Page 464 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 464

           9- Nombre d'accidents entrainant paiement, par classes d'industries, en 1934.
            9-Number of Accidents Involving Paym.ent, by Classes of Industries, in 1934.

                                 Aide médiCllo(e  Incapacité  Incapacité
                                  seulement  temporaire  permo.nente  Mortalité
              CLASSES---eLASS        -         -         -         -       Total
                                  Medical Aid  1 Ternpofll,ry  Permanent  Dea"
                                    only     DiBability  Disabllity
         1.                     !    517       1.603      122        12      2,264
         2 ....             . . . ..  1  ~,94U  1  5,611  376        26      8,953
         3 ..                        J06        1'"       26         1        483
         4.                          541       331         63         2       9 37
         5.                          977       384         61        Il      1,433
         6 ..                        495        227        28        6        75<1
         7.                           80        21         5                  '06
         8 ..                        "'6        I37        16            1    659
         9 ...                       707        161       39   1 ..........   907
        10.                          795        243       45         1       1,084
        11  .                        48lJ       130        12                 631
        12  .                        406       271        34             1    712
        13.                           22        23         2                   47
        14 ..                        269        92         10  1     1        372
        15 ..                   1   1.275      483        62             1   1,825
        16.                          476        154       21         • 1  !   652
        17.                     1   1,013      361        J7         1       1,412
        18 ..                       1,035      263        21   1             1,019
        Hl.                          277        III       25                  413
        20.                          423       406        46        "'4" .    879
        21.                          383       251        27         ,        6':'2
        22 ...                  1    481       121        22                  630
        23.                          413       382        51   1     10       856
        24. __        .              947       5'"        79         13      1,589
        C6dulc 2-Schedule 2 ..  1 !'-C.-'--'--~'-C  1  1,786  160    40      1,986
              TOTAL •.•..•••.   1  15,173    14,252     1,390       lA2     U.SS7
                                          1                    1
                    10 -  Indemnités payées par classes d'industries, en 1934.
                    ID--CompensatïoIl Costs by Classes of Industries, in 1934.
                   d'in')a.pacit~  C:l3 d'inetl.pacit~
                    ternporall'e  permanente         Ca!! de O1ortalit~
                      -             -                     -
                    ~~a'b1~~r:  Perlnfl1lflnt nislLbility  Death CIIol!e5
          CLABBES                  Case"
             -                                                            Total
                      Pour    Pour     Pour     Pour              Pour
           CLABS    iD.capacit~  incapa.cité  ineapacitéé  Rentes ,t  fmis  (1)
                    temporairoe  ternporui~e  pcrIDMen-oo  tI:J'lporaî  :J,tl;ributioD.~  fulÎ..éraires
                      -        -        -        -        -       -
                      Fo,      Fo,      F"      Fo,     DMth      F"
                    Ternporory  Temporury  Permanent  Tempor:lry  Benefits  Funeral
                    DiEability  Disability  Disability  Disability  Expen3e~
         1..  " ".,  · l' 58,105."  $20,:J7,j.17  S60,(j13.43  • 2,1.53.84  $ 30,826.30  • 2,935.78  ., 180,040.84
         2.. ...
         3. .. ...  . .. ·  4,472.48  3,525.60  15,008.24 ... ..  6,308.24  125.00  29,529.56
         4... "  ...  0,882.10  6,949.67  21,1)112.70  25.29 .  '353.04  250.00  39,423.70
         6 . .."  '1  23,904.71  19,252.44  66,858.81  2.~1  58,880.60  1,350.00  170,255.47
         ?:  . ...  ... · ·  4,855 25  8,283. il  21,000.25  ... 906.71  144 , 5(J  Ei,OI->3.11
         8.          7,920.03  3,528,00  12.580,75    ...      .. ..... .....  24,028,78
         9... "      5,420,35  11,865,87  24,705.08     1,065:75'  ., .. '  43,957,05
        10.. , .     0,440.46  3,018.60  13,384.51       3,294.78  125.00  31,263,37
        Il..         5,013.82  2,022,79  11,473.57        145.85 ... ...  . ..  18,056.03
        12., . .. ... ..  10,977,83  5,919,79  IVI74, fn  IH 1. 80  125.00  29,909.32
        13, . ....   U155.70   HI3.~3   604.59  .. ...  ...    .. ...      2,054.12
        14..         2.605. Hl  1,261. !:i9  6,105,{)4 ...  ... '4,:38'  341.28  i25:ôO'  10,438.17
        15 ... .     23:030,91  9,892,77  31,559.64     24,689.79  625.00  89,802,49
        lfi..        0,177,07  3,0.-59.25  17,633,05     6,724.72  12.5 .00  3J,719,09
        17..   ...   13,633.72  5,735.02  25,570.21     11,B89 ,89  125.00  50,754.44-
        18. , ..     4,794.05  7,355.78  14,4{l·1.50           .. , ," .. " ,  2t:i,Ij44.3:i
        19"   ....   I,G71. 24  6,404.15  13,174,33                       21,249,72
        20.. ........  18.348.44  9,774.28  13,605,14  8.ô7  "22',b75:i1i'  'iiJo,OO'  64,812.24
        21. ...., , . ,  1(755,79  11,579.74  24,Ofi9.91  4.57  8,444.24  12.5,00  55,979,25
        22 ... ... ..  5,4fiO.01  8,4.'53.39  12,844.67  1,145.0fi  35,664.47  750.00  64,318.20
        93.. ,... ...  28,275, !:il  15,482.55  44,983.82  54.92  :f;~~:~~  1,074.10  135,269.34
        24..         28,H1.13  21,255.9{  32,894.24  365,30 j    l,fi25.00  126,346.90
        TOTAL•. .......  474,244.:17  259,018.26  652,'73.0  ',815.99  411,824.'9  12,0",51  1,816,320. D5
           (1) En outre, une somme ds $484,504,!l9 a ~té pA.",pe pOUl' IlAgÎst:J.nee médioole.-Bet>ides, tbe Bum of $484,W4.99
        t1{E!.S pp,id for medieal aid,
   459   460   461   462   463   464   465   466   467   468   469