Page 245 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 245

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                    1935  ---  l,78O  1,404  2,093  4,600  8,392  6,]SI  1,175  13,481  7,535  1,087  1,249  638  634  590,825  227  193  74,344  803  2,062  1,074  706  21,07,')  1,420  1,673  23,198  767,828  .- "-
                      ------1---  1,683  1,048  3,240  6,537  10,723  Il,304  • • • • • • • • • • 1•  1,009  17,810  8,930  1,561  I,S17  1,031  79G  501,783  336  227  100,002  963  2,3g4  1,841  1,262  18,588  1,856  2,200  20,294  815,835
                    1934  1,513  •  1,575  2,682  -J,R02  9,188  8,130  1 981  16,062  7,81:18  1,530  1,503  828  717  568,029  211  161  83,356  77.  2,248  ],229  760  20,SSg  1,58L  1,688  24,058  762,998  ._--

                    1933  •             1

                    llJ32  1,802  1,995  3,383  7,635  9,837  12,264  . ...  1,169  17,0,SJ  8,979  1,890  1,704  1,071  1,080  612,851  264  98,289  1,122  2,755  2,017  927  fl,744  1,417  2,168  26,265  .....-

                      -   •  [:,I!&  ~;1'1  1"'"  'JiJ'  ~,:!:I  . , .  ,',  :~,!'t  I..~  L~I  L~  •  b,.b.  'J.i!.  i  ;~,,~I'  "  '~  li',f:  l,~'  1,.s~
          PROVlIll,all:  ~m  1'.[  •  895  Ij;~'~  1  1  165  '~,,-I'  037  :~:IC:  779  :t5,'Œli  lIlIJ\atT,

          THE  Judiciaires.  Stamps.  1.30  1  1,650  •  1,781  3,1:103  5,190  10,532  18,325  21,145  10,195  1,524  1,578  1,326  1,072  030,966  1  106,326  2,941  2,515  5,9a5  1,224  1,753  20,059  862,S25  of Quebu.

          OF  timbres  Law  from  1929  1  1,831  1,686  •  2,423  5,160  10,093  16,767  1,040  21,202  9,611  1,471  1,485  1,125  997  5S9,:~:  98,804  846  2,750  2,412  651  6,045  1,4U5  1,710  29,129  n8,Sn  Pr-ooin=
          PROVINCE-REVENUE  des provenant  Derlved  (1)  1928  1921  1  1,284  1,547  •  1,906  1,785  2,468  2,673  5,197  4,506  8,539  8,199  3,904  3,559  887  856  21,aB3  20,254  9,177  8,557  1,493  1,659  1,995  1,964  1,110  530  1,147  1,190  531,621 476.844  199  150  <]0,258 84,783  834  764  2,814  2,420  1,963  1,610  748  633  6.18

          LA  (1) Revenu  5-Revenue  1926  1,173  •  1,620  2,644  5,258  8,557  2,718  876  21.124  7,409  ••2  1,893  43.5  .42  477,404  214  84,952  676  1 1.954  1,8M  M2  6,638  884  1,667  26,165  658.293J  revenue,  oi  inste&d  from
          DE         1    •                                                      Qutbec.-Extraet
             -  5        922  1,497  2,778  5,152  8,310  2,562  1,044  19,286  1,405  1,259  2,050  483  ] ,467  4Gl,098  238  88,897  734  2,051  1,834  611  6,386  94<]  1,900  27,231  646,144
          REVENU    19205  -  •                          . "             i    1934,-Reoeipts  de

                      ---------    . . ,.  ..........  "  ..  "."   .......1  ................  ....••••  1 ..............  avant  revenu,  la  de  publice
                    1924  780  • 1,761  2,958  6,460  8,527  2,959  1,178  20,526  8,612  1,012  2,45\:1  811  1,310  431,247  364  1.  96,161  912  3,233  2,277  608  8,".  1,480  2U~  612,341  provinCll

                    DIBTRICTS  ...........         ..........            i:~:~':;'i';"~Th;~,iÙv;;;  TOTAL .•  de  lieu  8.11 Recettes  OOtnp{t,I  des

                         Abitibi..  Arthabaeka...  Beauce........  Beauharnais..  Bedford....  . Chicoutimi  Frontenall.  GRllpé." ..  Hull..  Ibervi1Je ..  .  Joliette.  KlUlloure.aka..  Mont.calm ......  ~~~té:f.~~·.·.··  Nioold..  Pontiac.  Québeo..  Richelieu...  Rimouski.....  Roberval ....  Sa!i?renay . ..  an""...  8t- 8t-Hyacinthe..  (1)
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