Page 442 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 442


                                        (1916 = 100)

             19- Nombres-indices pondérés des prix de gros, par i,roupes, au Canada.
             19-Weighted Index-Numbers of WholesaJc Priees, by Groups, ln Canada.

                          1            }l'ibrell,  BoÛ!-  OOD-  Mttlll. Prnouit.El  TOUte9
                          !     AnimalU te.x.tiles  ,t  Fer et  fl'lreUX  laides  chimi-  ~~
           ANNÉES Jill' :M0I8  Produits  ,t  ,t  prod~ts,  ,~  ,t    ques et  clul.n~
                          végétll.lIl: produits  ti..e.sus  pa.pler  dérivAI  prDduit~ produits conne1e~  di~
                -           -     -     -     -     -     ~     -     ~      -
                          Vegetablr:> Anî  Fibres,  Wood  Iron  :"ron-  ~on-  ~hemie-  AIl
         YEARB Alm MONTHS  Products  =d  Textiles  .nd  and  FeTrOU8 Metallic aIs and  Com-
                                IPrOdUdS  Products  Producœ, Products Metals MineraIs  Products  marl-
                          I                             Produch Products
                     INDICES MENSUELS EN 1934-MüNTHLY INDEXES IN 1934
        Janvier, ' ... ,January.,  04.4  M,9'"  72,7  65.1  86,6  67.0  86,0  80.6  70.7
        F~vrier..  · .February.  65.6  70.6  14.4·  65.2  87.1  6A.8  1 8A.2  BO.5  72.1
        ),fars.•.  ... March...  65.8  70.4  14.5  65.3  87.2  66.0  8fl.2  1 81.0  72.1
        Avril. ..  ... ~ri1. ..  1  64. fi  67.8  1 74.4  65.5  87.2  65,7  85.7  81.6  71.3
        MaL ..  '.  a."v ..  65.2  65.9  74.2  65.7  67.4  6'1 . .5  85. :;;  1  81.0  71.1
        Juin•.  .... June.  67.4  67.1  13.8  66.2  87.5  1\4.1  1 85.6  81.9  72.0
        Juillet...  · .July....  68.5  66.0'"  72.9  65.8  87.1  63.2  "'Ll  81.8  72.0
        AoUt....... · .August....  70.0  65.9'"  72.0  65.4  87.1  63.0  86.1  81.5  72.2
        Septembre  Rpptf!mher.  68.6  t'l7.4  71.8  65.3  86.6  62.1  86.1  81.7  71.9
        OCtobre, .. · . Ocrtober....  66.6  67.8  71.4  65.2  R6.7  62.2  86.1  sn.5  7L3
        Novembre.  . Novembe.f...  66.5  66.7  71.3  64.9  86.7  63.1  86.0  80.3  71.1
        DWem.bre. '. Deoember..  66.1  66.2  71.5  64.5  8fl.8  63.7  86.1  BO.4  71.1
                                                        1           1
                   INDICES MENSUELS EN 1935 (1)-MONTHLy I)l'DEXES l:'f 1935 (1)
                                                  1     ,
        Janvier  J  lLUWtry..  ".8  67.3  71.1  M.6  86.'  64.0  86.4  80.5  71.4
        F~vrier.  ..F ebruary..  67.1  69.3  71.0  1\4.8  87.2  63.9  8tUI  80.4  71. 8
        Mare.... ,  .. M areb..  67.4  69.7  70.4  1 64.4  87.6  65.2  85.8  80.5  71.9
        US! ... .•tf. ril..  69.4  69.1  1 70.3  63.9  87.4  67.9  85.8  1 80.0  7'2.5
                  ay..      68.0  69.2  70.6  63.9  81.4  70.7  85.3  79.8  72.2
        Juiu....  ..J une ..  "'1  ".1  :  68.7  7004  63.9  87.2  69.6  85.1  79.8  71.4
        Juîllet. .  .J uly..  ".0  68.6  70.8  1\4.3  87.1  titi.y  84.6  79.8  71. 4
        Août,    A ugu~t..  66.1  69.9  10.6  64.2  87.1  69.9  85.0  19.5  11.1
        Septembre  S eptember.  67.5  12.1  68.8  65.1  87.2  11.1  85.2  76.9  72,4
        Octobre  0  ctober ....  68.4  73.6  69.2  65.0  87.2  73.7  1  85.0  77.4  73.1
        Novembre  N  ovembre.  67.2  1.1.0  69.6  65.3  81.2  73.4  85.0  77.4  12.1
        Décembre  D eoember .  61.1  1 73.0  69.6  65.g  .s7.2  71.5  8ü.1  77.6  72,7
                          1     1     1     1           1     1
                      INDICES ANNUELS, 1\l14-3-S--A~NUALINDEXES. 1914-35
        lDaS (n             67.3  70.4  70.2  64.6  87.2  69.1  85.5  19.1  12.1
        1934...       . . . ..  1  66.6  1  61.2  72.9  6504-  87.0  64.3  86.0  81.2  71.6
        1933....            59.3  59.4  69.7  ti2.8  85..  M.3  ".4   81.3  67.1
        1932..              04.8  .59.7  69.7  1  69.1  80.3  "'.0  85.5  83.9  tl6.7
        1931. ..            06 .•  73.9  73.4  79.1  87.4  B4.6  86.5  8tl.7  72.1
        1930...             77.7  99.1  81.8  88.7  91.1  80.7  91. 3  92.8  86.6
        1929.    .....      91.6  109.0  91.3  93.9  93.1  99.2  92.9  95.4  95.6
        1928.. ..           93.0  108.1  Q4.5  98.7  93.2  92.0  92.5  95.3  90.4
        1921..              98.3  101.9  93.7  98.5  96.2  91. 5  96.5  98.3  97.7
        1521.     ........  uo.•  180.0  lU•.O  100.•  100.•  180.•  100.•  100.0  IOG.O
        1925., . , ...     100.6  100.3  112.5  101.6  104.5  103.9  100.3  99.6  102.6
        1924... ." ...  .....  89.2  91. 8  117.9  105.9  Ill.0  04.8  104.1  102.6  99,4
        192a ... ..         83.7  95.0  116. g  1 113.0  11.'5.8  95.3  104.4  10404  98.0
        1922..              86.2  90.0  101.7  1 106.3  104.6  97.3  lU7.0  106.4  97.3
        1921. ..  ....     103.5  109.6  1 96.0  129.4  128.0  97.0  116.6  U7.0  IlO.O
        192'0..            167.0  145.1  176.6  154.4  168.4  135.5  112.2  141.5  155.9
        1919... .....  ...  136.1  140.8  163.8  109.6  139.1  133.5  93.0  117.6  133.9
        1918...            127.9  127.1  167.1  8\1.1  156.7  141.9  82.3  Il8.7  127.4
        1917.. ... .. . .. . .......  124.6  llO.4  114.6  79.8  151.M  143.9  71.6  fiS. 1  114.a
        1916.. ..... ..........  87.0  .... 0  77.6  64.0  1 104.6  135.1  58.0  78.0  ".3
        1916... ... ..... ..  ....  75.6  72.6 ....  56.5  73.9  106.9  52.7  08.1  70.4
        1914..             64.8               BO.3  67.3  94.7  53.7  65.3  65.5
          l!') Bcvisl!i depuis la Jlubliea1.ian de l'ÂnnuaÎN de 1935.-ReviEed siuee the publication of the 1935 Yea7 Boole.
          (l) Sujets à révÎl!:ion..-Bubieet to reVÏ8ion.
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