Page 247 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 247
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2.016 3,330 8,590 77,392 220 2,246 1,7:13 2,451 10,040 10,781 42,197 6,305 204 816 483 19 9,125 2.7.'i0 1,701 5,841 256,335 7,157 1,033 5 49,679 :i5.2HI J,759 6,421 4,391 5.57,893 34,984 ~,O.'5Z
1935 2.326.848 2,887,n7 1,44$,610 3,.401,574
.,- 385... 1 93 5 694. - 99 .
~-~~--,---- 1 3 623 .... 594 280 432 262 343 8481 .. 31 689 ,"""---~"-""'"
1934 4,804 5,025 HI,077 6,54.3 1,151 1,840 165,222 10,543 5O~74fi 1,:MI2 681 4,778 1,309 4,.'i13 ]2,566 1,970,824 1,146 9,855 266 224,461 5,417 366 6,006 ,')5,219 34,135 6,292 27,332 13,9:'\4 2,ln,5J.9 130,469 2,7n,9&8 57,179 23,038 2,697.771
~~a3 3,899 IID,003 ~~,656 :''15,831 1,181 , If'I,I93 '::-li',4Yfi , ~,988 1~',885 ..1,,114 1,211 1,608 1,4.'i2 '[,627 l,: ',.J,H9 :;'1,7,031 "7,035 L,662 :~'~:lJ,891 '"R,31!'i ;:~,927 "NJ,997 1,240 ---1- :2;.,130 m,il!MTf,425 ~_,S55 :'*,1,264 :~~~,152 a;,.',U, 'li
," , ~,' 2,426, 1,11:'!, 7,698, 951 49 , .. 1,359i ~~I 35.'5 368 37(1 152 7J 62 444 2(1:'(1 tot~l >'
1962 .......... • 28,340 2,963 10,392 ....... 1,363 29,256 .......... 1,772 l,78B UH5 3,021 2,368,198 4,950 347,507 21,518 21,OWJ 5,713 .....~:~~~II 2,'28.6(11 fJ74,39f:i 3,902,896 85,068 3,,~;j~ "--,---" the
111 26.775 769 58,509 40.199 436 1,219 1,582 10,754 ...... ,.. , 30,121 5,919 888 9,960 339 955 44' 223 3,401 1,083 3,604 1,627 4,.'596,193 6,224- 152 104 960,982 3.5,.i3.'1 1,':116 ",0 918 73,942 19,209 7,508 26,507 5,349 .......... 5,934,002 1,158.162 7.092,1" 17,)'5271 .'6,91&~i;37
successions. Succession~. 1930 235 • 12,844 12,938 34,041 14,332 914 15,Il6 3,429 725 446 8,634 15..'586 .......... 19.128 2,123 2,764 535 1,572 4,670 5,993 4,017,954 4,389 4,,11,1 l 120,734 1l,80Y 1,701 399 1,992 106,748 37,347 ,'i,485 21.318 64,266 713,180 5.268,D89 lW'e F·~=.''''~~~.. ~.'~''"
les 1 188 • 773 600 "8 5 .. 409 623 . "'" 325 1 9UCC688ioWl 0/ Queooc.
sur on 192f1 50,444 10,488 29,886 35,901 3,65!'i ........ 73.082 Il,32S 14,296 3,584 4,131 1,676 i,ùi:i 3,52!; 2,461,444 4,811 2,['27 f116,466 6,221 4,265 1,799 57,283 16,330 2,679 14,551 30,978 716,172 4,183.577 to PTOmnCfJ
droits Dutles , 412 • 5,AA1 450 1,672 2,209 320 7 78 8,61)2 824 177 2,052 91 3,088 ..... 9,273 4,302 1,145 239 3,477 342 4,359 2,642 ref\l.ods
des from 1928 11,101 • 16,131 &4,344 30,790 64,851 .'t',S30 2,591.361 168,023 19,117 61,356 10,112 18,ltH 24,459 607,273 3,74O,QO 1934. 1982, to of the Account8 ,...,'......,'''','"'W,,,.~".,"''''''"'~,~', ....".,....·._'''~_~ ...,'''~,.,
provenant Derlved " 1927 760 106,006 4,861 15,007 51,843 1,4]8 1,609 10,647 47' 38 354,978 7,019 8,323 11,710 3,707 1,628 4,398 998 550 44. 2,672 4,266 1,998,920 1,1831 1, 843 1 J5I 217,209 16,825 1,809 16 2,446 127,965 12,032 3,144 21,437 17,437 639,519 3,653.89& , before totaJ..-Up Publù
(1) (1) 19~6 • 50 9,943 8,370 11.773 10,363 1,128 265 2,502 130 34,071 20,983 Il,912 1,463 ....... 705 320 49 84 3,898 1,382,391 5,186 2,447 105 176,2,')1 7,8,')3 2,612 102 198 52,240 10,293 2,550 13.832 2,367 470$'12 2,257,m " re,\-'('uue, of du lrom .. ~_,-
Revenu 7---Revenue 146 • 25 945 36." ...... ......... 9 4 734 2 . ... ... .. 115 "' 754 43 386 722 ......... 1 insteu.d retmnehéœ été
7 - 1925 10,772 2,837 21,773 1a,IM 1,661 2,206 4,862 10,149 12,420 5,856 2,967 1,210,609 2,473 13,813 1.498 474,m~6 1;1,914 1.520 26,488 14,760 17,352 40,310 485,046 2,423,149 8uece;;~ioDB Quh"bce.-Extrll.ct ont
• ..... 1934.-Reeeipl.s «6
243 8,721) 3,111 1,942 4,955 146 313 3,8B1 6,174 17 7,951 2,272 1,858 383 654 2,488 1, 655 1 2,739 533 7,186 5,078 uas
1~24 13,610 23,435 10,619 'Ï:i,~ Ull4,43!) 182,663 ."4.2;470 14,814 13,378 10,711 686,749 2,977.151 I1UX pr'tI1'inœ
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