Page 450 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 450

~  ~  '-3  ~  '-3  Ci  ~  ~  ~  '"  ~  ~  ~  ?5  '-3  :;:  '-3  i  ....  .....  ....
          la   in             c.       36.6  4:l,5  :H.7  61.2  53.2  30.4  20.4  20.·1  91.5  35.0  20.0  }''>.6  10.8  15.4  11.3  21.~  12.2  130  0  92  40.'l  9  14  .  3.9
          de   Cities     Dt-c.  45.0  24.2  13.5  20.2  20.8  40.6  30.0  1  13  1  2  1  $8  $2.R1  $5.63
          termes       _  Nov.  ------  c.  45.4  24.6  13,4  20,1  22.0  41.0  31.2  36.6  41.0  33.1  61.8  49.8  28.6  20.4  20.4  00.0  3fi.O  26.0  15.6  lO.6  J5.ô  11.6  24.8  122  13  1.3  9  a  ;jt\  9  91  04  $8  3.8  $2'831J'J'83  $5.63
          en   S.lxty-Nine  Gd.  c.  47.4  25.4  13.2  20.8  22.7  41.0  :U.8  36.0  35.8  l  30  61.2  47.0  21.1  19.9  19.9  8S.!I  34.0  26 ..')  15.8  10.6  15.l3  12.1  25.2  122  130  0  13  !)  fi  36 $7 ;;:--,1-,·1-'·1-'·-c  3,8  35..";71$5.63  .
          loyer  in      1 Sept.  ('.  49.2  25.ô  12.8  21.1  23.1  40.2  31.8  34.4  31.2  26.4  60.6  43.6  25.4  19.6  19.6  88,li  33.0  26.0  15.8  10.4  15.9  12.1  2S.6  12.6  J  13  1  13  93  1  33  9[ $7741$7 9  3.8  52.81  1

          et   PriceR    Août  -  Aug.,  c.  50.0  26.ft  12.7  21.6  22.7  ·fO.4  30.5  31.8  27.7  27.3  60.6  43.0  25.0  1Q,7  HL7  8.1;j.•'i  33.0  26.0  IS.6  10.6  16.2  12.3  25.0  12.6  Q  12  11  12  4  Q  2  41  71  $7  3.8  S2.80  $5.57  -
          éclairage  Retail  1  Jud.  1  -  July  c.  50.6  28.0  12.9  21.4  22.5  40,2  30.2  31.0  24.7  21.2  60.0  42.8  24.8  19.9  19.9  8ii.5  33.0  213.0  lU.8  16.0  12.4  25.6  12.6  130  0  J3  9::1  4  25  .9  53  3.8  $2.80  $5.57  -

          et           _~5  Juin  -  June  ('.  47.8149.6  28.0  12.9  21.7  21.3  .1!J.2  30.1  31.0  22.6  1\:1.0  61.2  46.6  26,3  20.0  20.0  88.5  114,0  26.0 15.615.615.815.6  10.6  16.0  12.4  26,0  126  130  1  0  13  1  4  q  1  9  25  5  9  Q  $7 -;- 54  52  3.8  $2.81  55.57
          combustible  Canada.  du  Averag,e  the  of  Mui  Anil  -  -  MIIY  April ------------------------  o.  e.  45.2  26.s  25.2  12.6  12.7  21.4  21.5  20,4  20.0  39.0  38.6  30.5  31.2  304  30.4  22.0  24.3  HL6 25.9120.3  61.8  61.8  408  49.2  28.6  28.1  20.1  20.0  201  21l,0  88.•'i  8!L'i  34.0  aa.o  26.0  26.0  10.4  lU.4  15.1

          g,énécale,  villeR soixante-neuf  Terms  ln  MaT>!  l"6v.  -  -  Mar.  }<'('b.  c.  c.  42.-1  41.8  23.4  22.f\  12.8  12.9  :lU. \:1  20.9  20.0  19.9  38.4  38.4  31.6  31.\:1  30.4  29.8  31.4  :'12.9  27.0  61.8  61.8  51.0  48.6  29.6  28.0  19.9  19.7  l'l.9  19.7  90.0  88.5  33.0  34.U  26.0  26.0  16.0  15.8  10.2  10.2  15.0

          consommation  dans  Rent  and  Canada. __1~1._~~____________  1 Juil.  Jll.n.  -  July  c.  1  c.  40.0  45.4  21.6  24.4  12.1  IL9  19.7  20,5  19.4  20.9  .17.81  .17.4  32.3  31.1  29.2  25.2  ~7.0  24,9  29.5  21.1  61.8  58.2  44.4  44.2  2J.5  25.2  19.4  0  20  104  20.0  90.0 88.5187.0  34.0  33.0  26.0  25.0  J5.8  9.8  9.2  1

          de  détail  Lig,hting,  Ja.n  --  July  c.  ~  40.0  4t.4  21.8  2t.O  12,0  120  19.0  20.5  16.6  16.1  3l.4  30,0  21.6  20.4  27.0  25.4  ~0.7  21.1  30.2  17.1  58.2  54.6  48.8  39.8  28.4  19.7  19.4  H).7  19.4  &4.0  31.0  31.0  20.0  2:L!) 16.416.016.216.2  8.8  8.2  15.5  14.9  123  11.7  32.tJ  31.6  15.6  15.4  II
          d'aliments  de  prix  des  and  Fuel  .TAon  ----.  c.  41.2  22.2  122  16.6  12.7  28.0  18,1  210.6  39.1  29.5  57.U  45.ô  26.1123.8  19.6  19.13  R4.0  26.0  23.0  7.8  15.ô  10,8  '123.2  ..  2  11  ..  R  10  8  10  . '110  2  ..  0  31  .  9  94  1$6  3.8  '2.931$2.83  , ....  $5.91')  1  PriC(;8  from

          familial  moyenne  Foods.  Quantit.6  Qua.utity  )--  2liv.-Iba..  2"  1  1  1  2  J  2  douiO.-do  1  l 6ptes-qts.. "  2]iv.-lb~.  J"  1  1  l5  10  5  2  2  1  1  4,  2  !1  l-{  X  % aac-bag..  .~pte-qt....  .I~liv.-lb,.,.  , ...  ., ....  Illois-mth.  .!7.î  1035.-Extract

          budget  Staple  of                .        . .. pi<lkrd       .      --  l'd'f"lJ-1ltlu,

          d'un  Budg,et        mrloin, ...  ~ho\l1der..  ~houl'--'.,~. .. rOll3t . ... le.g  '  ~lt  breakfast Baeon, r,ure..  rl?~h.  .1~fil:KB. ~torBge. .  clairy  r.rell.lUery  old....  new,.  .,. • Brf'ail. farnily.  oats. Rolled . l-uanrl  CVll.POlBted,.  mediuUl.... . .. PruneR. granuIBf.<ld.  yel10w  bl:lolJk..  gre<,n.  )·OODS.  ALI,  ]ll

          semaine  of     ARTICLEB-eOMMODITIE8  . .Reef.  . .....Boof.  .. Vea.l,  Mutton,  Pork,  . Pork.  Lard,  .  . .J!;gge,  Milk  .nut.ter.  . ... Butter,  ..' . .Chep.sP-, . ..  •  FLour,  . .H.icP-.  .FI"''''l!l.  .  Applf'S.  f:'iuj;I":u,  SlIII:n.r,  Tell..  T",a,  .CoITee...  .P~tatoes.  Vllw,gllr.  Bt.arch,  .. Fllt'lll.nd  ill'flt  T

          paT  Week  peT           ., . de..  ...•....  .  cr~merie.  ..  nouv~n.u.  •  •  •  •  •  .  .  ,  .  .  terre...  ALIMENTli •.  éclairage.  PTi~  de
          Collt                aloyau... Rœuf, épallle...... (-paule.  rôti  cUÎs~e.  Bll!t'  déjeuner.  il.  Raindoux..... Œufs, d',mtrepot. frail!.  ferml'.  de  v;P.ux.  . ... ménage •  •  <  ue  roulée...  tri~Cll.....  tapée".  PrnneBllll.....  grBnulé  jaune.  , .  noir.  vert..  dP- .  Tous  .,  En.rait.

          2S -  25--Cost       Bœuf,  Veau,  Mouton,  Porc,  Porc,  Dacon  Œufs  BP-urre de  Beurre  From~,e:"  Fromage  Pain.  Farine  Avoine  Rii:,  Fèves,  Pommes  Bucre,  Sucre,  Thé  Thf  Café.......  P?lliPlea  VUl;j.tgre.  Amidon,  Cornbtllltible  Lo)'er. ..
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