château·d'Eau.           160         Québec·Ouest-West....   1,813    130
        Châteauguay.            1,067  ..'ssi'  Racine......          105  .. 2',450
        Coaticook.. . .         4,044  3,554  Richmond. .            2,596
        Cookshire.               5146   950  Rigaud.............     1,099    .39
        Courville..             1.678  1.293  Rimoilllki...          5,589   3,612
        De Léry..   . . . . . . .. . .  561  540  Riverbend.          188    '2',05<03 •
        Dolbeau.....            2,032        RobervaL....            2.770
        B~ri~~~~~~·..... ... ..  r:~~~  l.~~  ~~~~~: .. :::: .. .. . ... . ...  3,2~~  23
         Dorval...............  2,052  1,455  Ste·Agathe-dea·Monts..  2,949  2,812
         Drnmmondvi11e.. . .. .  6,609  2,852  Ste--Anne-de--Bellevue.  2,417  2,212
         Eal'lt Angus.          3,566  3,802  St·Jérôme  ,.........  R,967   5,491
         FarohR.m.  .           4,205  3,343  St·JoMlph-d'Alma..     3,970    850
         Greenfield Park.       1,610  1,112  St-Laurent................  5,348  3,232
         Hamp,rtead....          594     53  St·J-konard-de-Port-Maurice  453  '62
         HWltingdon.            1,619  1,401  St·Michel.             r,528    '.3
         Iberville......................  2,778  2,454  St-Dura..  "1  615    022
         IJe-Cadieux...................  17  St-Pierre.          ..  4,185   3,535
         Ile-Dorval...            19     59  Ste·Rose....            1,661   1,811
         Isle·Maligne..          449         Bte-Thérèse.        . '1  3,292  3,043
         Jonquière....          9,448  4,851  St-Tiie... . . . .. .  ..  ,l,962~  1,783
         Kénogami.              4,500  2,5t'i7  Saguenay......          u
         Lachute... . .         3,906  2,t'i92  Scotstown..          1,189    987
         Lae---Sergent.            9     60  Terrebonne. . . . . . .  1,955  2,056
         Laprairie.             2,774  2,158  Témiscamingue....      1,855   '1:454.
         LaSalle..........      2,362    726  Trois-Pistoles.        1,837
         L'Assomption................  1,576  1,320  Victoriaville.  6,213   3,7ffJ
         La Tuque.....          7,871   5,603  Waterloo..  .  ,......  2,192  2,063
         Laurentidel:'..        1,284   1,150  Windsor..             2,720   2,330
         Lauzon     '           7,084   6,428
         t:~:t~::=~~l~~e~:      2,7~    1,9~~      TOHL..           237,115  167,5911
           Extrait de Septiè1M reCM8rnlMt du Canada, Volume Il  Extract from Se,>enth CenSU8 of Canada, Vol. II.
   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97