Page 143 - Annuaire Statistique Québec - 1918
P. 143


                    14 - Nombre des 61êves inscrits dans les écoles normales.
                      14-Number of Pupits Enrolled in Normal Schools.
                 -          1927-28 \ 1928-29  1929-30  1930-31  1 1931-32  1932-33  1933-34  Hl34-35
          NORMAI, SeHGûLB
        n. O,l.RÇONS:-FoR Boys:
         J o.oques-Cartier.   107    97    10.    U8     U'     123   U8     100
         Moodono.ld.           10     8      7     10     27    45     31     12
         Laval.....            76    72     82     82     7Il   82     81     82
              TOTAL...        19>    177   19>    210    220    "0    210    200
        D.~"ILLES:·FoR Gnu..a:
         Jacques-Cartier..    144    131   144    155    145    ,.2   114    133
         Macdonald..          189    140   120    143    217    251   218
         Laval.. .....         77    71     87    120    10.    105    88    ''''
         Rimouski .•...        82    93     90     89     87    73     70     84
         Chicoutimi...        123    125   109    100     83    55     47     48
          Nicolet ..................  121  106  U4  115  100    65     91     78
         Troi~-Riviêres-Three River.>  85  87  75  73    100    83     73     58
         Valleyfield. . . ... . . ... ...  122  120  125  117  U'  108  101  102
         HulL .. ..           73     68     78     76     80    90     81     74
         Joliette......        81    80     83     82     88    84     66
          St-Hyaciuthe        152    130   155    160    17.    165   134    142
          St-Pasrf.\l. ..     148    142   151    141    137    121   UO     104
          Sllerbrooke..       96     91    100    107    123    83     fi3    68
         Bcauceville.         65     80     80     69     71    60     52     70
         St-Jérôme..           53    96     68     91    U4     117   112     98
         Gaspé... ...    :i   35     35     51     43     36    34  1  31     30
          Roben'a1. ... ...    50    57     53     47     41    35     30     43
          MOllt-Laurier.       01    86     92     91     92    lOO    97     90
          Ville-Marie.  ..... .. .... ...  1 ...... ..  ..... , .  33  40  33  34
              TOTAL.. ... . ..... ..  l,7S1  1,744  1,795  1,819  1,939  1,821  1,646  1,530
        DE FREll;lrB;-FOR BRO'l'W!:RB;  1
         ArtbabaAkp, ... ...........                       ..   64     41     60
         Granb~' ..                                      68     106   112    106
         IberviLle.. ' ...... , .                         38    88    110    100
         Lapnârie ..... , ... ,                           75    88     97    103
         LaVlLl-dI?A-Rapides..... , ..                   130    135   114    102
          Montré:>l (FF. Ste-Croix) ..                    22    40     67     65
          ?>.·1ontrpal rFF. St-Gabriel)                   39    63            91
         PoinW-du-Lac............ '                       27    32     "      75
         RU-alld , . ..: ::!           ...                57    59     55     58
         Ste-Foy.              .... ;.  1·                44    57     51     67
         Sorel.          .. "î              ... ,         lB    4B     37     24
                           i            1---·
              TOTAL..                                    516    77B   848    801
              GRAND TOTAL    1.950  1,921  1,988  2,029  2,675  2,849  2,724  2,581
                         ·1             1      1            1
             15 - Subventions du gouvernement de la province aux écoles normales(l).
                    15-Provincial Government Grants to Normal Schools(l).
                 -          1927-28  1928--29  1929-30  1930-31  1931-32  1932-33  1933--34  1934-35
                              8      8     8      •      •      •     •      •
        JaeQues-eartier.     51,425  5.j,8fJ,5  ,58.073  60,361  52,067  63,397  61,129  59,703
        Laval.  ...          42,000  50,996  .j3,789  M,4ÇJl  50,667  63,044  54,929  50,123
        Rïmonski ..  .....   11,100  Il,394  12,117  12,708  12,52,5  12,564  12.492  12,742
        Cbicoutimi..  .....  Il,904  11,866  12,065  12,,536  12,185  12,776  12.368  12,138
        Nicolet ... , .•. , ............  12,150  11,846  12.001  12,836  11,938  12,932  13.2SQ  12,618
        Trois-Rivières-Three Rivers,.  11,200  11,514  11,741  12,240  12,037  12,336  12,368  12,473
        Vp,lleyfield ....  ........  11,440  11,725  11,805  12,324  12,213  12,3ÇJô  12,204  12,309
        Hull.........        11.915  11,200  11,429  13,168  11,820  13,820  12,515  Il,538
        Jolictte.......      11,700  11,913  ]1,825  13,19d  12,106  13,148  12,656  12,428
        8t-Hyp,ciDtbc.       11,692  12,030  12,449  12,924  11,878  14,892  13,188  13,221
        St-PascaL ...        9,500  9,550  9,725  9,700  9,737  9,000  9.600  11.537
        Sherbrooke..  ..... ....  11,530  11,610  11,909  12,912  Il,OOc.  13,368  12,816  12,866
        Beaucevillc ..  ........ ...  10,900  Il,12,5  11,521  12,164  12,633  13,128  12,000  11,704
        St-JérÔme..          10.000  11.125  11,192  11,590  11,610  11,720  12,Oœ  Il,873
        Gaspé... .....  .......  11,700  11.700  11,700  Il,700  11,700  11,700  11.700  11,700
        Roberval ...• , . . ........ ..  10,700  10,858  11,275  11,900  12,132  12,118  12,000  12,153
        Mont~Laurier•....    10,400  10,463  10,817  11,666  Il.854  11,&35  11,,534  Il,838
        VilIe--Ma.:rie......  ... . . ,. ...... .......  ...  ....... , .  9,138  11.000  Il,000  10,950
              TOTAL...•..•.•....  252,233  275,781  285,433  298,422  290,146  325,774  309.887  :J03,9U
           (1) Les totaux de ce tableau De ootre5pondent pas aux cbiffres indiqu~ à la page 131 parce que CeTtain9 mon·
        tantll ont été transpoTtés à d'autr6l'3 comptes.-The totals of this table differ from figures given on page 131 becaUlle
        some amounts have been tran8ferred to otber accounts.
   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148